I enjoy sharing my journey with others. And may be some others will be inspired to follow their intuition - whether it is travel, new work, relationship, health or other. :-) The husband of one of the yoga teachers I met here just went on an 11 day shamanic training" in the Amazonian jungles of Bolivia - perhaps next time I will go too. (Yes Bolivia includes mountains, salt seas, gold mines and Amazonian jungle. It used to have a Pacific coast too but lost that in a war with Chile in 1879 funded by British nitrate interests who wanted the rich nitrate deposits in that area... and now is negotiating to get it back in exchange for some natural gas rights)

I had a great time at Lake Titicaca this weekend. I met an American woman and her Peruvian boyfriend in Copacabana (the on in Bolivia not Brazil) - she is living half time in Peru which is easy to do visa wise because you can enter Peru for 3 months then leave for a few days and get a new 3 month visa (where as Bolivia you get a maxx of 3 months per year). Anyway she is a Naturalpathic Doctor and we had interesting talk about healing and the shifts as we move to 2012. Look out for a big dollar currency crisis later this year folks. Her boyfriend mostly spoke Spanish and French - so I got to practice both my new Spanish and my high school French! Though sometimes it came out as Franish :-)

The Lake and Isle de Sol were amazing - more on that and my new living arrangements later...