Hmm how have I self-sabotaged myself in the past, let me count the ways. :-) From procrastinating over work tasks, to not looking after my health, to mis-communicating in relationships I have done it many ways. I had done a lot of work on becoming more self-aware and so this week's Sandbox on Awareness Process with Gene Freeheart is good. I have taken many workshops with Gene over the years plus went to his Sunday evening events and my experience is that he is great at creating safe spaces for deep sharing and is very kind and gentle in his approach.

I am back in Bolivia today and I noticed that my flight and immigration was much easier this time - so I think I must have had some self-sabotage running last time to make it a struggle! This time I bought a regular economy ticket on and I checked the dates on the ticket. then two weeks ago I was checking how many bags I could take and La Paz is restricted to 2 bags due to the attitude for economy tickets... which was a problem because I have a lot of books and clothes! Then on the flight to London I was walking through first class and noticing the people. In the past I had a lot of judgments about people in first class - wasting money, who do they think they are etc. This time I noticed they are just people who happen to be sitting in different area and I felt love towards them. Oh, so what, you say? Well when I looked at my La Paz ticket more closely I discovered that I had been given a first class ticket by mistake!! My reaction was to accept what the universe had given me (I had to do a bit of releasing on that concept first however!). And then I enjoyed traveling in style and comfort plus the use of the lounge at Miami where I had a 5 hour layover. :-)

I have been reading a book "The Power of Receiving" by Amanda Owen, which talks about allowing things into your life when offered and I guess this plane trip was my exam from the universe on this topic! So here is my invitation to you - notice how you are when people offer you complements or other gifts. Can you receive with grace or do you push it away? After all it is impossible for someone to give without someone else receiving so we need both to occur so be can all flow in a space of love and generosity...