I just read "A Lodging of Wayfaring Men" - I read it in two sittings as the story was that gripping. I found it inspiring and life changing. Has anyone else here read it?

It is very interesting novel that explores ideas that are changing our world right now:


 Book•creation of private digital currency and how that makes collecting taxes impossible for governments

•The abuses of power by our governments - wire tapping, warrentless searches etc

•why people obey government rules

•How to free yourself from old conditioning

•sexual freedom

•greater empowerment and creativity for ordinary people




•how neurotransmitter residues form our subconscious conditioning, especially from trauma and fear

•how governments control their citizens and how to escape this control

•the future of creativity and commerce

It is free to download. Not sure if there is a print copy available.

One place you can get it from is:


"•The freer you get, the more clearly you will see and understand life. And, seeing more clearly means that you will perceive not only wonderful new things you can do. You will also recognize, for the first time, some veryunpleasant things that are difficult to bear.

 "•Remember that the errors of logic and psychology you rightly oppose are necessary for some people. They are the cloak that protects them from things too painful to face. Do not simply take away their cloak. If you cannot replace the cloak with something better, leave them alone until you can. Do not break the damaged person, heal them.

"•When we become truly healthy, there will be no need for embarrassment, no need for shame. We will be happy about ourselves and what we do. This will occur incrementally, as we re-value and improve ourselves, and as we eliminate mystical and false standards of morality. This will not happen instantly or without some pain. Like the bound feet of ancient Chinese women, our souls have been bound by a backwards morality. Do not think that simply removing the bindings will be enough; there will be significant adjustment involved. But a warping of the soul is not as permanent as the warping of bones. We may always remake ourselves, though the process may require significant effort."

- A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, pp. 391-392