Abundant Michael

How to scan, record and monitor everything for total control

Thought policeThese guys (the governments) won't be happy until they can scan everyone's body, house, email, car, driving patterns, postal mail, financial, verbal conversations and thoughts. And record it all in the new NSA super computer complex so that they can do back searches over years of information looking for patterns of people who are not under their control. Yeah what we need now is Thought Police, come on George (Orwell), tell the government how to train the Thought Police. Oh, yeah you already did (1984).

PS All of the above are either already implemented or have technology already existing:

  • body - TSA airport body scanners. Argentina is implementing a national ID based on fingerprints and face scanning of all citizens. All non US citizens are fingerprinted and face/iris scanned on entering the country - it is probable that this will be extended to US citizens and residents in the future.
  • house - warrentless "sneak and peak" searches
  • email - NSA and ISP scans
  • phone - warrantless phone taps and cell phone tower dumps
  • street - there are over 4 million video cameras in London, many of which can identify car license plates and faces
  • car - GSP bugs for cars plus of course your smart phone GSP. US local police are using car license plate scanners to track and store car movements of all cars on certain roads, with information passed on to a central federal database in Virgina
  • postal mail - well they say they still need a warrant for this scanning but they can record all the to and from addresses on your mail without a warrant already
  • finances - all "suspicious" transactions are reported by banks to the US government, and in addition bank staff are under a quota system to report a certain number each month. It is likely that all bank and credit card transactions are being recorded by NSA. Under the FACTA and HIRE laws banks worldwide are required to report US citizen's financial accounts held abroad under penalty of a 30% withholding on all wires to/from that bank whether to a US citizen or a foreign citizen. Cash purchases of gold over $10k are reported. In Spain paying cash for anything over 2500 Euros is illegal. In Argentina you now need to fill out a government form to get permission to buy foreign currency and must report all goods bought with a credit card abroad including on ebay and amazon.
  • verbal conversations - Canadian government installed microphones in its airports to record all conversations there. I imagine the US won't be far behind
  • thoughts - laser chemical detectors and face pattern scanners can tell if you are nervous or are hiding other emotions etc at airport and other scanning locations

What will living in the Gray State in April 2013 be like?

If you REALLY want to see what's coming -- and you can stomach it -- watch this mind-blowing trailer for a film project called "Gray State." WARNING: Extremely disturbing images, but probably quite accurate, too:

Movie info at http://www.indiegogo.com/graystatemovie


Opinions differ widely on exactly when this meltdown is going to take place. Brilliant investment strategist Max Keiser says the global meltdown will occur before April of 2013, and he's also on the record saying the U.S. government is going to "fire up the incinerators." That's to deal with the hoards of hungry, angry protesters who have no jobs, no savings and suddenly no welfare money to spend, either.

Whether you believe that apocalyptic vision or not, even in the most optimistic case, the debt collapse is inevitable. The laws of mathematics cannot be altered by merely hoping so. "Hope and change" doesn't actually work. You have to have REALITY on your side. Responsible spending. The federal government is the most irresponsible organization on the planet, as it is shoving us all into a financial catastrophe which will have an immense cost in human suffering and death, not to mention loss of freedoms.


It is difficult to imagine an "orderly" collapse. Hence the need for Martial Law, over a billion rounds of hollow point bullets purchased by the government, and so on. Did you really think all the 1.4 billion rounds of ammunition were just for "training purposes" as claimed by the mainstream media? C'mon. Stop being so naive. They're for deployment against the people when the collapse comes, got it?

The government is also working on creepy robotic land drones that can march around the cities with infrared cameras and shoot mounted weapons at selected human targets.

Video from:
ieee.org military robotics article

This is not science fiction. It's a DARPA-funded robotic army initiative. They already have the robots playing a game they call "follow the leader" but which is actually "pursue the human prey."

