I first came across Vastu and Feng Shui about five years ago and used them to change the energy flow in my home and business. I saw some amazing results. Subsequently I learned more about energy and how we can improve our  enjoyment of life by changing it. It is good to live in harmony with the Earth, as it seemed the Incas did here in Peru. This week at Sandbox we learn Vastu from an Indian Vastu-guru (see below for details)

Here in Peru I am back in Cusco staying at the South American Explorer's club house for my last week here before I move on to Lima. If you are ever interested in travel to this continent I can recommend SAE (http://www.saexplorers.org) for good resources, travel tips, a safe place to store bags and a good way to meet lots of other fellow adventures quickly. I have also been taking Tango lessons here which is both fun, romantic and also good practice for sensing and sending clear energy signals (eg which foot is moving, which way are we going). Being Bi I like to both lead and follow - both require different and related skills in feeling energy and staying connected with your partner - Good tango is a bit like a vertical expression of love making...

Last weekend I learned a lot about conscious healing and manifestation in our 3D world by working on conscious patterns in the heart-space of patterns. This was at Jaden Phoenix's (http://alchemywisdom.com/) workshop here in Peru - she will be teaching it in Seattle and in DC area later this year and has teleclasses too in case Peru is too far to come for a workshop! I found it easy to learn and seems to me to underpin some of the other healing methods I use such as Matrix Energetics and EFT.

Our tour group used it during a trip to Puno to keep us safe - the town was full of protests last week and we avoided the violence completely. :-) If you didn't hear about it the citizens were protesting that the Peruvian government had sold Uranium mining rights to a Western company and the company was polluting the water and many children had gotten sick from it. The government initially suggested improving the water over six months but the protesters didn't think that was a good idea and took to the streets. Some were violent and others were peaceful. And the Peruvian presidential election this week adds to the tensions (The two main candidates are a sort of daughter of Richard Nixon (her father is in jail for corruption during his presidency here) and a more right wing pro military guy (John McCain wantabe?). Peruvian friends here don't seem to think that either one is a great choice! On a side note several other counties in South America have introduced laws to make Mother Earth able to be a party to lawsuits so that the Earth's rights can be stood up for. I know Bolivia and Ecuador have this and perhaps Peru will follow suit after the Puno issue. (Some towns in US have introduced similar laws this year BTW)


PS We have three talented healers living at my house: Randy, Rukmini and Sandra. Plus myself remotely. Learn more about what we can do and help support this Sandbox gathering place at http://abundantmichael.com/blog/page.cfm/Sandbox-Healers