Good reminder that we are the power in our own lives unless we chose to give away our power. To stand in love and truth in these changing times as more truth about the controllers comes out

Joe Weaver wrote:

More and more people within the system are coming out and releasing information regarding the plan/agenda of the control system. This control system and plan has been in place for a very long time. I've become very familiar with the "other team", this is how I refer to them now. What many people may view as unbelievable information is only simple facts to me and to many who now know the truth. I don't see this other team as evil. It is just a group that has been in place that are supported by the people on many levels. It is in place because the people themselves have created and allowed this system to exist. This might be a hard thing to conceive at first but if you take the time to evaluate the facts and let go of your beliefs and fears the information is available for all to see who wish to see.

I ask all to look beyond what you have known to this point in your life as the truth. What you have been told, and what fears you have from this information. Do your own research. Look beyond all programs and patterns within your own Self and LOVE the whole system that is in place. For this system and all people are all part of one existence. Together we created this world and if we are to move forward in peace and harmony. WE have to see and work together as ONE.

If a person or a group of people wish to give their power away to someone outside of themselves. There will ALWAYS be someone or something there to gratefully take it off their shoulders. For as long as there are people willing to look to others for security there will always be someone there to give that security. However this security is not always aligned in the highest light of the person or people. When a person or a collective group stands in their own power and no longer looks outside of themselves for security or for someone else to take care of them. There will no longer be a need for a control system. Now look at our world and the governments, religions and systems of control and ask yourself these questions. Am I really FREE from a control system? Why do I look outside of myself for a higher Light? Why should I have to pay money to live on Earth? Look beyond your beliefs and fears. See the control system that is in place and move beyond the control system. Let go of all the fears and thoughts that keep you feeling powerless. Every single person on Earth holds the power of the Universe within their Being. When a person wakes up to a level of their own Being then that level is acknowledged. It no longer controls them. There are many of these levels of conscious awareness within the reality for which we know. I invite you to push forward beyond your comfort zone, to see beyond the bounds of what you have been told and focus on the power that you hold within.

Over the last year I've personally seen lots of information and videos of high ranking people within the military and so on speaking out. I've posted over a 1000 videos on facebook over the last year or so passing along a lot of information like this from within the system. I will be the first one to tell you not all of it has been 100% non-illusion information. The main reason why I post what I do is to wake people up! To somehow spur them to stand up! This requires information to be put in many different formats and views so it connects with people in different ways. What matters the most is that it gets people to stand up in their own power. To let go of the fear and for a person to move beyond the view they have had of the reality of the world.

So as I mentioned the agenda of the control system/other team is out there in plain sight for all to see who wish to see. Their agenda is to hold as many people in the conscious awareness of powerless Beings who need to look to others for security. To look outside of themselves for the truth and or who Created this world. They will continue to do their part of offering themselves as the saviors to everyone's problems. They will gratefully take your power and energy. For all this energy only empowers them. On a higher level though they do respect the Divine Will of those who stand up and empower themselves out of the system. There is no battling going on at this level. The lower incarnate levels of their system are only playing a part of Creation that we as a collective Being Created for our own experience to learn more about oursleves. On the other hand "Our team" I'll call it, is here assisting all to wake up to themselves and look within. We can call ourselves the Beings of Light or any other words that have been used through out time. The title does not really matter. What it all comes down to is that there is a team working on empowerment and a team working on dis-empowerment. The team who controls with fear, and separation of Self knowledge and the team of knowledge, truth, freedom from all separation from ones everlasting Life and power.

For those of you that have known about this information, please come out of your closets. Speak your truth that comes from your hearts. Don't let the fear of what others may think of you hold you back from speaking this truth. Nothing needs to be forced on anyone. Be a clear reflection of empowerment to all people and love all as if it is yourself. Everything within this Universe is one energy. You can BE ONE with this energy or you can choose separation from it. LIVE your truth, don't separate yourself from it.

No matter what happens in the days and months ahead and or is presented to the people. Either it is an alien invasion or a proclaimed messiah here to save everyone. Ask yourselves WHY! No need to give your power away to anyone or anything when you already are the power that created and feeds life into everything. See live and spread the truth.

Here is a link to a video I posted on facebook today of a retired US General talking about the plan that was in place well before the invasion of Iraq. There are many many more videos like this out there. It `s just an example that all information is out there for those that wish to see it. It's just a matter of taking the time do do it.

Retired US General speaks about agenda and plan to invade middle east.

There is no need to struggle with what to believe, just let go of ALL beliefs together and focus on the truth that exists within your heart. Beyond all fear!

Spread the Light of Empowerment. Live as love IS………..FREE!

The time of mastering fear is over with, the time of mastering LOVE is upon us!

Through our own expansion of love……….we assist ALL!

Love, Joe

Visit for our radio shows and music. Happy Days to ALL!
Sent to you by Joe Weaver of 
