I have been evolving my body and health for many years with massage, yoga, magic and more. So this week’s gathering on Body Evolution is interesting to me.
Here in Brazil I am visiting the Casa of John of God for healing and spiritual work. The Casa is located in a small town about an hour’s bus ride from Brasilia. My first healing was trusting in many strangers to help me find the right bus and get off in the middle of nowhere (it is not an official bus stop) in the dark of Tuesday night. My hotel reservation hadn’t come through but I had faith that I could find a place here and after asking at three places that were full I did. The hotel is run by a German man and his wife who moved here eight years ago for healing and decided to stay. I got to practice my Portugish (my mix of Portuguese and Spanish) at dinner and I was happy that one of the other Brazilians thought that I was from Argentina! I guess my Spanish has improved a lot over the last 10 months :-)
The next day I got up for the 8am line at the Casa - hundreds of people all dressed in white were there to see John of God who is a faith healer who has helped millions of people over the last 53 years. There are meditation rooms and a video showing John of God working on people.
Usually he works on the spiritual level but sometimes he will do minor surgery and watching videos of that squiged me out a bit - I thought I had processed my fear of blood last year at DO cutting workshop but apparently there is some stuff left there! After a wait in line for a few hours I got my turn and got a treatment suggestion of a crystal bed session - which as very relaxing 7 crystals and colored lights one for each chakra. The next day I saw him again and this time I will get spiritual surgery after which I will rest and abstain from pork, peppers, alcohol and all sexual energy (including self-stimulation) for 8 days. The first few items are no problem as I don’t eat them anyway.
The first time I saw him at Omega in NY I had to abstain for 40 days so 8 days sounds easy - though still good practice for using non-sexual ways to relax and pamper myself!
While standing in line I realized that the power to heal myself comes from within - from god that each of us has inside. And that I can change anything in my life with a mixture of intent, emotional clearing, belief changes and physical action. I felt empowered and I invite you to consider any life area that you want to change and to list how you can do things in each of these four areas. I did that when I returned to my room on my money issues and sure helped me!