More of big brother, this time in UK.

(Reuters) - Britain is to allow one of its intelligence agencies to
monitor all phone calls, texts, emails and online activities in the
country to help tackle crime and militant attacks, the Interior Ministry
said on Sunday.

"It is vital that police and security services are able to obtain
communications data in certain circumstances to investigate serious
crime and terrorism and to protect the public," a Home Office spokesman

The proposed law already has drawn strong criticism, from within the
ruling Conservative Party's own ranks, as an invasion of privacy and
personal rights.

"What the government hasn't explained is precisely why they intend to
eavesdrop on all of us without even going to a judge for a warrant,
which is what always used to happen," Member of Parliament David Davis
told BBC News.

"It is an unnecessary extension of the ability of the state to snoop on
ordinary people," he said.

New legislation is expected to be announced in the legislative
agenda-setting speech given by the queen in May.

Currently, British agencies can monitor calls and e-mails of specific
individuals who may be under investigation after obtaining ministerial
approval, but expanding that to all citizens is certain to enrage civil
liberties campaigners.

Internet companies would be required to install hardware which would
allow the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), referred to as
Britain's electronic 'listening' agency, to gain real-time access to
communications data.

The new law would not allow GCHQ to access the content of emails, calls
or messages without a warrant, but it would allow it to trace who an
individual or group was in contact with, how frequently they
communicated and for how long.

The Sunday Times newspaper, which first reported the story, said some
details of the proposals were given to members of the Britain's Internet
Service Providers' Association last month.

"As set out in the Strategic Defence and Security Review we will
legislate as soon as parliamentary time allows to ensure that the use of
communications data is compatible with the government's approach to
civil liberties," the Home Office spokesman said.

Any proposed legislation changes are likely to face stiff opposition in
both houses of the British Parliament.

A similar proposal was considered by the then-ruling Labour party in
2006 but was abandoned in the face of fierce opposition by the
Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, who are junior partners in the
ruling coalition.

The proposed legislation could reflect the U.S. Patriot Act,
controversially introduced six weeks after September 11 in 2001, to
expand the government's authority to monitor the communications activity
of its citizens.
