5:30am Listen to abundance meditation MP3 in bed, get up and do Donna Eden 5 minute energy routine to clear my energy, do about an hour of yoga and meditation.
8am Eat fruit and nuts that I bought at the market for breakfast, read a chapter in inspiring book.
9am Do some TeraTech work, download postal mail scans from Earth Class Mail, make calls on Skype to clients, follow up on projects with subcontractors. If necessary send a fax by email using MyFax.com or mail a postal letter using Click2Mail.com.
1pm Walk a few block to a vegan lunch place and have lunch for for $3. Practice my Spanish with the owner and other guests.
2pmMaybe read the local paper in Spanish. Meet some new interesting people at South American Explorers garden or in Healing House. Perhaps do some healing for someone or teach a yoga class. Or attend a workshop. Maybe take a walk in town or in the local hills.
7pm Share dinner with some friends or eat out at a local restaurant. Maybe watch a movie on DVD on my laptop or read a book.
9:30pm Night time meditation and bed.
Shifts I am noticing in my life - more following my joy in my activities. Noticing when I mess up my energy with food or late nights. Less keen to tolerate people who constantly complain or play the victim. Paying more attention to money and keeping my finances organized. Paying more attention to intuitive messages.