Abundant Michael

The Spiritual Backfire Of War

A moving article by Michael Meade on the effects of war on those involved long after they return.


Soldier CryingI want to give a report on a recent retreat with a group of veterans of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf and Vietnam. I want you to know how courageous they were in telling them. I’d like their voices to be heard over the din of the political battles and the mostly abstract arguments about whether it is too soon to bring troops home. The problem is that too many of those who go off to war fail to find a way back from it. The problem is that the war continues to live inside the wounded bodies, the rattled nerves and the battered souls.

The depth of sorrow in a woman’s voice pours out as she struggles through tears to read her poem about losing her husband after he returned from the war. It may be her first poem ever, born of palpable tragedy and honest grief. She doesn’t think she could read it in public, yet she knows that she speaks for many others stranded on the road between life and death. She knows because she was in the military herself, because her husband committed suicide after years of battling with PTSD. She calls them the “walking dead” — the ones who make it back from the war but can’t make it back into life.


“The war was over, that’s what they said;
but not for the warriors and the walking dead.
Dropped back into life, like they were never gone,
the war still raging, hidden deep inside.
The horrors, the killing, just learning to cope;
the anger and fighting, alcohol and dope.


The hole in our family, the loss that we feel;
they say it gets better, with time we all heal.
The war was over, that’s what they said;
but not for the families of the walking dead.”




Read more

Last Yule party and house sale

This will be the last Yule party (Sat 12/10/11) at my house in Rockville - I am selling my house. 

You can RSVP at
More info and directions to party at

House saleI have lived here 21 years and had many interesting experiences and grown too. My intuition says it is time to move on and let go most of the stuff I have accumulated. I feel that I have co-created a magical sacred space in my house and garden. I have put a lot o work into cleaning the energy here and keeping it clear. I would love to sell it to someone who can appreciate that together with the beauty of the house, land and energy of the place. It has been like a quiet oasis to me during stressful times.


If you are interested in buying before the house goes on the public market, or know a good realtor who also understands the spiritual side of selling a house then let me know immediately. I am interviewing realtors this week. You can read more about my house here.

Realtor - what I want

  • good at sales and marketing
    • speed of sale
    • good price
  • get deal done
    • qualify buyer for ability to get loan/pay
  • help with remote sale 
    • settlement
    • estate sale or sell with house
    • referrals to contractors
  • understands and can use spiritual side of things
    • understands this is sacred space and how to sell that aspect
    • can attract a buyer who will appreciate the space and can afford to buy it

I don't know where or when I will buy a new house. When I do I imagine it will use some ideas from those Earth Ships houses - passive solar heating and cool, water recyclings and self sustaining in food. I like water features so a pool or pond is a possibility. And the energy of the land and the community of people around me is very important to me too. Maybe I will join an intentional community or co-housing. Or create my own with others. One of the advantages of letting go the old is that it clears up space for the emergence of the new, even when (or especially when) the new is unknown. In this case I journey into the unknown, knowing that the abundance of the universe is always supporting me and that my intuition will guide me perfectly when I listen to it.

I will remain in touch and I imagine I will visit this area in the future too.

My House

My HouseMy house is a 1962 two level with a colorful interior and a wonderful garden. There are many places to cuddle up, great conversation circles, or to dance. There are 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, remodeled kitchen and beautifully landscaped front and back yards.


There's also an enclosed flower garden with a goldfish pond. It's romantically lighted for a quiet, intimate place outside. It is a quiet and safe neighborhood with good schools. It is within minutes of I-270 and Red Line Metro. Driveway, plus pleny of free street parking.


Address and directions are here.


House flooring and upgrades:

First floor

  • Hallway - tile floor replaced original linoleum
  • Kitchen - tile floor replaced original linoleum, new granite counter tops, dishwasher, large fridge/freezer, gas stove top (replaced original electric stovetop), new electric oven (replaced original electric oven), new larger sink and top end garbage disposal, cabinets painted and new knobs, exhaust fan replaced, under sink water purifier added, added GFI outlets and new circuits and outlets for kitchen area
  • Dining room - wooden floor refinished, removed original BBQ grill, added extra cabinets for kitchen storage
  • Bathroom - new tile floor, new sink and vanity, new bath wall tile
  • Master bedroom - wood floor refinished
  • Master bathroom - new tile floor and shower tiling
  • Bedroom 2 - original wooden floor
  • Bedroom 3 - wood floor refinished
  • Living room - wood floor refinished, sliding door to backyard and mini deck/steps added, projector TV mount and wiring added