The U.S. military is also about to deploy a new wave of "Kamikazee drones" that carry an explosive payload and fly directly into their targets, setting off a massive detonation. This is reported in WIRED (http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/09/suicidal-drone-6-miles-away/) which says:

The "Lethal Miniature Aerial Munition System" -- It's for when the Army needs someone dead from up to six miles away in 30 minutes or less.

All freedom-loving Americans need to get prepared to not just survive the coming collapse, but also to defend yourself against an army of military robots unleashed against the American people. That's the ultimate dream of the global controllers, of course: To deploy an army of mindless robots that won't question orders when directed to open fire on protesters.

From http://www.naturalnews.com/037155_Eurozone_financial_collapse_Germany.html#ixzz26OLR8qAj


What are Aquarian vs Piscean relationship values?

Nice list from Kelly Bryson's website (NVC author and NFNC speaker) that seems to fit with the Aquarian age that we entered three months ago. Kelly refers to Aquarian relationships as Trust Based and Piscean ones as Traditional

Trust Based Relationships

Below is a comparison list of relationship values.  I am comparing Trust Based Relationship Values in contrast with Tradition Based Relationship Values, because consciousness loves contrast and the differences become more distinct when compared.  This is my own list and attempt to clarify my relationship values.  I hope this helps you in your process, and please feel free to comment below, although I may not answer each individually.

Trust Based Relationship Values
Tradition Based Relationship Values
God is Secure, all loving, and a super Natural Earthy Divine Intelligence   God is insecure, vengeful, angry, male
Present oriented   Future and Past Oriented
Equity in time getting listened to more   Dominate (historically male) gets heard
Living arrangement created to serve needs   Assumed nuclear family single home
Fidelity includes transparency about Exclusivity Erotic inner world   Fidelity is only about Sexual
Experimentation and evolution of Relationship valued more   Security and Homeostasis valued
No one is allowed to give in, only giving to is valued of giving   Frequent struggle of the “Fairness”
Love is a freely given Gift   Love is Expected
Love is Free   Love is Earned
Celebrates individual incomparableness   Strives to be treated as Special Number One
True Celebration of what each one brings to the union joyfully   Regret for the sacrifice one is making for relationship. (Bachelor Party to say goodbye to freedom and forbidden fruit)
Unconditional love   Conditional Love
Love each other’s free will   Threatened by, or competitive with, other’s free will
Sex as communion w/Cosmos   Sex as Spousal Duty
Seeks expansion/growth in both   Stays small to not threaten partner
Trusts in Universe   Trusts in the Relationship
Values of restorative Justice   Values retributive Justice
Frequently sits w/the unknown   Avoids anxiety of unknown thru business, and following rules and roles
Sex is seen as transformative & transcendent for Spiritual Development and Bonding Purposes   Sex is for Release
Community Empathize in Empowering Ways   Community Colludes in Disempowering ways
Sex is all Chakra Focused   Sex is genitally focused (2nd Chakra)


Out fighting chariots, battleships and how the US Empire is defeated in the end

This article explains how a seemly invincible empire (such as the current US empire and the past British and Hittite empires) can be suddenly militarially defeated by a weaker adversary.


The role of the US military in the downfall of American empire, and the suggestion I propose to offer is that one of the most likely triggers for an American imperial collapse is the experience of dramatic military defeat. I’m not suggesting, furthermore, that such an experience will happen in spite of the immense power of today’s US military machine; I’m suggesting that it will almost certainly happen because of that vast preponderance of force.


Chariots and battleships are simply two examples of a common theme in military history:  any military technology that becomes central to a nation’s way of war attracts a constituency—a group that includes officers who have made their careers commanding that technology, commercial interests who have made their money building and servicing that technology, and anyone else who has an economic or personal stake in the technology—and that constituency will defend their preferred technology against the competition until and unless repeated military defeat makes its abandonment inescapable. One weapon such constituencies routinely wield is the military scenario that assumes that the enemy must always make war in whatever way will bring out their preferred technology’s strengths, and never exploit its weaknesses. 

