Had an insight this morning - comparing eating diet to a money diet:
both involve bring consciousness to the activity -choosing what I eat or what I spend money on (or what I focus my energy for income on)

  • noticing what I am doing - tracking eating or spending or income
  •  being self-compassionate - no blame,shame or guilty over any "slip ups" - forgive myself and correct course in the present
  • grateful/bless my food, my bills, my clients
  • exercise to releasing toxins from my body, old money beliefs from my mind-body
  • interrupt emotional eating/ emotional spending - eg using EFT when I feel an urge coming on

(I am abundant in the food/health areas of my life and can transfer these skills to money and other areas)

I think the same pattern interrupt approaches can apply to negativity thinking habits, friends, relationships, sex and other areas of my life where habits can take over.