I did a 3 hour healing session today in La Paz and am a bit tired! All well in Bolivia - I have Skype set up and can make phone calls to clients in States and to friends. My Skype ID is abundantmichael if you want to contact me. Weather is wonderful - 70 degrees and sunny every day. Beautiful mountains and friendly people. I am learning Spanish fast with so many people to practice with!


And easy to run my computer business remotely with gotmypc, Skype and email. The 4 Hour Work Week book tips on working remotely really do work!! :-) BTW I heard from some people that thought I had sold my business and had a bundle of money in the bank allowing me time and money to travel - no! I am still running it and I have very little money in bank. I had to overcome fears and go for it. So glad that I followed my intuition and did that. Once you are abroad it actually costs less to live than in US plus there is the adventure factor of being in a new country!