(From Natural News) What's ahead for 2011 - 2012? This time in human history promises to bring forth more changes than any other similar duration of time known to our civilization. I believe the changes that will occur in the next two years will rock the foundations of our economies, governments and belief systems. In the end, after considerable turmoil, I see a great expansion of human consciousness and a maturing of the human race.
  • More people growing their own food
  • Living in self-reliance in more rural areas.
  • Increased awareness of natural remedies and health freedom
  • Natural childbirth and questioning drugging of children
  • Shift away from pharmaceuticals and toward disease prevention and nutrition
  • Change over  water fluoridation, mercury fillings and GMOs GMO labeling of food
  • More demand for liberty and freedom, Expect to see Ron Paul and Rand Paul do extraordinarily well in the coming years
  • A rise in the Tenth Amendment movement in America  The Tenth Amendment, by the way, specifically reserves all rights not specifically granted to the federal government to be held by the States or the People.
  • A new Big Government war on internet freedom. And an online war between the "empire" (the USA and the UN) and the "rebel alliance" (the internet hackers such as 'anonymous').
  • By the end of 2012, significant food supply disruptions in North America, brought about either by radical weather affecting crop yields or perhaps the invasion of disease indirectly caused by the over-use of pesticides or GMOs. The number of people in America struggling to feed themselves and their families will rise along with food prices (see next). This will inevitably result in a huge increase in crime (burglaries, thefts) at precisely the same time that cities are laying off local law enforcement officers due to budgetary restrictions.
  • Expect to see food prices climb with alarming speed over the next two years.
  • Oil prices will also trend sharply upwards over the next two years.
  • By late 2012, the economic downfall of the United States will have accelerated, and the inevitable collapse of the U.S. dollar will by that time have become apparent to virtually everyone. The ability of the U.S. Treasury to auction its debt will drop sharply as ratings institutions either downgrade U.S. debt or publicly threaten to.

More details at:


More people waking up to reality

Today, most people are sleepwalking through their lives, functioning as cogs in a giant machine of which they have no knowledge and no control. Over the next two years, that will significantly change. More and more people will be awakened into a state of awareness. They will realize that living out their lives working mundane jobs, watching television, eating junk food and taking pharmaceuticals is not fulfilling their true purpose in life, and many will seek a higher purpose.

An increasing number of people will come to understand that their lives are mere illusion -- that they've been following programming set out for them by others, and that if they wish to truly achieve freedom (of mind), they must break out of the patterns that have been constructed for them.

As a result, we're going to see more people rebelling against the status quo while simultaneously expanding their own awareness of the bigger picture -- how things work in our world and what their role might be in uplifting our shared reality.

In the short term, this might result in a tremendous amount of strife, but in the end, it will give rise to a true uplifting of consciousness among the people in our world.