Wondering how the US military might treat people picked up under the new Battleground act? Look no further that what our government is currently doing at the prison in Afghanistan that is 5 times larger than Guantanamo. Sounds to me like the scenes from the movie V for Vendetta - torture, sub-human treatment, no real due process... because the government, like medievel kings is infalliable.



After many years of completely denying detainees in Afghanistan the opportunity to defend themselves against arbitrary detention, the United States government has finally implemented a hearing process that allows detainees to hear the charges against them and to make a statement in their own defense. Although a significant improvement, these new hearings fall short of minimum standards of due process Bayrequired by international law.” [Emphasis added.]


In a subsequent interview with CBS News, Eviatar stated:

[Parwan] is worse than Guantánamo because there are fewer rights…There was no evidence presented, there was no questioning of the government's evidence, whether this person had done anything wrong, whether he deserved to be in prison. So that's a real problem -- you have a complete lack of due process.


And in 2010 the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) confirmed the existence of a separate, second detention facility at Parwan. Many former prisoners have referred to it as the Tor Jail, translated as “Black Jail.” Nine former prisoners interviewed separately by the BBC spoke of almost identical treatment there: distressingly cold cells, perpetual loud noise, constant light, and, violating any sense of privacy, camera surveillance. One former prisoner said American soldiers made him dance to music to obtain permission to use the toilet.

From http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/01/11-0


Also of interest this article on 10 years of indefinite detection at Guantanamo in the UK Guardian newspaper.