As far as I know, whatever literature ancient Egyptian chariot officers, horse breeders, and bow manufacturers may have churned out to glorify chariot warfare to the Egyptian reading public has not survived, but there’s an ample supply of books and articles from British presses between 1875 or so and the Second World War, praising the Royal Navy’s invincible battleships as the inevitable linchpin of British victory.  All this literature was produced to bolster the case for building and maintaining plenty of battleships, which was to the great advantage of naval officers, marine architects, and everyone else whose careers depended on plenty of battleships.  The fact that all this investment in battleships was a spectacular waste of money that might actually have done some good elsewhere did not register until it was too late to save the British Empire.



If my readers have any doubt that the same sort of literature is currently being churned out by the constituencies of today’s popular Pentagon weapons systems, I encourage them to visit the nearest public library and check out a copy of Tom Clancy’s 1999 puff piece Carrier: A Guided Tour of an Aircraft Carrier.  It’s a 348-page sales brochure for the most elaborate piece of military technology ever built, a modern nuclear aircraft carrier, which currently fills the same role in the US military that the battleship filled in that of imperial Britain. You needn’t expect to find substantive analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of this hugely expensive technology, or of the global military strategy or the suite of tactics that give it its context; again, this is a sales brochure, and it’s meant to sell carriers—or, more precisely, continued funding for carriers—to that fraction of the American people that concerns itself sufficiently with military affairs to write the occasional letter to its congresscritters.



The inevitable military scenario comes in the last chapter, where Clancy demonstrates conclusively that if a hopelessly outgunned and outclassed Third World nation were ever to launch a conventional naval attack against a US carrier group, the carrier group will probably be able to figure out some way to win. It would be a masterpiece of unintended comedy, if it weren’t for the looming shadow of all those other books before it, singing the praises of past military technologies whose many advantages didn’t turn out to include any part in winning or even surviving the next war.  Nor are carriers the only currently popular weapons system that benefits from this sort of uncritical praise; the US military is riddled with them, and thus with a series of potentially fatal vulnerabilities that rest partly on the unmentioned weaknesses of those technologies, and partly on a series of impending changes to the context of military action that follow from points we’ve discussed here many times already.



The US military faces at least three existential threats in the decades immediately ahead: 

  • The first is that rising powers will devise ways to monkeywrench the baroque complexity of the US military machine, leaving that machine as crippled and vulnerable as Hittite chariots were before the javelins of the Sea Peoples.
  • The second is that an ongoing revolution in military affairs will leave the entire massive arsenal of the US military as beside the point as all those British battleships were once the Second World War rolled around. 
  • The third is that the decline in fossil fuel supplies will make it impossible for the United States to maintain a way of war that, reduced to its simplest terms, consists of burning more petroleum than the other guy.



I’ve commented before that nothing seems so permanent as an empire on the verge of its final collapse, or as invulnerable as an army on the eve of total defeat. That’s a good general rule, but it’s even more crucial to keep in mind in thinking about military affairs.  The history of war is full of cases in which the stronger side—the side with the largest forces, the strongest alliances, the most advanced military technology—was crushed by a technically weaker rival.  That unexpected outcome can take place in many different ways, but all of them are a function of one simple and rarely remembered fact: military power is never a single uncomplicated variable.

More at original article


How Empires (including the US) decline and fall

In this article Armstrong explores how empires like the US, British, Roman and German medieval city states died (or in the US case will die).

