Abundant Michael: Sandbox

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Improv play 5/6/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn Improv play. Do you want to be more playful? Would you like to think more on your feet? Would you like to think more creatively on your back?! Would you like to get over your fear of making mistakes? This is a hands on workshop and is a lot of fun too! Improv is entertaining, energetic, and exciting. Improv is always different. If you find repetitive tasks dull, this is for you! Expect your confidence to increase, virtually all players improve on assertiveness, and creativity and problem solving are increased. Whether you want to improve your rituals, enjoy sex more spontaneously, be better at public speaking or just have more poise this workshop is for you. We will learn the basic principles of improv and then create an improv play together.

For me improv is a way to get back into the childlike state of creating in the moment. A way to turn down the volume on my inner critic. And a way to let spirit flow freely though me.

The play begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Clutter Clearing is Spiritual Business 5/20/09

Taming the clutterThis Wednesday Sandbox gathering we take a deeper look at what lies under clutter with Bev Hitchins. Wouldn’t you love to have a clutter-free home?  What if everything you own had its own home—a place where it is kept?  Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to get rid of your clutter?  Perhaps it’s time to look differently at those piles of paper, clothes, toys, and whatever else you’ve been holding onto, so you can change how you handle them. 

This workshop is a novel approach to seeing your clutter in a spiritual way.  You’ll discover it’s more than just stuff.  It’s a reflection of your spirit.  We’ll explore what clutter means to you and what lies under it with exercises that use the whole brain.  You’ll leave this workshop with a sharper eye and a keener feeling for what to keep and what to throw.

Bev Hitchins is the owner of ALIGN, A Unique and Integrative Approach to Clutter and Balance.  When her mother died in 1990, she drove a huge truck with contents from her mother’s home in Florida to Virginia where she promptly put it in storage for 9 years.  Only in 1999 did she begin the de-cluttering process, which led to starting a thriving de-cluttering business in 2005.  This workshop is based on her own de-cluttering process as well as that of her clients.


The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Alchemical Fire Circle 4/22/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we do an Alchemical Fire Circle with Whittney. Since the dawn of time, human beings have gathered around the fire to make music, to dance, and to weave magic in the firelight. Alchemy is a paradigm of transformation, using the "fire of nature" to accelerate growth and change on interior levels. The fundamental components of Fire Circle Alchemy are comprised of voice, music, movement, and service, which correspond to the magical elements of air, fire, water and earth, respectively.


Fire Circle Alchemy is a ritual of transformation derived from a mystical tradition. Availing ourselves of imagery and processes cognate to those pioneered in early alchemy laboratories, we embark upon a mythic journey of re-creation, an adaptation of the alchemist's Great Work, or Magnum Opus: the Quest for the Philosopher's Stone.


The circle begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Coming Shifts 4/15/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at the coming shifts in society with the economy, politics and spiritual changes as we head towards 2012. Sir James will be leading the discussion based on the article "the Coming collapse" at http://www.truthout.org/022709F

He says "I suspect my personal efforts will be a blend of what I can do in the spiritual realm, and what I can do in the "physical" realm. There are so-called practical matters like food, water, clothing and shelter, and there are more life-impacting matters... as any fan of post-apocalyptic sci-fi movies can attest.  I hope we're not living in that sort of history-changing time, but if we are... I expect that a deep examination of what is most important to each of us, and how we can prepare, plan, and protect... will be a good exercise no matter what the future events turn out to be."

In this  "Living in the New World" gathering we will look at

1- Avoiding chaos, spreading calm
2- Accumulating supplies for survival
3- Forming communities

Here are some questions to think on before the gathering:

1) Do you think it will happen - why or why not?

2) What is "it"?  What are your expectations, of what the future will hold?

3) Do you feel as if you have any input, control, or say... about the impact on you?

4) Given #2... about expectations of the future, what is your desired outcome, or goal?

5) Lastly... what resources do you think are available for you to draw on? Be creative, and
    list them out.

The discussion begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - More Alive/Physcial Immortality 4/1/09

Charles Paul Brown, Bernadeane  and James StroleThis special Wednesday Sandbox gathering we have guests Laurie Handlers, James Strole and Bernadeane from People Unlimited in Arizona. Experience your true potential for unlimited energy, health, love and prosperity.  The secret is in removing the death programming that has stopped you from living a totally vibrant and joyful life without end. If you feel you are unlimited, but still believe you have to die, you are missing who you really are. Don’t miss your opportunity to step out of the death paradigm and embrace the life that is truly without limitations.


I know the date is 4/1 but this is not an April Fools joke. If you have read the founder rebirthing Leonard Orr's book "Breaking the Death Habit" you will know how much we carry subconscious messages about death, sickness and struggle (aka the Death Urge).


Note: Due to the large number of people expected there will not be a dinner at this gathering.

