Abundant Michael

Confessions of a Former Traditional Doctor 12/7/2011-Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Gathering we hear the confessions of a former traditional doctor- An Evening with Tom Acklin MD


YogaYoga, serenity, healing, and the arts offer us access to our true self. My stand is for each and every person on the planet to discover and empower the essential self, living a fulfilled life by virtue of matching the circumstances of life with the important qualities of the self. In doing this, we give ourselves the opportunity to live authentic and powerful lives, and then we can truly connect with each other and remember our communal one-ness.


Tom says:
"I am dedicated to Well Being.. My passion and purpose is the genesis and empowerment of well-being in individuals, communities, businesses, governments, societies, and humanity. Transition and Transformation are an integral part of our condition, We stand as advocate for Well Being through all transformations. Let’s celebrate the Human condition and Humanity as Organism"


Happy Thanksgiving, La Paz Bolivia, Extra Energy to Heal

Happy Thanksgiving! There will be no Wednesday Gathering in Rockville this week, back the week after with an intro to acupuncture.

yogaHere in La Paz Bolivia I have been relaxing after all my travels, doing yoga and also got a general check up with a local doctor as I hadn't had one for two years. All is healthy I am glad to say. The check up cost $12 for the doctor and $45 for the full lab work. That is not copays - that is the full cost. And they did a great job and I didn't have to wait for an appointment - I just walked in and got the check up and lab test immediately. What a better experience to my last general check up in the States where it took weeks to get an appointment, had to wait in the waiting room for 30 minutes, and had to go to a separate place to get lab work done. And the doctor was in a hurry. Plus deal with the hassle of insurance reimbursement. I think it cost about $400 (plus my monthly insurance premium which works out to about $4000 per year). So here I got better service, cost less and the doctors are well trained and friendly. I am grateful I am getting medical care here! It doesn't surprise me that an increasing number of people with elective surgery and dentistry are outsourcing their care to other countries.

I am currently doing a 5 day fast using Blessed herbs to clean out any toxins in my body and also to give my body the extra energy to heal any old injuries. I know it sounds weird to say that I have extra energy when I don't eat but the truth is that digesting food takes a lot of energy and fills the body with waste products to eliminate too. For two weeks after seeing John of God I was detoxing out of my sinuses - also I am using Copaiba Oil which comes from the Amazon and is good for detoxing and cleaning the body. So having cleaned the top part of my body I figured it was time to clean the bottom part too!

Yoga for Depression, Sao Paulo and NYC, Airport for a Flight.

YogaI have been doing yoga for years and I have found it always helps me if I am feeling depressed. As a yoga teacher I have also seed the positive effect on students who are depressed. So this week's gathering on yoga for depression is interesting to me.




I was in Sao Paulo Brazil last week and was amazed at how large a city it is - 19 million people - 4th largest metro areas in the world. The subway system rivals the one in NYC for size, different lines and number of passengers packed into the trains. But the system is much newer than New York's. Another similarity to NYC is the number of coffee shops and bars with tattooed tweens hanging out smoking wearing lots of black clothes! There is also a big art and high fashion scene here. And the cost of downtown apartments rivals Manhattan. But overall the city is more relaxed and happy than NY. Though I heard from a New Yorker that I met at John of God that New Yorks twin passions of success and pleasure have become a bit stale in the last year and that there is more searching for meaning. Perhaps that is partly why OWS started there.


I have found Brazilians to be very helpful to me and others. One example I was waiting in a bus for the airport (it was a 30 minute wait outside a hotel to pick up other passengers) and a guy asked if the bus could get him to the airport for a flight in a hour. The bus driver friendly said no, but offer to drive him (in the bus) to a taxi stand 4 blocks away so that he could make the flight. We then returned to the hotel to pick up the other passengers. Only in Brazil! :-)

Spiritual Surgery, Casa, EFT eyesight

Spiritual surgeryI got spiritual surgery at John of God last week - and since then have been working on letting go old beliefs that no longer serve me. One of the ways I do this is with the Work of Byron Katie - this is very powerful stuff for breaking up old beliefs that are no longer useful or even true! So I am glad that Sandra is giving a workshop at this Wednesday Gathering on The Work (see below)