Just repainted


  • Basement - carpeted (replaced original tile), new wall panels, new ceiling, new electric wiring, new lighting, two windows replaced, 3 built in bookshelves, laundry shelf, washing machine and drier, built in storage shelfs
  • Upgraded electric panel to larger size
  • Repainted

  • Added 3 GFI outlets
  • Landscaping - trees, shrubs, crushed limestone patio area, raised beds, bamboo living screen at back for privacy (roots contain with liner), pond with fountain, front yard lighting, stepping stone pathway added
  • Wooden garden shed
  • Fence - 6" wooden fences on three sides
  • Driveway - replaced with modern concrete driveway
  • Exterior completely repainted


Tipping Point and the Titanic

Definition: Tipping point - a time when a previously stable slowing changing system sudden shifts into a new state unexpectedly.


You have probably seen the movie "Titanic" were a great "unsinkable" ship hits an iceberg and for hours nothing appears to be wrong, people dress up for dinner, everything seems calm and normal. Then slowly the ship starts to list and becomes water logged. In the final minutes the ship suddenly breaks in two and there is a shift into a very fast sinking. At the beginning most people didn't even want to get into the lifeboats, by the end they were fighting each other like Black Friday shoppers at WalMart for the few seats remaining to safety when even money might not buy your way off the sinking ship and the ship government (officers) start shooting at the passengers in an attempt to retain control. This is a good model of a Tipping Point: everything seems normal then there is a sudden change.

Today the US is in the middle of several Tipping Point processes. Everything seems normal and may continue for for a long time that way, but under the internal stressing and strain there will come tipping points with with sudden change. You only have to think back to the 2008 financial crisis to see a recent example. 

Then companies collapsed overnight and prices change dramically. Of the 2008 mortgage crisis some people talked about the issue in the years prior but all seemed normal and most people ignored the warning signs. Now in 2011 I see Tipping Point processes underway in these areas
  • government debt growing larger than can be paid for
  • military overextended
  • food costs and quality
  • health care sytem and costs
  • degrading infrastructure
  • reduction in civil liberties

The problem with ignoring or waiting and seeing for a major change is that when it comes it may be sudden like the Titanic sinking. At at that point people may panic, riot and the government respond with draconician martial law in a vain attempt to keep control. Then it will be too late to get into a liveboat easily. And your only options may be to attack your fellow passengers or to accept the catestrophic changes like Sir John Jacobs sitting in his dinner jacket as he drowned in the state room of the Titanic.

PS Beware thinking that because you have an Everbank foreign currency account or hold foreign stocks in your US IRA that you are safe. That would like letting the Captain of the Titanic hold a certificate for a place in a lifeboat and thinking that if the ship is sinking your are safe...

Aggression Tratics at the US border escalate

ImmigrationI have noticed an increase in the last 2 years in long aggressive questioning by Immigration border people as I enter the USA. I am US citizen and in my option if I am holding a valid passport then after scanning it they should just let me into the country. I am also UK citizen and that is what happened the last time I entered UK this summer. No aggressive questioning, just a 30 second scan of my passport and "Welcome back to Britain, sir"




It does seem to depend on which border guard you get and also which countries you have been in and if the guard can fit your travel into a nice easy slot like "a week's vacation". When I returned to USA after a week in UK it was pretty easy, when I returned from Bolivia, Peru and Mexico after 5 months it was 20 minutes of aggressive questioning about where I had been, why, how I was able to do this if I was employed (he didn't seem to understand the concept of working remotely). He was also upset that I was returning via LAX instead of DC (where I live). I explain I was going to a yoga conference in NM. I had to show him my Maryland driver license and UK passport as back up ID in the end. I thought a US passport was enough to re-enter the country but no! I have heard this story of long, aggressive questioning from other US citizens in South America too.

I think it is as bad or worse for non-US citizens entering the USA. In addition everyone else (except Canadians) have to fill out an application form 2 weeks ahead of time to even get on a plane to US plus they get fingerprinted and photographed on entry. All part of the US-VISIT program. I imagine that this will be extended to US citizens too in the coming year for "our security" - really to expand Big Brother's power and to intimidate people into obeying orders like sheep.

Censorship and the Society of Fear

I am back in Rockville for two weeks, and I noticed the atmosphere of fear and control as soon as I arrived at Miami International airport, where US citizens are greeted by para-miltary police and large dogs as they deplane. The fear is even stronger in the DC area....