“Since meeting these amazing beings, they are all I can talk about. I have waited my entire life to hear this conversation and be living the integrity that naturally follows. For anyone who has been through transformational work, this is really walking the talk! I’ve retooled my entire curriculum to reflect physical immortality. Why would I want to do all the work I’ve already done and then die?”

--Laurie Handlers

“To me what they spoke was life, when all I had been hearing my whole life was death, and depression.

 --Shereena Smith

“There was realness about these people and what they were speaking that made me want to keep coming until I found out for myself whether or not this life was for me.”

--Dean Moriki

“Since meeting them, I have grown in all areas of my being. I am healthier than ever and experience so much joy and zero struggle.”

--Ilana Arzt


When:             Wednesday April 1st at 8:00-10:30pm

Location:        Michael Smith’s home in Rockville

Cost:               $25

PreRegister: http://abundantmichael.eventbrite.com/

You really want to be at this special engagement with James Strole and Bernadeane! Limited number of seats, this is the only event in DC area for People Unlimited at this time.

 More info on them at http://www.peopleunlimitedinc.com.


The talk begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Better Sounds of Sex 3/25/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we work on better sounds of sex. Do you have difficulty making sounds during love making? Would you like to call in the gods and goddesses with making louder and more passionate noises and moans? Would you like to enhance your and your partner(s) orgasms with sound? The come and have fun at this workshop! We will play with sounds in a safe environment and practice different love noises. Either come with a partner(s) or be prepare to match up with new people or do solo sound sex work!

The moans begin after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Boundaries and Hugs and Ostara 3/18/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we practice expressing our boundaries and giving hugs. Do you have trouble saying what you want? Or saying no to a request? Here is a safe time to practice and experiment in the Sandbox - where you know that any boundaries that you express will be supported by others and the group as a whole. We will also look at the different kinds of hugs that people give - the firm bear hug, the wimpy hug, the A-frame hug and the yummy hug. And how to graceful sidestep a hug if you don't want to hug that person right now. If you have other hug types to suggest let me know!

Ostara (spring equinox pagan holiday) is on Friday 3/20/09. So this is a great time to think about planting new ideas and habits for the coming year. So if you have trouble asking clearly for what you want, or saying No, or hearing No or saying Yes or hearing Yes then come to this gathering and we will plant some seeds for new behaviors in time for Beltane!

The hugs begin after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - The Mood Cure 3/4/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering  we look at how diet and amino acids can dramatically improve your mood. Do you want to lift the dark cloud of depression? or are you drowning in apathy but don't have to energy to take any action? Or are you feeling anxious and stressed all the time? Or do your overreact to others innocent remarks? Or do you want to let go of emotional eating, recover from addictions or find a reliable alternatives to anti-depressants?

Many people are in a bad mood. Depression and anxiety have tripled in the last ten years. The book "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross explains why and provides the good news that we can feel better emotionally, without the use of caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, or anti-depressants-and the even better news that we can begin to see the results in just one day with brain-fueling amino acids combined with a high-protein, healthy-fat, veggie-rich diet and other nutritional strategies.

I will have some samples of the amino acids to try on hand (available from health food store MOM or any other other vitamin shop). For me I felt results within 15 minutes of taking the supplement for my mood type (the Blahs).

Take the questionnaire to see what mood type(s) you have

Are You Suffering from the Blahs?

3) Do you often feel depressed - the flat, bored, apathetic kind?

2) Are you low on physical or mental energy? Do you feel tired a lot, have to push yourself to exercise?

3) Are you easily chilled? Do you have cold hands or feet?

3) Do you feel the need to get more alert and motivated by consuming a lot of coffee or other "uppers" like sugar, diet soda, ephedra, or cocaine?

Rest of Questions at http://www.moodcure.com/Questionnaire.html

Please read warnings at http://www.moodcure.com/aminoacidprecautions.html before taking any of these supplements.

The cure begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Desert on Leonard bday celebration 2/25/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we celebrate Leonard's 40th birthday Sandbox style by doing desert on him. After dinner Leonard will lay on a table and be covered with desert topings, fruit, cream and chocolate then who ever wants to can eat desert off him. A sensuous and yummy experience. (The shower is available after for Leonard to clean up)

If you want to celebrate your birthday or some other special event this way just let me know and we can arrange it! You chose how much clothing to wear (swim suit or birthday suit are suggested attire and what kind of deserts you want putting on you).

The desert begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Kundalini Yoga to move beyond depression 2/18/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn some Kundalini Yoga to move beyond depression and despondency from yogini Dana Verkouteren.

The tragedy of depression is the lack of ambition, the motion towards caring for oneself. If your groove is under a rock somewhere please join us. In this gathering we'll be using mantra (sound current), movements, breath, relaxation, and meditation to open up a more balanced relationship between the true you and your psyche. These are fabulous tools you can use whenever needed.

Never done Kundalini yoga before? Don't worry Dana promises to make this workshop accessible to beginners! Be sure to bring your body, comfortable clothes and if you have one a yoga mat and blanket (I will have some spare blankets to use)

The movement begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

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