I was with about 50 other people getting spiritual surgery at the Casa last Friday morning - we all sat in a room near to John of God and the entities started working on us. I felt energy scanning across my body several times. I focused on staying in my heart space during the procedure which I think lasted about 20 minutes (but not sure to be honest as my eyes were closed and I was a bit spaced out afterwards!). Afterwards I bought some blessed water to drink for the next 8 days while recovering and carrying that hoe I felt my abdomen as though it had been cut open - perhaps not a good idea to carry items after surgery even if it is spiritual! Then 24 hours of rest - I slept a lot. I felt like I was detoxing. I felt much better the next day but still took it easy for the week. I worked on the issues that I had asked for help on myself too (eyesight, abundance, femininity, healing/manifesting skills).


I noticed my eyesight changing after a few days - then I decided to stop using my Opto-K contact lens - to act as if the healing woul fully work.
And my sight has got much better! I have using doing Carol Look's EFT eyesight MP3 http://www.attractingabundance.com/eft/improve-your-eyesight-with-eft/
and there is sure a lot of old emotional baggage I was carrying around in my eyes (and probably rest of my body too) - I recommend checking that out if you are interested as it is only $27 and clears a lot of stuff! I have also been re-reading The Secret book (which is much better than the movie if you saw that a few years ago) and reminding myself of all the Law of Attraction stuff. I have also been reading Peace is the Way by Deepak Chopra http://www.chopra.com/peace which is about creating world peace be transforming ourselves inside - he has some great insights on where violence comes from in our world and some challenging thoughts on 9/11 and the war on terror. Recommended.


Intro to Acupuncture 11/30/11-Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Gathering we learn about Acupuncture with Pat Nordell.


Acupuncture is among the oldest healing practices in the world. As part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture aims to restore and maintain health through the stimulation of specific points on the body. In the United States, where practitioners incorporate healing traditions from China, Japan, Korea, and other countries.



Practiced in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years, acupuncture is one of the key components of traditional Chinese medicine. In TCM, the body is seen as a delicate balance of two opposing and inseparable forces: yin and yang. Yin represents the cold, slow, or passive principle, while yang represents the hot, excited, or active principle. According to TCM, health is achieved by maintaining the body in a "balanced state"; disease is due to an internal imbalance of yin and yang. This imbalance leads to blockage in the flow of qi (vital energy) along pathways known as meridians. Qi can be unblocked, according to TCM, by using acupuncture at certain points on the body that connect with these meridians. Sources vary on the number of meridians, with numbers ranging from 14 to 20. One commonly cited source describes meridians as 14 main channels "connecting the body in a weblike interconnecting matrix" of at least 2,000 acupuncture points.


Round Robin Energy Healing Share 11/23/11- Wed Gathering in Rockville

Energy Share It will be a relaxed environment open to people of all paths and traditions to practice energy healing, connect with like-minded individuals and/or experience it for the first time! As a group, we will create sacred, healing space as we give ourselves permission to receive healing. Each participant will have the opportunity to give and receive treatment in "round robin" style. No experience is necessary. Facilitated by Randy Goldberg.



Randy GoldbergRandy Goldberg has taught meditation to individuals and groups including at GWU, AU, and Howard Universities, DC-JCC, and Takoma Metaphysical Chapel. Randy is a former Yoga monk, a Craniosacral therapist, a world renowned astrologer interviewed by the Washington Post and by CNN. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups. You can reach Randy at randy (at) randygoldberg.org or 202-380-6850 www.randygoldberg.org


The Work of Byron Katie 11/9/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

Work Of KatieThis Wednesday gathering we learn how to use the Work of Byron Katie with Sandra Solomon. Do you want to release judgements you hold in your life? Do you want to find inner peace? Do you want to transform your experience of life at warp speed? Then come learn the simple process of self-inquiry known as The Work of Byron Katie. This amazing process, when used honestly and with integrity, has the power to create enlightenment on purpose.