So what should we expect? As the economy collapses, people will hoard and spend less. This is the check and balance against HYPERINFLATION. Furthermore, there are huge political ramifications involving a CORE RESERVE CURRENCY compared to Zimbabwe or Germany in the 1920s that cannot be ignored. The dollar cannot move into HYPERINFLATION for it is the reserve currency that would bring everything down with it. Empires do not die in that manner. The value of the dollar will certainly decline against assets, but it will not move into HYPERINFLATION. World War III would breakout before that.
Capital cannot simply flee to yuan, Brazil or any other place, because if the reserve currency goes, so does everything else. China’s reserves would vanish overnight. The notion of HYPERINFLATION is nice – just not practical. Empires collapse they have never expired by HYPERINFLATION. When an empire dies that is the major reserve of all nations, we must be concerned about a complete meltdown and the breakup of the nation long-before HYPERINFLATION UNDERGROUND economy and a store of wealth in time of political crisis. Remember – institutions will always be vulnerable to seizure. So never leave your gold in a bank that could be seized. You are defeating the very purpose of buying gold in such circumstances.
During the worst periods of the Great Depression, many communities were temporarily deprived of normal monetary supplies and functions because of bank failures, hoarding of money, and inability to collect taxes. People simply had no money to spend. To counteract this situation, various forms emergency currency or “scrip” were issued. The first of these appeared as early as 1931, though it was not until a year later that it was being issued in any appreciable quantities. By February of 1933, according to a Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Affairs estimate, there were over 400 communities using some form of emergency fiat currency – and this was before the official “bank holiday” and the resulting flood of scrip across the country. Gold was hoarded – not used as money.

Clearly, people will create money if the state fails to provide it. Roman coins exist in quantity today solely due to the very same human trends that appear in every crisis – hoarding. This reduces the VELOCITY of money creating DEFLATION yet INFLATION as costs rise..


I have stated numerous times that the purchasing power of the Roman denarius collapsed to the point it purchased 1/50th of its previous worth. The German Hyperinflation was 170 marks to the dollar at the beginning to 87 trillion. To compare this with the fall of Rome with money dropping to 1/50th of its former value, that is only 170 to 8500. Rome did not go the way of hyperinflation. It was the CORE economy and it collapse at 170 to 8500 level not 170 to 87 trillion.


Sorry, but you can die in a desert from extreme heat or freeze to death in Antarctica from extreme cold. To survive, we need a temperate climate to live within. DEFLATION or INFLATION can kill an economy. Empires do not die by HYPERINFLATION – that is reserved for the fringe. When an empire dies, it historically has ALWAYS been by DEFLATION/STAGFLATION. How? Real wealth is driven from the ABOVEGROUND economy into the UNDERGROUND economy where it is hoarded and tucked away. This is why we find hoards of Roman coins. This reduces the VELOCITY of money and commerce collapses. This is ALWAYS AND WITHOUT EXCEPTION how empires die. This is why there was “scrip” issued in the United States during the Great Depression. The VELOCITY of money came to a halt in different regions.

The British Empire did not die of HYPERINFLATION. The pound collapsed in value. It did not inflate into oblivion. The British Empire simply rolled over and died. The decline of the sterling silver penny of England was no different a path than the decline and fall of Rome. The United States will follow the same path and that means there is a risk that it will break apart into regional sections ONLY AFTER the dollar is hit very hard following Europe and then Japan.

How the Matrix is kept strong in your subconscious mind

How the Matrix is kept strong in your subconscious mind.


This YouTube documentary juxtaposes pop culture images of consumption and bubble-gum images of sex and materialism, with the brutality of war from which the powers that be wishes to distract the populace.

A TV interview of Aldous Huxley offers insight into the inevitable role television would play in our lives. It is possibly one of the most importantly prophetic interviews in history,? and integration of contemporary news clips only emphasizes his point further.


This video shows the programming taken from just one day of prime time TV


9/11 Breakthrough: PBS Documentary Raising Serious Questions on 9/11 Goes Viral

I have read about issues with the official story of 9/11 for several years and watch videos on YouTube but this is the first time PBS (the US version of the BBC) has covered it in a 90 minute documentary. At the very least there are some very strange hard evidence on 9/11 that contradicts the official story and at the most the US government was involved. This is based on scientists and engineers that have reviewed the evidence. Either way worth reading and watching and forming your own opinion.

A 9/11 documentary aired on PBS and available for free viewing on the PBS website is going viral. '9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out' was produced by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a courageous group of over 1,500 architects and engineers which has dared to ask hard questions about 9/11 and present the disturbing hard evidence.

