This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we join Rukmini Diane Maria Bongiorni for an evening of Black Hat Tantric Sect Feng Shui. Feng Shui is the Chinese art of organizing your environment for more success, a better health, and a happier life.


During this evening, we will explore a guided meditation entitled, "Meditation of the Five Religious Founders and Manjushri Budhisattva." Each person selects their own five religious founders for the meditation. Manjushri Budhisattva represents the highest wisdom and carries a sword, indicating his mastry of strong law to stop a person from committing any injurious act. After the meditation, we will discuss individual cures for various areas of human life.


The basic difference between Compass School and Black Sect Feng Shui is the use of directions as an absolute. When I was in China in October three Feng Shui masters told me that my home was facing the wrong direction. All three suggested the only thing I could do to remedy that drastic problem was to move. In my opinion these theories were based on information thousands of years ago, when picking up and moving was easy and practical.

Today, in this hemisphere and with the scarcity of good Real Estate it is simply not realistic or practical. Another major difference is the reliance on astrological information. Compass bases the orientation of the direction of the Bagua on this information. There are different views within the school on how to do find that. Some suggest there is a head of household. Yet in this country marriages and partnerships are theoretically based on equality.

In the BTB school, astrological information is very important to the success and happiness in ones life. The key to a healthy, prosperous balanced life culminates several factors: karma, education and application - how you take of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, spiritual practices, accumulation of good deeds, destiny - astrology, and Feng Shui. Each aspect can be used as a tool to enhance your life and well being. So if one practices spirituality in all aspects of your life the quality improves even if let's intelligence was not something you were born with a great deal of this aspect will be greatly improved. BTB Feng Shui is used in homes and businesses quite successfully throughout the world. From WOFS website

Rukmini Diane Bongiorn is a Feng Shui consultant, energy healer, and tarot reader. She studied for several years with Grandmaster Thomas Lin Yun, who brought Feng Shui to America. She is also a student of Eileen Conti Weklar, a senior student of Grandmaster's for decades. dbongiorni (at) or 202-744-3698


The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm. I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.