“Eckhart Tolle's teaching is the ‘what,’ and The Work is the “how,” - Byron Katie

“The Work is a razor sharp sword—use it.” - Eckhart Tolle


Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn to investigate your stressful thinking using four questions and a turnaround.
  • Experience how you live your life when you believe thoughts that are not true for you.
  • Discover new possibilities and different perspectives.
  • Learn how to facilitate yourself and others using The Work’s four questions and turnarounds.
  • Realize what is true for you, and take home the ability to live effectively with clarity and in accordance with your own integrity.


With the Work “We begin to question stressful thoughts and we find something new happening. We come to see that thoughts aren’t personal. And when we see that, miracles take place. It's what we read about…like unconditional love. The next time you see this person and your judgments of him, you may wonder why you're not seeing it that way. You're seeing someone just doing the best he can. It's a radical shift—this glimpsing into oneself.”


The Work is something you can take home with you. It is a method which brings your own inner wisdom to the surface. You become your own healer.

Learn more about the The Work at Bryon Katie's website.

The Work Essentials


PDFThe following are free PDF files available from her website 

Sandra Solomon, Teacher, Channel/Conduit of Energetic Healing & Transformational Consultant. She is  a gifted and accomplished healer who works on both an individual, group and planetary level.  Her practice utilizes a wide range of energy modalities including, Quantum Healing which includes Reconnective   Healing and Matrix Energetics. She attunes Reiki Masters to six levels beyond Master Level through the Lightarian Institute™. Sandra is also trained in Shamballa Healing.

Sandra offers Transformational Consulting using a variety of techniques, including: the Work of Byron Katie, Psych-K  which is Psychological Kinesiology,  EFT-    Emotional Freedom Technique and The Sedona Method. These techniques assist in whole brain synchronization.  Her Transformational Consulting helps you to fine-tune your life into a more peaceful and balanced journey. She employs transformational techniques to assist you in attaining your goals.

Sandra’s explorations include quantum physics, sacred geometry, the Mayan Calendar, Kabbalah, the Sacred Alphabet, Universal Laws, the nature of reality and consciousness. She empowers people to discover their own self-authority.  You can reach Sandra at mayanone (at) juno (dot) com or 434-825-5564


The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Darkness to Light: Yoga & Depression 11/16/2011 Wed Gathering in Rockville

YogaAccording to the Center for Disease Control and Preventions, an estimated 1 in 10 U.S. adults report depression.  Modern medicine treats many of the physical, emotional and biological causes of depression.  Unfortunately, science cannot treat the most elusive aspect of depression:  Separation from the Self. From Darkness to Light: Transforming Depression Through Yoga, explores how, through Yoga practices, we can transform depression into a liberating pathway through darkness into the light of consciousness.



Maureen’s teaching draws on 32 years of personal Hatha-Yoga practice. Since 1997 she has taught at leading studios and yoga teacher training programs across the country. An avid yoga student herself, Maureen has accumulated over 1,800 hours of study - and two teaching certifications - with some of yoga’s leading masters including Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D., Jivamukti’s Sharon Gannon and David Life, and John Friend, to name a few.  Maureen also promotes Kirtans and works with such artists Krishna Das, Jai Uttal, and Wah. Her other incarnations include stints as an artist, amateur musician, house-painter and nonprofit fundraiser.

Body Evolution,Brazil, John of God

I have been evolving my body and health for many years with massage, yoga, magic and more. So this week’s gathering on Body Evolution is interesting to me.



John of godHere in Brazil I am visiting the Casa of John of God for healing and spiritual work. The Casa is located in a small town about an hour’s bus ride from Brasilia. My first healing was trusting in many strangers to help me find the right bus and get off in the middle of nowhere (it is not an official bus stop) in the dark of Tuesday night. My hotel reservation hadn’t come through but I had faith that I could find a place here and after asking at three places that were full I did. The hotel is run by a German man and his wife who moved here eight years ago for healing and decided to stay. I got to practice my Portugish (my mix of Portuguese and Spanish) at dinner and I was happy that one of the other Brazilians thought that I was from Argentina! I guess my Spanish has improved a lot over the last 10 months :-)



The next day I got up for the 8am line at the Casa - hundreds of people all dressed in white were there to see John of God who is a faith healer who has helped millions of people over the last 53 years. There are meditation rooms and a video showing John of God working on people.