In this beautifully produced, 90-minute documentary, over 40 scientific experts share their professional insights about the events of 9/11.

To watch the full revealing video on the PBS website, click on this link:


To watch a concise, 15-minute version of this excellent documentary:


As of Sept. 8, 2012, the PBS website shows this 9/11 documentary is the second most watched documentary of the week on PBS. According to this Digital Journal article, it is also the most shared of all PBS documentaries at this time. You are invited to watch this highly educational film and spread the word to your friends.

In addition to these 1,500 architects and engineers who are calling for a new, impartial investigation of 9/11, over 1,000 government and military officials, professors, pilots, and 9/11 survivors and family members have publicly stated that the 9/11 Commission Report is fatally flawed.

Among these respected individuals are two former U.S. Senators, a former FBI director, the former president of Italy, and many more. To explore their compelling statements, click here.

Hundreds of major media articles also raise serious questions about the official story of 9/11. You can find a two-page summary of dozens of these articles with links for verification at this link. A longer ten-page summary at this link goes into much more detail.

For an abundance of other reliable, verifiable information suggesting a major cover-up of 9/11, explore the resources in the "What you can do" section immediately below. Thanks for caring. By joining together and spreading the word, we can make a big difference.

With best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for PEERS and WantToKnow.info
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

Note: Consider donating to Colorado PBS, which originally broadcast this 9/11 documentary, as a way of thanking them for their courage. Leave a note on why you are donating. Here's the link.


This message is available online at http://www.WantToKnow.info/911/9-11_documentary_pbs


The Mission of WantToKnow.info:
To provide our readers with reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups,
and to serve as a call to work together for the good of all

What government debt went up four times faster than the deficit last year?

Two Bloomberg correspondents reported on August 8 that the US Government’s unfunded liabilities rose by $11 trillion last year, “ten times larger than the official deficit”, and are now at an estimated $222 trillion. The authors base their estimates on figures supplied by the Congressional Budget Office. This makes talk about the “fiscal cliff”, as the Bush tax cuts come to an end, a secondary issue. Meanwhile in Germany the Constitutional Court will be told on 12 September that the bailout costs faced by Germany are €2 trillion with a further €1.7 trillion in the pipeline, compared with only €170 billion a year ago.

from goldmoney newsletter


Details on the fake Matrix - which pill do you want to take, Neo?

The whole fake Matrix is laid out below - do you want to take the red pill and wake up or the blue pill and go back to sleep, Neo?

Personally when I read a government, media or big business statement these days my first reaction is to try replacing it by its opposite and see if that feels true. 90% of the time it does. Even if you are skeptical and you think that only one of the issues below is fake doesn't that say an enormous amount about the society that we live in?

(NaturalNews) The "War on Terror" is a complete fabrication. There is no terrorism other than what the government creates in order to sell its agenda of a police state takeover. Click here to read Paul Craig Roberts' article that lays this out in brilliant detail.

The CDC's war on West Nile virus is also a complete fabrication. There is no real West Nile virus threat. (Read article here.) The odds of being killed by West Nile are, much like with "terrorism," even lower than the odds of being killed by a bee sting.

The "economic recovery" of America is a fairy tale. Over the last few days, the federal debt reached a jaw-dropping $16 trillion -- nearly $5 trillion of that debt has been incurred under one person: President Obama. Unemployment is at record highs. Half the population is on federal aid of one form or another. Food stamp costs have skyrocketed.

"Obamacare" is a fiasco. Dubbed the "Affordable Care Act," in reality health insurance costs have vastly increased after the passage of this ill-conceived law.

Bin Laden wasn't killed by U.S. Navy Seals. The war is a fake. The news is faked. The media is completely, utterly faked, running totally fictional stories. CNN is actually an elaborate theater operation, faking sets, locations, sound effects and everything else you can imagine. Don't believe me? Watch this totally faked CNN broadcast from the Gulf War, featuring "journalist" Charles Jaco:

The whole thing is so hilarious it's almost an SNL skit! At one point, a fake air raid siren sounds off, indicating a biological weapons attack (total fear mongering on CNN), and one of the guests in the fake studio frantically straps on a HELMET! Yeah, because helmets are the defense of choice against biological attacks, it seems. See if you can actually watch this CNN video and not laugh out loud...

