I remember discovering Tantra a few years ago - I think at one of Michael Goodman's groups then at the Hollies Sandbox and BEST events. Actually the Sandbox dinners started as a place to discuss up coming tantric events.... I remember the delicious sense of connection with others and of being more alive. Later I got into the spiritual aspect of tantra - doing white tantric yoga at Kundalini yoga retreats where you look into your partners eyes all day while doing yoga and meditation. Intense work, clears old patterns and moves a lot of energy! I am also a great fan of India having visited it for 3 weeks in 1986. I just read Michael Wood's "A South Indian Journey" about his travels to temples in Tamil Nadu - the insense, deep spirituality and the mass of people. So I image the movie Tantric Tourists will be fun and interesting too!

Here in Bolivia I am going to a mediation center each week - doing clearings and learning new meditations (in Spanish). And on Saturday I am teching a yoga for prosperity workshop there together with my yogi friend, Jamila. One thing I love about Bolivia is the fresh fruit that I buy at the market - for Bs 40 (about $6 USD) I get about 20 lbs of bananas, apples, peaches, mangoes, avocados plus some strange and new fruits that I don't even know the names of! And it is all locally grown and I think mostly is organic.(They don't have official organic fruit labels here). Tastes great for breakfast! I have been making my own almond milk in a blender (6 almonds, small glass water, teaspoon of olive oil blended for 2 minutes) to pour on the fruit and nuts that I eat for breakfast. Raw food - healthy and yummy too. :-)