Usually he works on the spiritual level but sometimes he will do minor surgery and watching videos of that squiged me out a bit - I thought I had processed my fear of blood last year at DO cutting workshop but apparently there is some stuff left there! After a wait in line for a few hours I got my turn and got a treatment suggestion of a crystal bed session - which as very relaxing 7 crystals and colored lights one for each chakra. The next day I saw him again and this time I will get spiritual surgery after which I will rest and abstain from pork, peppers, alcohol and all sexual energy (including self-stimulation) for 8 days. The first few items are no problem as I don’t eat them anyway.


The first time I saw him at Omega in NY I had to abstain for 40 days so 8 days sounds easy - though still good practice for using non-sexual ways to relax and pamper myself!



While standing in line I realized that the power to heal myself comes from within - from god that each of us has inside. And that I can change anything in my life with a mixture of intent, emotional clearing, belief changes and physical action. I felt empowered and I invite you to consider any life area that you want to change and to list how you can do things in each of these four areas. I did that when I returned to my room on my money issues and sure helped me!


Body Evolution 11/2/11 Wed Gathering in Rockville

Body EvolutionWould you like to feel more free in your neck, shoulders & hips? Experience less pain in your back, knees, feet & elsewhere in your body? Would you like to learn how to feel & look younger, taller, more robust & energetic?

Then join us Wednesday November 2 at the Sandbox Gathering in Rockville MD, for an experiential workshop in Tyr Throne's Body Evolution. Participants find they are more relaxed, powerful and energetic. Chronic and/or traumatic pain can be reduced or eliminated. Discover how to use movement to keep yourself young and healthy. Body Evolution empowers a person to optimal wellbeing ~ physically, emotionally and spiritually ~ through bodywork and special movement processes. There are many ways you can benefit.

“Tyr Throne is head and shoulders above anyone else (doing similar work)”
—Randy Goldberg, healer, astrologist & networker, Rockville MD

"Tyr is amazing. He helped my professional dance career so much. I don't know what I would have done without him. Try for yourself. You will be so happy you did."
—Stacy Calvert, former soloist with New York City Ballet and Frankfurt

Ballet, head of ballet department, University of South Carolina,


This experiential workshop will introduce you to Tyr Throne's Body Evolution. Participants in Body Evolution look & feel more relaxed, powerful and energetic. Chronic and/or traumatic pain can be reduced or eliminated. Body Evolution empowers a person to optimal wellbeing ~ physically, emotionally and spiritually ~ through bodywork and special movement processes.There are many ways you can benefit.



Body Evolution:


The art and science of creating a life and body you love.


•Experience Body Evolution – feel better right away!


•Improve your alignment, flexibility, and balance.


•Free analysis and recommendations from Tyr Throne


•Free Bodywork Demonstration – see what BE can do for you.



Tyr Throne is the creator of BODY EVOLUTION (and Director of its Training Institutes in Europe and Asia), YOUTHING Systems, Evolutionary Yoga and Healing Trance Dance. He is certified in Advanced Structural Integration, the Feldenkrais method, Bones For Life (Board Member), Sounder Sleep System, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga and Meditation.  Tyr developed Healing Trance Dance and other healing ritual movement and meditation experiences for individuals and groups.  Mr. Throne is an international champion of Kung Fu, an award-winning director of dance and theater and draws much of his inspiration for BODY EVOLUTION from his years as a dancer.



BODY EVOLUTION began over 25 years ago when Tyr Throne first saw the possibility of integrating physical, psychological and theatrical therapies while studying pre-medicine, psychology, dance and theater at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He has been passionately developing that possibility ever since.

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