Abundant Michael: Spirit

Wed Gathering in Rockville - Letting go of our stories 1/6/10

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we let go of our stories with Barra Kahn. Some of you may have come to one of Barra's intense workshops at Sandbox or CSL last year and this one promises to provide deep transformations to those who chose to come.

A human being who is incapable of surrendering cannot find his core; she cannot find her divine nature; he cannot truly release into love.  The ability to surrender is an essential inner movement from which all good can flow.

How attached are you to your story?  How does it feel to let it go?  Letting go of our story can make space for new relationships, new options, new passions, new ways of being in the world to come into our lives.  In this new year session, we will explore what part of our story our ego holds onto for dear life, and how we are connected to it somatically.  We will work in community to uncover the roots of our doubt,  our resistance, our fear.  We will explore opening up to trust, to faith.

Come explore with us where you are holding on, and where you are letting go.  Bring your will, your doubt, your negative intent, and your open mind.  Bring it all.  We will explore it.  And hopefully, we will let some of it go.
The playshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.


Committed or devoted relationships?

This short video interview with Tantra folks Mark Michaels and Patricia Johnson is interesting. (I have met them at various events many times - they give great workshops on tantra). One idea I particularly liked - would you rather be in a committed relationship or a devoted one?

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Erotic fire circle dance and drum 12/2/09

Fire DrumThis Wednesday Sandbox gathering we do an erotic fire circle dance and drum. With all the talk on the lists about the Beltane fire circle I thought it would be fun to do an fire circle dance and drumming session. The fire will be in the basement so no need to worry about the cold outside. And if you chose to dance naked that is fine too. And if you have a drum and want to help with the beat bring it along!


There will be a short demo on some erotic dance moves then we will dim the lights and let the glow of the fire and the sound of the drums lead you into a sacred fire dance. A chance to transcend our regular day to day existence and connect with ancient spirits of the fire. If you have dancing shawls with bells or other dance clothes bring them along. I will have a couple of items to share.


Passion, desire to play and have fun are more important than dancing experience.


The dancing begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Ishnaan for immune system and ego busting

This video explains how Ishnaan Therapy (Cold Shower) works and why you would want to do it. I have been practicing this for two months and it has improved my skin tone and immune system. It is also great for showing your ego who is in charge because I have to say that every morning part of me doesn't want to get in the cold shower! And part of me knows I will feel great afterwards and be healthier. The ability to do things that are good for me that are uncomfortable for a few moments is good training for will power.

When the cold water hits the surface of your skin (which has four layers) all the blood from way deep inside your body rushes to the surface in self-defense, vastly improving your circulation on the spot. This is called Hydrotherapy. It strengthens your entire nervous system. People pay huge sums of money for what is now called "Hydrothermal therapy" when in reality all you need is cold water!

But first, before you get wet, massage your body all over with a little oil. Oil is more easily absorbed by the skin when it is mixed with water--and you won't be greasy afterwards. Almond oil is highly recommended since the almond contains so many minerals, and it nourishes the body through the pores of the skin.

Go in and out of the water four times, constantly massaging your body until the water no longer feels cold. Be sure not to miss the area under your arms, which is where the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems meet. You can even stand on one foot and massage the top of it with the other foot. Women, be sure to massage your breasts.

"Your first victory of the day! You will probably become very holy the moment the cold water hits your body, because it is likely you will shout, "Oh my God!" You might try exclaiming "Wahe Guru" ("Wow, God is Great!").  Remembering God is always a blessing.

Dry off briskly with a rough towel till the body really shines; put on loose, comfortable exercise clothing, and you're ready to do your sadhana, your personal daily spiritual practice. God bless you, you're bound to have a wonderful day!

From the Book The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - The Shift 11/25/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering the day before Thanksgiving we watch the spiritual movie The Shift by Wayne Dyer. It is a moving story of spiritual growth and change. It is two hours long so we will start it at 7:30pm so that we have time to discuss and connect afterwards and end by 10pm. So if you are coming please arrive by 6:30pm or earlier. If you can not make it there is a link to how to buy the movie below.

PS If you are coming to Thanksgiving lunch and have not RSVPed yet please do so by end of Friday 11/20 at http://www.abundantmichael.com/blog/page.cfm/Thanksgiving. Thanks!

The Shift
Click Here to View the Trailer

What is The Shift? It’s the story of the most important moment of your life—when you stop striving and start arriving! It’s the choice you make to move toward a life that gathers up the pieces of your best, most fulfilled, most loving self. It’s the moment when you start living a life rich with meaning and begin playing the music you came here to play!

Are you ready to make the shift that changes everything? When will you find the joy, the peace, and the love that you came here to give and to receive?

In this inspiring new movie, you’ll enjoy an engaging, heartwarming and humorous tale of transformation on vacation. You’ll marvel at the beauty of the windswept ocean scenery. Share the characters’ delight as they receive the most precious gift—permission to follow their hearts. Hear Wayne say, “Don’t die with your music still in you” and see everyone set free to join the orchestra!

Join Wayne Dyer and a star-studded cast for a story that will capture your imagination and send you on your own quest for a life of meaning and purpose. In The Shift, we share the stories of three modern lives in crisis—a young mother who nurtures everyone but herself, an overachieving husband who has forgotten what love means, and a moviemaker desperate for the opportunity that will make him worthy in his own eyes. Every life has a turning point, a shift, a choice to make about what really matters.

Early in life, we follow the path mapped out by ego, a path of ambition, competition, and striving. When midlife dawns, we too often find ourselves stranded in a lonely and desolate place we never intended to visit. Our feelings of sadness and frustration tell us we took a wrong turn. Like a shift in the wind or a change in the tide, the yearning we feel at midlife is a call to renewal. The Shift shows us the path home, the path to rediscovering our true self, our purpose, and the life of meaning that is our true calling.

