I have read Druvalo's Flower of Life books (interesting info on human history and UFOs) and watch some of his videos - good stuff. Now a look at were we might be going and a reminder to clear. I have been clearing since I came to Bolivia. Just learned Ana B'Koach meditation and boy is it clearing me more!


Coming to a consciousness very near to what you call you. An absolute Must Watch! To the end.(Thank you for sending Monica.)Drunvalo seems to be talking about the same things I have been attemptingto share (even with myself) - on a much more
expanded level, and withseemingly much, much more conscious experience and knowledge.At one level, he is sharing the same information I have had come through.The things I resonate with is that something is coming about which we have no facility with which to to identify. New. As he says: Exciting!

As I see it, the time for the personal is over. The Experiment Is Over. For a smooth transition, this new possibility needs to be our every moment unconditional priority.The priority now is to take care of clearing up. Everything.Unconditionally. Now.(And it could be that this is just one level of consciousness as well.)<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6aGCmoWtgY> Sending you
all lots of love Paul Lowe