Imagine this: you are citizen a in country where the government controls what websites you can view. If only a single page on a website is said to be illegal (as defined by the government!) the whole domain can be taken down overnight using DNS blocking, even though thousands of other pages in the site are harmless. And DNS blocking means that where ever you are in the country, at home, work, internet cafe you can't even get to the website URL. And by law all the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that you use to access the internet like Comcast, Verizon etc must block the sites too. It would be like if one person in a city like Washington DC was suspected of doing something illegal then the government would close down all communication with every resident of the city, no trial, overnight.


So what country is this you say? China, Iraq, some other place where the government censors their citizens’ internet viewing because of the fear that truly free information might be dangerous? Yes you would be right. But soon to join this "special" group of countries is the United States with the PROTECT IP act just passed in Congress. You might say that the act is only aimed at illegal copies of movies. But laws such as this that give wide powers of censorship and control to the government have a history of being stretched and abused. You only have to look at how the PATRIOT act has been stretched in the last 10 years to allow wiretapping and email eavesdropping of American citizens.


And most recently the Senate passed The National Defense Authorization Act to allow for the indefinite detention without trial at Gitmo of people including US citizens. And the government is asking the Supreme Court for the right to GPS track anyone without a warrant, which Justice Breyer described as "Orwellian government". Additionally these kinds of laws promote an atmosphere of fear in companies and individuals. People start to self censor. The clock is ticking back to 1984 as you read this...


More on the detention act from Mike Adams


The National Defense Authorization Act is being called the most traitorous act ever witnessed in the Senate, and the language of the bill is cleverly designed to make you think it doesn’t apply to Americans, but toward the end of the bill it essentially says it can apply to Americans ”if we want it to.”

Bill Summary & Status, 112th Congress (2011 – 2012) | S.1867 | Latest Title: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 | Sponsor: Sen Levin, Carl [MI] (introduced 11/15/2011) | Related Bills: H.R.1540 | Latest Major Action: 12/1/2011 Passed/agreed to in Senate. | Status: Passed Senate with amendments by Yea-Nay. 93 – 7. | Record Vote Number: 218. | Latest Action: 12/1/2011 National Defense Authorization Act | Amendment details

This bill, passed late last night in a 93-7 vote, declares the entire USA to be a ”battleground” upon which U.S. military forces can operate with impunity, overriding Posse Comitatus and granting the military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate and even assassinate U.S. citizens with impunity.


Even WIRED magazine was outraged at this bill, reporting:


Senate Wants the Military to Lock You Up Without Trial
…the detention mandate to use indefinite military detention in terrorism cases isn’t limited to foreigners. It’s confusing, because two different sections of the bill seem to contradict each other, but in the judgment of the University of Texas’ Robert Chesney — a nonpartisan authority on military detention — “U.S. citizens are included in the grant of detention authority.” Source




The passage of this law is nothing less than an outright declaration of WAR against the American People by the military-connected power elite. If this is signed into law, it will shred the remaining tenants of the Bill of Rights and unleash upon America a total military dictatorship, complete with secret arrests, secret prisons, unlawful interrogations, indefinite detainment without ever being charged with a crime, the torture of Americans and even the ”legitimate assassination” of U.S. citizens on right here on American soil!


If you have not yet woken up to the reality of the police state we’ve been warning you about, I hope you realize we are fast running out of time. Once this becomes law, you have no rights whatsoever in America — no due process, no First Amendment speech rights, no right to remain silent, nothing.


Decluttering by Going Digital

Mercury is retrograde (11/24 - 12/15/11) and want a great time to clean up old projects and clutter! I am planning on doing a major purge of my stuff before storing the remainder, selling, freecycling, gifting or trashing/recycling. Also planning on scanning my photos and paperwork. If anyone has any experience with any of this going digital proejcts let me know your experience!


I have found a good photo scanning place (www.scanyourentirelife.com 1000 photos for $64).

On business records I think they are required for 7 years. I have about 30 boxes in my basement (you may recall them from the last Yule party covered in pagan sheets!) If I scan them then I (and my VA) can access the records online when needed. I have been looking at www.shoeboxed.com which charges about 15c per document (not page) and also integrates with www.evernote.com which I use all the time for storing notes, webclippings, useful emails and even photos of handwritten notes - all of which are searchable (yes even the handwriting is searchable!). I am also looking at www.officedrop.com which also integrates with Evernote - they charge by the page scanned 6-12c each or less for volume over 5 boxes.

