Abundant Michael: 2012

Real USA debt $211 Trillion, not $14T

We have known the true debt is higher than the $14T for some time. What is interesting is this story is on NPR and so mainstream news. And the possible cure? Raise taxes 67% or cut all spending 40% across the board. Hmm maybe that is why the current politicians have done little on thsi problem... Might be good to have a Plan B country to live in tha doesn't have this kind of debt like Brazil or Australia both of who's national debts are essentially zero ...

When Standard & Poor's reduced the nation's credit rating from AAA to AA-plus, the United States suffered the first downgrade to its credit rating ever. S&P took this action despite the plan Congress passed this past week to raise the debt limit.

The downgrade, S&P said, "reflects our opinion that the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the administration recently agreed to falls short of what, in our view, would be necessary to stabilize the government's medium-term debt dynamics."

It's those medium- and long-term debt problems that also worry economics professor Laurence J. Kotlikoff, who served as a senior economist on President Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers. He says the national debt, which the U.S. Treasury has accounted at about $14 trillion, is just the tip of the iceberg.

"We have all these unofficial debts that are massive compared to the official debt," Kotlikoff tells David Greene, guest host of weekends on All Things Considered. "We're focused just on the official debt, so we're trying to balance the wrong books."

Kotlikoff explains that America's "unofficial" payment obligations — like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits — jack up the debt figure substantially.

Laurence J. Kotlikoff served as a senior economist on President Ronald Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers and is a professor of economics at Boston University.
Courtesy of Boston University

Laurence J. Kotlikoff served as a senior economist on President Ronald Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers and is a professor of economics at Boston University.

"If you add up all the promises that have been made for spending obligations, including defense expenditures, and you subtract all the taxes that we expect to collect, the difference is $211 trillion. That's the fiscal gap," he says. "That's our true indebtedness."

We don't hear more about this enormous number, Kotlikoff says, because politicians have chosen their language carefully to keep most of the problem off the books.

"Why are these guys thinking about balancing the budget?" he says. "They should try and think about our long-term fiscal problems."

According to Kotlikoff, one of the biggest fiscal problems Congress should focus on is America's obligation to make Social Security payments to future generations of the elderly.

"We've got 78 million baby boomers who are poised to collect, in about 15 to 20 years, about $40,000 per person. Multiply 78 million by $40,000 — you're talking about more than $3 trillion a year just to give to a portion of the population," he says. "That's an enormous bill that's overhanging our heads, and Congress isn't focused on it."

"We've consistently done too little too late, looked too short-term, said the future would take care of itself, we'll deal with that tomorrow," he says. "Well, guess what? You can't keep putting off these problems."

To eliminate the fiscal gap, Kotlikoff says, the U.S. would have to have tax increases and spending reductions far beyond what's being negotiated right now in Washington.

"What you have to do is either immediately and permanently raise taxes by about two-thirds, or immediately and permanently cut every dollar of spending by 40 percent forever. The [Congressional Budget Office's] numbers say we have an absolutely enormous problem facing us."

Cyber Attacks are 2nd biggest national security threat now

Interesting real world cyber war stories Irsael used against Syria and Iran. Might be wise to be prepared in case you bank online banking or oter website are not working one day...

From http://money.cnn.com/2011/08/03/technology/cyber_attack/index.htm?iid=HP_LN

Repeated and constant cyber attacks against the United States have turned the country's assessment of national security threats on its head.

Just five years ago, the CIA was mostly worried about physical threats like bombings or chemical warfare. But now, the CIA thinks cyber attacks have the second greatest potential for national destruction behind only a nuclear attack.

"Cyber will be part of any future conflict -- whether it's a nation state or terrorism," said Cofer Black, former director of the CIA's counterterrorist center, at the Black Hat cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday.

It's not just that cyber will become part of warfare. It already has.

McAfee, a cybersecurity company owned by Intel (INTC, Fortune 500), announced late Tuesday that it uncovered a wide-ranging, global cyber attack that impacted 72 organizations.

A total of 36 corporations, 12 non-profits and 22 government organizations were affected, including 15 U.S. government agencies and the United Nations.

The broad-based nature of the attack means that every country and company must assume that they have been compromised, an executive at McAfee argued.

"You can't just deploy a firewall and assume you're safe," said Toralv Dirro, security strategist at McAfee. "Someone one way or another will get into a computer and attack your system."

McAfee found that a country launched a sponsored cyberespionage scheme, but it didn't go so far as to pin down the nation responsible. Though McAfee informed the companies and agencies that were spied on, most of those attacked didn't want the security company to name them publicly.

How they hack you

The scariest part of the scheme wasn't that it impacted so many organizations around the world, but that it has been going on, undetected, for the past five years. McAfee actually discovered the attack when the hackers finally made a mistake -- they left logs of their attacks on a command and control server that McAfee uncovered in 2009.

Cyberespionage poses a great threat since it gives the nations sponsoring the attacks a leg up in diplomacy, business competition and, should a conflict arise, warfare.

Countries have already shown how cyberattacks can be used to mitigate rivals' defenses.

In September 2007, Israeli F15s and F16s bombed a nuclear reactor construction site in Syria, but Syrian radars never picked up the planes crossing the border. That's because Israel had hacked Syria's radar software.

The most infamous example is Stuxnet, a bug so sophisticated that it significantly delayed Iran's nuclear program. The worm, which was likely loaded into the system on a thumb drive, ordered the centrifuges in an Iranian nuclear facility to spin out of control, ultimately destroying it. While that was happening, Stuxnet made all the readings tell Iranian engineers that everything was normal.

