I have loved foot massage for many years - I can't even remember when my "foot cherry" was popped it is that long ago! The feet can be a forgetten area of our body, take for granted as then support our weight for much of the day. Stuffed into shoes that may not be ideal. Now is the time to thank them with an amazing foot massage at this week's Sandbox. And learn how to give one too - which is a great skill to share with friends and lovers...

Last week I had a brief and fun visit to the US. I noticed how much fear there is at the airport and how much we American people obey the rules even when they are not healthy (eg the full body radiation scanners at the TSA) Some what different from Bolivia or Mexico, where they have rules and police but people don't take them so seriously. Now sometimes rules can be a good thing and let to more efficiency or safety. For example red lights in La Paz are taken as a suggestion to stop, not a rule. But somehow the drivers make it work. Perhaps a little chaos and freedom is good for people. And perhaps too many rules, obeying fro obeyings sake and militarist society is unhealthy for our spirits...

This week I am staying at a beach house in Mexico with 20 others on a Mayan retreat - rituals at pyramids, dancing on the beach and relaxing next to palm trees. It struck me as a vision of paradise. But then I thought how much of my reaction was from the land and how much is from seeing so many movies that declare paradise to be tropical waters, palm trees and sand? And how much is from slick marketing of carribean holidays? I do like the land here and the relaxed energy even after removing those other societial memes from view. I invite you to take a fresh look at your surroundings and see how much you see is from the land and how much is from TV and movie images of the kind of place you live in. Let me know what you think