Newspapers run fake news like "organic foods are no healthier than conventional foods." (http://www.naturalnews.com/037065_organic_foods_mainstream_media_psyo...)

The FBI plans and carries out fake terror plots all across the USA (http://www.naturalnews.com/034325_FBI_entrapment_terror_plots.html).

All the ads of Big Pharma are completely faked, promoting dangerous prescription drugs that are approved by the FDA based on faked clinical studied.

The USDA, EPA, FDA, ATF, DEA are all fake operations, actually running their own scams and frauds rather than protecting the American public from anything. We'd all be better off to simply abolish every federal regulator and start over.

The history taught in public schools is wildly faked. The explanations of who killed JFK and MLK are all faked. They don't want you to know real history.

Banking financial instruments are all faked. And the bank RATINGS are utterly faked. It's all complete fiction, and that fiction will soon unravel.

The food you buy is faked, by the way. Fake colors, fake flavors, fake marketing claims on the packaging, and even fake chemical ingredients. All the real nutrients are processed out, leaving "fake food."

Cities are fake ecosystems. City parks are faked with weed killer, pesticides, and non-native plants everywhere. Your tap water faucet is a "fake waterfall" in your kitchen. It's all illusion. Behind the mechanics, there is no real waterfall. It's all a series of electrical pumps and pipes that bring the water to you. Once the electricity stops, the illusion collapses.

The FDIC's insurance of your bank deposits is an illusion. When the banks go bankrupt -- an event that's coming very, very soon -- the FDIC will go bankrupt right along when them. Your deposits will be lost.

Your "pension" is an illusion. It's nothing more than a fabricated promise to pay you some amount of money at some future date. It does not exist in the real world, and it can vanish literally overnight.

Geopolitical lines are also fake. The thick red line that outlines your state on a map doesn't exist in the real world. Drive out there and see for yourself: there is NO LINE. So why do we pretend there is?

AIDS is not real. It's a completely fictional disease used by the CDC to scare everybody into giving it more funding and more power. HIV tests are completely bogus, as even the scientists who run the tests readily admit. (http://www.naturalnews.com/027890_AIDS_test_HIV.html)

The "cure for cancer" is not real, at least not as hyped by the pink ribbon non-profits. They aren't even looking for a cancer cure, folks. It would put the entire cancer industry out of business! (http://www.naturalnews.com/036711_Komen_for_the_Cure_mammography_frau...)

Vaccine mythology is completely faked. It's all a fairy tale. There is no immunity granted by the injection of "attenuated" viral strains combined with stealth cancer viruses and chemical adjuvants. Vaccines are "medical theater" that don't even work. The "vaccine science" is all faked by the drug companies, and this is now a matter a public record from whistleblower scientists who worked on those vaccines and took part in spiking the clinical blood samples with animal antibodies! (http://www.naturalnews.com/036417_Glaxo_Merck_fraud.html)

Airport security is fake. It's all "security theater." All the TSA molestations in the world still haven't caught a single terrorist.

Government power is an illusion. It's all a bluff. The government only has power because people believe it does. Hence the need for costumes (uniforms) and sparkly, shiny objects (badges) to mesmerize the gullible masses.

Entitlements are an illusion which will soon end. The U.S. government is now $16 trillion in debt, meaning the money the government has been spending is FAKE. When reality comes due, entitlement programs will collapse.

The stock market as a fair investment device is faked. As the Facebook IPO proved, Wall Street is really just a rigged game for insiders to loot gullible investors.

Your DVD player is faked. Remember when VCRs simply played the tape when you inserted the tape? Now your DVD player has to connect to the "cloud" somewhere, download updates, reboot, decode, sync, run a bunch of algorithms and then if you're lucky it actually plays a movie. But this entire process is "virtual" (digital) and not real (analog).

