I am a little concerned about radiation from Japan in Northern hemisphere right now - while US government is saying all is ok the French government has advised babies, mothers to be and other citizens not to eat green leafy veg or drink milk or eat cheese. Plutonium and other radioactive fallout inside the body is much worse than getting radiation from outside because the distance is much shorter to the organs than with external sources and they stay in contact 24/7. And these substances are chemically carcinogenic even without radiation on top. I have read to eat sea veg every day to excrete fallout (just not Japanese seaweed!).

Independent French radiation commission warns Europe that health risk from Fukushima fallout is “no longer negligible” — Says US west coast has 8-10 times more contamination. From http://enenews.com/french-radiation-commission-warns-europe-health-risk-fukushima-fallout-longer-negligible-west-coast-8-10-times-contamination


And what is this fallout doing to our soil? Will that be poisoned too? Peraps covering the ground with a hoop plastic greenhouse would be smart (plus extending the growing season as another benefit).


And what about our water supply - if rainfall is contaminated then areas that get water from rivers have a problem...