This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn Intro to Awareness Process to avoid self-sabotage with Gene Freeheart Long. When was the last time you wondered "Why on earth did I do that? That's not what I intended to do!"? How do you sabotage your life plans? What would your life be like without these underground patterns controlling it?


Awareness Process is a set of practices designed to help us become sharply aware of our thoughts and how they affect our reality. When we are unaware, our capacity to respond to reality in a healthy way can be greatly diminished. Many seek awareness through meditation; unfortunately, in meditation, it is very easy to fool ourselves, to get away with things that exist within the privacy of our head, and to avoid facing the shadow pieces that can disappear so quickly. We do our process in a group setting because the subtle energies in our words are more obvious when spoken out loud and witnessed by others.

The results of a greater self-awareness allows us to recognize and clear ourself of stories which affect our perception and response to the world around us. Self-awareness helps us notice when shadow pieces arise that can sabotage relationships and goals. If you have ever wondered "Why on earth did I do that? That's not what I intended to do!", it is often a lack of awareness that causes our lives to be controlled by inner factors that have escaped our attention.

This workshop is an introduction to the basic concepts of Awareness Practice, and will be very participatory - we will be practicing the concepts as quickly as we learn them.

Gene has been creating and running workshops since 1999 on personal growth, meditation, communication, body acceptance, relationships and sexuality. You can reach Gene at genefreeheart at or 703-261-9181 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            703-261-9181      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            703-261-9181      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            703-261-9181      end_of_the_skype_highlighting