In fact, your email doesn't exist. Your saved files and documents don't exist. The web page you're reading right now doesn't exist. Your bank account doesn't exist. One electromagnetic pulse burst is all it would take to wipe out all electronic devices (and most data storage) across the country. Imagine your entire Facebook history, Twitter history and email history wiped clean in a microsecond. (For many, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, actually.)

Most of your life is played out in a virtual world, almost as if you were an animated character in a computer simulation... something like The Matrix.

You are living in a dream world, Neo.

So what's real?

• Physical books. No batteries required.
• Family, including pets.
• Dirt (soil).
• Gardening, permaculture, seeds.
• Gold and silver.
• Consciousness, free will, awareness.
• The sun. Warmth and light. Energy for life.
• Liquid water. Perhaps the most miraculous substance in the universe.
• Honeybees, insects and pollinators.
• Sea salt. Minerals. Elements for health.
• Love, compassion, forgiveness, humility.
• Firearms, hammers and other purely mechanical devices that don't need "firmware" to operate.

Words of wisdom from the Health Ranger

• Start trading your VIRTUAL things for REAL things. At the moment, for example, you can "spend" your virtual electronic money (in your electronic bank account) in order to buy real things such as seeds, garden tools and silver.

• Do not put all your eggs in the "virtual" basket. Even if you think your financial assets are diversified by being held in different funds or banks, they're all still 100% virtual! (Fiat money isn't REAL.)

• Make yourself learn how to navigate reality. Instead of playing Farmville, grow a real garden with real dirt and real seeds. Learn real skills and familiarize yourself with the real (natural) world. Turn off your GPS and learn to read a map, for starters.

Kill your TV! There is nothing more stupid, insidious and mind-numbing than the TV. Nothing will separate you from reality faster than television. If you have cable TV, cancel it. If you have satellite TV, disconnect it. Remove this insidious technology from your life or it will dominate your mind, your beliefs, your emotions and your reactions to everything that happens in the world. Television is a pathway to total zombification. It's not just the ads either; the programs are also laced with propaganda, violence, perversion and negative influence.

And keep reading NaturalNews.com and other alternative news websites. We are the last safe harbor of truthful information left on the planet. We aim to report what's REAL, not the fictions peddled by the delusional institutions that attempt to dominate your mind and stuff it full of falsehoods.
from http://www.naturalnews.com/037093_fairy_tales_delusion_real_world.html

How much did Federal Reserve give to banks worldwide?

A recent audit of the Federal Reserve reveals that between December 2007 and June 2010 they gave major banks worldwide more than $16 trillion at 0% interest. That is more that the entire US national debt. The Federal Reserve likes to refer to these secret bailouts as an all-inclusive loan program, but virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest. Sounds like a gift to me.


In late 2008, the TARP Bailout bill was passed and loans of $800 billion were given to failing banks and companies. That was a blatant lie considering the fact that Goldman Sachs alone received 814 billion dollars. As is turns out, the Federal Reserve donated $2.5 trillion to Citigroup, while Morgan Stanley received $2.04 trillion. The Royal Bank of Scotland and Deutsche Bank, a German bank, split about a trillion and numerous other banks received hefty chunks of the $16 trillion.


“This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you’re-on-your-own individualism for everyone else.”- Bernie Sanders (I-VT)


When you have conservative Republican stalwarts like Jim DeMint(R-SC) and Ron Paul(R-TX) as well as self identified Democratic socialists like Bernie Sanders all fighting against the Federal Reserve, you know that it is no longer an issue of Right versus Left. When you have every single member of the Republican Party in Congress and progressive Congressmen like Dennis Kucinich sponsoring a bill to audit the Federal Reserve, you realize that the Federal Reserve is an entity onto itself, which has no oversight and no accountability.


The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131of the GAO Audit and are as follows..


Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion ($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)
and many many more including banks in Belgium of all places


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