On books I will photograph the titles on the spines in the bookshelf and load into Evernote so it is easy to know what I have and where it is. Books I don't want to read again can then be sold to a used book store or for valuable ones on Amazon which makes is very easy to sell books.

I am also looking at a CD ripping service www.ripstyles.com to convert my CD collection (about 1000 CDs) to MP3 and load onto an iPod for me. That way no CDs to carry around my world travels.


My view is that the less stuff I have the more free I am. I can always buy or borrow stuff in the future if the need comes. 80/20 rule. I have been inspired in my travels by Tim Ferris of the 4 Hour Work Week and Tynan world nomad www.tynan.com - both of who sold/gave away most of their stuff before traveling. My goal is to only travels with a few things, most of which I could replaced easily if they were lost.

Intro to Tapping 12/28/2011-Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Gathering we learn how to tap to release stuck emotional issues and traumas with Jennifer Ludders.  


Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT is a modality that combines the principles of the Chinese meridian system with modern psychology.  EFT targets acupuncture points, however, rather than using needles, EFT stimulates these points by lightly tapping and allows the body’s physical energy system to engage with the mind, helping to achieve alignment between the two. EFT is a gentle technique that works with our natural ‘Mind-Body’ connection.  Tapping on specific acupressure or EFT tapping points while focusing on a problem or unpleasant physical sensation helps to alleviate or ‘lift’ the negative charge from the associated feeling. Stuck, blocked or pent up negative energy in our bodies can be the root cause of all sorts of mental and/or physical problems and cause a disruption in the body's energy circuits. Using EFT helps reduce/relieve and can even remove energetic distress in the body. Even though EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, it has been clinically proven to be effective in treating many things that keep us from having a happier, healthier life such as ongoing stress/anxiety, fears and phobias, depression, insomnia, physical pain, trauma, cravings, among many others.

After working in the financial sector and as a diplomat for the U.S. State Department posted in Mexico and Vietnam, Jennifer Ludders decided to pursue her long-held passions in the realm of coaching and mind-body healing as a new career.  Jennifer attended an Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping group in Chiang Mai, Thailand and was amazed by how easy and effective EFT was on such a wide range of issues and immediately began using it at every opportunity, on both herself and anyone who was open.  She heard about an organization in Indonesia having great success in using EFT to provide trauma relief and emotional support for survivors of natural disasters and, after receiving her Level I and II EFT certifications, went there to learn more about the use of EFT for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and trauma.  Jennifer is now actively documenting and promoting EFT initiatives throughout the world, as well as building her practice as an EFT practitioner, Life Coach and Hypnotist. 

A Ridiculously And Unbelievably Happy Life 12/21/2011-Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Gathering we go Toward A Ridiculously and Unbelievably Happy Life with Stuart Baker



James Keeley is a remarkably inspired spiritual healer, workshop leader and consultant.  After many years of noticing repeating patterns in clients, he developed, and keeps fine-tuning, a program he calls A Ridiculously and Unbelievably Happy Life.  He teaches that spiritual healing can be used again and again to move ever closer to that life, giving us access to the Light or Spirit within to shine wisdom and truth on the limiting pictures that we come to believe in our hearts.  We can experience healing with the help of someone skilled in it, and we can learn to use it on our own.



Stuart Baker has been studying with James for over six years and is just completing an intensive year-long program with him.  It is with James’ blessing that Stuart offers workshops and healing sessions based on the RUH program. 



Stuart has been a builder for over thirty years, and also a mediator and consultant.  His business Conscious Cooperation promotes harmonious and mutually successful working relationships related to construction.  His website is http://www.consciouscooperation.com/

Spiritual Investing in Crisis Times 12/14/2011-Wed Gathering in Rockville

 This Wednesday gathering we learn "Everything you every wanted to know about money but were afraid to ask."  with Joe Dunn

There are ways to save wisely and protect your financial assets for you and your loved ones. Find out how to effectively navigate your   investments to be safe and grow during this extremely treacherous time with very low bank interest rates and incredibly volatile stock and bond markets. Learn how you can invest to avoid taxes, guarantee lifetime income and effectively plan for your retirement years.


Joe Dunn has over 20 years in the Financial Services Industry. He has an MBA and a BS in Civil Engineering. He is licensed to sell investments and insurances. As regards his personal life he has been involved with various forms of Spiritual and Transformational Work for over 25 years. You can reach Joe at joedunnfinancial (at) hotmail.com

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