Lots of useful transition resources here the Shift Network from a friend at Chapel.

 If you are in the DC area the Lords Chapel is non-religious community based in Winchester VA about 1 1/2 hours drive from DC http://www.thelordschapel.com/

Hello Chapel Community,
I am very excited to announce that our community is now an official Affliliate of The Shift Network, a powerful network offering programs by the best and brightest minds in health, lifestyle, spirituality and consciousness. The Shift Network hosted the Birth 2012 Call with Barbara Marx Hubbard on Tuesday night which presented an amazing vision for our future as Universal Beings, you will be hearing much more from us about this exciting shift in our evoluntionary consciousness but for now we encourage you to check out the programs offered below, many of which are fr*ee! Please use the links provided below so that the Chapel can earn credit for sharing these programs with you. Please also feel free to forward these descriptions and links on to your friends and family so they can join in our conscious evolution as well! As an Affiliate the Chapel will earn 20% commission on purchases.
Birth 2012: Co-Creating a Planetary Shift - This free event with respected leader Barbara Marx Hubbard will share the vision for Dec. 22nd, 2012 as a planetary Birth Day.  It will lead into the Agent of Conscious Evolution (ACE) Training to prepare people for roles in what we are expecting to be an historic event:

The Sacred Awakening Series: Our 2011 Series is now live and features 21 of the world's top spiritual leaders, including Alice Walker, Ram Dass and Jack Kornfield.  Includes access to last year's full library of 54 leaders: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/sas/TLC2012
Soulful Women: Sacred Practices to Awaken Your Joy and Nourish Your Spirit - a 13-week women's course led by Devaa Haley Mitchell and Elayne Doughty, plus Barbara Marx Hubbard, Angeles Arrien, and Ariel Spilsbury.  http://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/spc/TLC2012 
The Heroic Journey of Humanity and You - a 7-week journey with futurist and author Duane Elgin plus Ocean Robbins, Jean Houston, and Mark Gerzon  http://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/hjc/TLC2012 
The SoulCare Course - Seven weeks to full-spectrum health with renowned mind-body-spirit medicine pioneer Joan Borysenko. This course will explore how to center our health from the needs of our soul.
The Peace Ambassador Training - a 20-week certification program that includes 16 of today's top peacebuilders and is led by social healer James O'Dea:
The Shift Retreat 2011 - Featuring many of our most transformational teachers in a beautiful setting for five powerful days of awakening, healing, and learning how to create a sacred life.
The Healthy Money Summit - 23 pioneers offering us a pathway to a healthier, happier and more sustainable relationship with money.

The Next Evolution of Health, featuring 18 integrative health pioneers   http://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/neh/TLC2012
GreenShifters: The Leading Edge of the Sustainability Revolution, featuring nine top green pioneers  http://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/gs/~Affiliate.AffCode
The Enlightened Business Summit:  Dialogues between 40 CEOs, New York Times bestselling authors, TED speakers, and provocateurs exploring how business can make the world a better place in the 21st century: http://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/ebs/TLC2012

The Inspiring Women Summit:  Recordings Library of powerful dialogues between 60 women leaders: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/iws/TLC2012
PeaceWeek - the largest virtual peace summit ever created, with more than 70 inspiring peacebuilders from around the world, all now archived: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/pwk/TLC2012