Does Wealth = freedom to chose?


Yes and I would add consciousness to this to be truly abundant in life. Consciousness = choice + awareness. So to be abundant I need not only the ability to chose, I also need the awareness of what choices I have.


A lot of advertizing, politics and social control in government, education and large corporations is around presenting false choices so that the consumers are not fully aware of all that they can do. Often this has reached a subconscious level of ingrained beliefs and assumptions so that the consumer doesn't even realize that their choices are restricted. That is poverty of mind!


"Much of our faith is based on the belief that because we live in a market economy, the efficiencies intrinsic to a market economy -- such as customers gravitating toward the goods and services that offer the lowest costs and highest benefits -- are being effectively captured by the US economy.


"But this is mostly wishful thinking, the net result of ceaseless self-promotion by the Status Quo that benefits from the enormous friction that is, in fact, grinding down the US economy. In actuality, market forces influence very little of the US economy, and what they do influence is a series of carefully limited false choices constructed by non-market forces and the immense powers of marketing.


quote from