Home on the road.
Dec 23
I learned EFT tapping 8 years ago at a 5 day workshop in Florida. I use it every day and it is very helpful for release stuff believes, emotions and pain. So this final Wednesday Gathering at my house in Rockville is interesting to me.
The email I sent out last week that some of you got via Constant Contact was transcribed by a VA I use from a voice mail I left him and that was why it read a bit strange. Corrected version below. I did not have internet access because I was at the Kundalini yoga winter solstice event all week (http://www.3ho.org/ ). It was a transformative event which I started with a cold that I had after stressing out clearing my basement, getting ready to come and the plane flight to Florida. I think it was also sadness about letting go of my home and some general depression about Earth changes. I looked up cold in Louise Hayes book "You Can Heal Your Life" and it said that a cold represents:
hmmm sounds like my week prior to leaving for Florida!
the affirmations to clear this pattern is
I repeated the affirmation, did some EFT and yoga and talked with a therapist that worked at the event (it is common for people at this event to process through deep emotions so therapists and healers are on hand to help). Then went for a nap in my tent and did some crying too. I felt better afterwards.
So what is home when I travel? For me feeling safety, familiarity and connected with my environment. I find I can create my own safety through intend, and through how I behave and following my intuition on when a place has a good vibe or a bad one. For familiarity I have my clothing, some books and a piece of artwork on paper that helps to create home in a hotel room. I connect with my environment by being present to what I see and also by doing grounding exercises. Being able to connect with friends by email and Skype also helps me feel at home.
In effect when I travel the feeling of being home is in my heart and I can create this feeling where ever I am. How do you create home when you travel?