“When you get it—that you don’t do things because of what somebody else is going to do for you, but you do them because you’re living your life’s purpose—you can light up the whole world with that kind of love. That’s how it works for me.”
—Wayne Dyer

“From the moment I began watching the movie until the very end, I was just in tears. I was blown away by the story, and I’m so excited for people to be able to see this film.”
—Cheryl Richardson

“The Shift is a movie that touches your soul. Michael Goorjian has directed a visually beautiful movie with stirring music. Wayne Dyer’s message lingers with you long after the final credits. I loved it.”
—Louise L. Hay

Info from http://www.hayhouse.com/details.php?id=4118


The movie begins  at 7:30pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Healing with Ho'oponopono 10/21/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn about the Hawiian healing method of Ho'oponopono. I have been using Ho'oponopono for the last 6 months and found it to be healing both of me and external world.

The basic idea is that each of us create all of our reality. The problem isn't with our external reality, it is with ourselves. To change our reality, we have to change ourselves. So if a person or situation is irritating us we can heal that part of ourselves and the "external" world will shift. The basic healing method is to see that person/situation as a representation of the divine and repeat (silently inside myself) the mantra “I love you. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. Thank you.”. Or just repeat "I love you" if you want it simpler. I have used it during client meetings if the client was being a pain in my butt and the meeting went better. I have also used it to bring in new clients to my business and to clear old clutter from my business. I use it on my body parts, especially if I have any dis-ease in any of them.

Look at it this way, even if you don't believe the external stuff works the mantra makes the "internal" feel better in "bad" situations. Any changes in the "external" are a bonus! :-)

You can learn more at at the articles at
http://www.self-i-dentity-through-hooponopono.com/articles.htm or read the books "Zero Limits" by Joe Vitale or "The Easiest Way: Solve your problems and take the road to love, happiness, wealth and the life of your dreams" by Mabel Katz

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - The Shadow Effect 9/30/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we we look at Debbie Ford's new movie The Shadow Effect and do some Shadow processes. The shadow is our subconscious - the dark parts of our mind that may help us or may sabotage our goals time after time. If you keep having bad relationships, or work problems or the same old family dramas keep coming up then perhaps it is time to take a Journey from Your Darkest Thought to Your Greatest Dream!

You can try to hide your shadow, hate your shadow but in the end if you want to transcend your current shadow suffering I suggest bringing light and love to your shadow side. That is when you can find the hidden gold in your shadow.


"The Shadow Effect is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals the hidden forces that continually unseat politicians, destroy celebrity careers, destabilize the economy and affect the lives of millions each year."
In this age of public humiliation and media meltdowns, the work of New York Times best selling author, Debbie Ford, continues to make headway as she exposes the opposing forces of both light and dark that compete for attention within every human being. In her film debut, The Shadow Effect, Ford presents the hidden power of “the Shadow” alongside some of today’s most provocative thinkers including Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Mark Victor Hansen, James Van Praagh and others.

In this life-altering journey, individuals who have transcended child abuse, racism, the Holocaust, war, and wounded upbringings, share their remarkable stories. Meet those who have learned to face their terror, heal their wounds, and embrace their higher, heroic selves to overcome the shadow effect.


More info and movie clip at http://store.debbieford.com/product_info.php?cPath=17_5&products_id=16

The movie begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Placebos Are Getting More Effective

Interesting article on how placebos are getting more effective over time. Also covers how pill color, theraputic rituals and even geography effect how well a drug or placebo works. Finally NIH and drug companies are studying placebos and how powerful the human mind-body can be.


IAM Meditation Course Training on Oct 3rd and 4th 2009

FYI I heard about this at the Amma DC event this summer. It was a very peaceful and loving environment. $25 for two days including lunch is an amazing deal!


The IAM - Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique®  is a powerful way to reconnect with our real center, our inner Self, and thereby experience true joy and peace in life.

Born out of Amma's deep resolve for our spiritual enhancement, this technique, when practiced with dedication, is designed to bring about integration in our lives - an integration of body, mind, intellect and heart, an integration of our True Self with God.
For those searching for the fulfillment in material life, the meditation techique will serve as a powerful key. A key to open channels of creativity and self-expression, help one to lead a more balanced life and give a more positive outlook.
One of the main functions for this meditation technique is to channel our energies properly so that we can tap into the unexplored realms of our talents. This technique also helps one to relax, both physically and mentally, and to lead a tension-free life.
The course will be conducted in the DC area on October 3rd from 10:00AM to 5:00PM and October 4th from 10:00 AM to 2:00PM at the Residence of Ken and Wendy Steben in Darnestown, MD.
For those who have taken the course already: We will have a refresher course if enough people sign up on Oct 4th at 3:00PM. Refresher course os ONLY for those who have done IAM before. Please respond immediately to ammadcsatsang at yahoo dot com if you are interested.
Vegetarian meals and refreshments will be provided on both days.
The cost for the training is $25.00 to cover overhead expenses, however the training itself is free.

TV fast

I am near the end of a 3 month TV and media fast that I started in June - no TV, no DVDs, no movies. I found it hard at first - I noticed that I was using TV as a way to zone out or avoid thinking about upsets. I did some EFT on my urges to watch TV and that helped. I have done more reading and spending time in my garden.


I have also noticed myself zoning out surfing the interest amlessly and did watch some YouTube videos until I realized that internet videos are not that different from TV! I have found that no TV does help me to feel more positive - no violence and negative images coming into my mind that way. I was Tivoing all my viewing before, so it is not like I was watching more than 10 hours a week to start with. And I have left the Tivo running during my fast to record a soap opera (EastEnders) that I have watched every episode of since it started in 1989. I will see how I feel about watching those episodes when the 3 months is up!

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