SeismographIf you look at the seismograph (on NBC news website) from the DC earthquake it is not like one from any other  regular earthquake that builds up slowly - it starts suddenly. Just like seismograph for know underground nuclear tests...




Seismology charts are now revealing that the 5.8 magnitude tremor that rattled the entire East Coast including Washington DC was not a natural earthquake but an earthquake that resulted from an underground  nuclear detonation.

Virginia SeismographThe image above is a seismograph from Washington and Lee University (similar one found on  website) about 85 miles southwest of the earthquake’s epicenter in Mineral.  The green lines indicates the tremor that was felt in Washington DC which caused damaged to the Washington Memorial and the Washington National Cathedral.  The black lines is a transparent overlay of a seismograph from a pdf file from Virginia Division Mineral Resources on Earthquakes.


That file describes a typical natural occurring earthquake as:
“When a fault ruptures, energy is released in the form of seismic waves. The first waves to reach the earth’s surface are primary or “P” waves (Figure 2). P waves are compressional waves that travel at a speed of about four miles per second near the surface – faster as depth increases. The next waves to reach the earth’s surface are secondary or “S” waves. S waves are shear waves that move at a speed of about 1.5 miles per second. P and S waves are body waves that travel through the earth much like sonar waves travel through water. Surface waves, which are slower than S waves, travel along the surface of the earth much like waves at the surface of the ocean. S waves and surface waves cause the most destruction at the earth’s surface.”


What is missing from the seismograph for the Washington DC area 5.8 magnitude earthquake are the primary or “P” waves.  All earthquakes that are the direct result of fault rupture have these primary or “P” waves.  Nuclear detonations do not.  Underground nuclear detonations are very violent and immediate with no forewarnings whatsoever. An underground detonation would account for the missing “P” seismic waves for the Washington DC 5.8 magnitude earthquake.  If you’ve ever witnessed a controlled demolition of a building you would no doubt describe the earth tremors as millions of people are now describing what it felt like on August 23, 2011 all along the East coast.