"I am here to tell you, and you can quote me, the Stuxnet attack is the Rubicon of our future," said Black. "Physical destruction of a national resource is huge."

It might not just be nations sponsoring these attacks one day, however. Black said Al Qaeda's abilities to launch physical attacks against the United States have largely been neutralized, but the group's potential ability to commit cyber warfare could wreak havoc on our resources.

"The natural inclination for Al Qaeda would be to fall back and enter the cyber world," he argued.

Though nations are unlikely to attack our systems for fear of response from the United States, terrorists wouldn't hesitate. That's a worry, since our government is woefully unprepared for such an event.

"Like the terrorist threat before 9/11, our leaders hear it but they don't believe it," Black said to the room of about 8,500 hackers and security professionals. "We're counting on you. The Code War is your war."

2012 energy change, feeling tired and solar weather

I have noticed a lot of coworkers and friends getting sick or really tired in the last few weeks. Me too! I find yoga and energy healing helps me. I think there are some energy changes going on that are affecting people as we shift towards 2012. When makes this week's 20212 Mayan calendar initiation and dance timely! If you have been feeling very tired or sick will you let me know and tell me what has worked for you?

On a more scienctific basis increase in solar weather has knocked out cell phone networks and power grids in past and is getting worse. Long article with some interesting material in it including the part about times of total earth magnetic field collapse below. Perhaps this is related to why folks are getting sick - EMF affect people and their immune system...

Well cosmic rays are at an all-time high but even in the solar minimum the number of cosmic rays was also high. We're getting these new records all the time now. In March, 2010 the International Space Agency said there are now times when the earth has no magnetic field. They talked about how the solar wind used to act as a "bullet-proof vest" stopping galactic cosmic rays coming in. Now they're talking about the earth's atmosphere acting as a bullet-proof vest. That's a huge difference. There are now times when the earth's magnetic field literally collapses and it doesn't exist.

When I read this I couldn't believe it. There was no major announcement, I picked this up about four weeks later and found it by accident, just something on their website. This is major news but people don't appreciate it. There was a major announcement that the solar wind was flagging; what NASA have been doing is putting announcements out like two weeks before Christmas, at times when not many people are going to be reading. I actually specifically look now at these times because I know that they're sneaking out these announcements. By law they need to inform people but they don't really want you to know, so they put these announcements out at times when people are busy and not paying attention.


and more from NOAA on this:

Solar Storms Could Debilitate Earth this Decade: NOAA

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a federal agency that focuses on the condition of the oceans and atmosphere, said that a severe solar storm could cause global chaos, debilitating satellite communications and taking down the most important global power grids. 


threaten the planet this decade. Similarly, NASA warned that a peak in the sun's magnetic energy cycle and the number of sun spots or flares around 2013 could enable extremely high radiation levels.

Government studies revealed that extreme solar flare emissions could cause blackouts, possibly for years, in large portions of the U.S.

This type of storm could also induce geomagnetic currents that could debilitate transformers on the power grid. Electric power would be out for years or even decades. 

Nuclear plants would also be negatively affected as supplying power systems with enough fuel despite main power grids being offline for years would be a grave problem. Furthermore, spent fuel rods losing connection to the power grid could cause pools to boil over, fueling fires and releasing deadly radiation. 

A report by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory said that over the standard 40-year license term of nuclear power plants, solar flare activity enables a 33 percent chance of long-term power loss, a risk that significantly outweighs that of major earthquakes and tsunamis.

From http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/193644/20110806/solar-storms-earth-sun.htm

Mayan Calendar Solar Initiation and Dance 8/10/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday gathering 8/10/11 we learn about the Mayan Calendar and 2012 in a right brained experiencial way with Sandra Solomon.

What changes in your life and in society have you noticed as we come towards 2012? How are you prepared for all the changes happending now and coming in the next year? What is this "Mayan Calendar" all about? It is called "The Peace Calendar" and is a way to live in greater flow, and more connected to the natural rhythms of the universe. Sandra will offer an initiation into the "Mayan Archetypes and Tones of Creation." 

No dull lectures on calendars tonight! This experiential evening is designed for fun and creativity through free style dance and movement to the music of the "Mayan Solar Glyphs." You will take in the Mayan knowledge into your heart where you can use it directly.

Sandra was first introduced to the 2012 Mayan Tzolkin calendar round in 1992 where she traveled 4 time that year to learn this ancient wisdom. She has done workshops in Boston,Ma  Minneapolis,Mn and Charlottesville, Va where attendee's have likened her work to that of the "Indigenous  Shaman's of the Yucatan.


Sandra Solomon, Teacher, Channel/Conduit of Energetic Healing & Transformational Consultant. She is  a gifted and accomplished healer who works on both an individual, group and planetary level.  Her practice utilizes a wide range of energy modalities including, Quantum Healing which includes Reconnective   Healing and Matrix Energetics. She attunes Reiki Masters to six levels beyond Master Level through the Lightarian Institute™. Sandra is also trained in Shamballa Healing.

Sandra offers Transformational Consulting using a variety of techniques, including: the Work of Byron Katie, Psych-K  which is Psychological Kinesiology,  EFT-    Emotional Freedom Technique and The Sedona Method. These techniques assist in whole brain synchronization.  Her Transformational Consulting helps you to fine-tune your life into a more peaceful and balanced journey. She employs transformational techniques to assist you in attaining your goals.

Sandra’s explorations include quantum physics, sacred geometry, the Mayan Calendar, Kabbalah, the Sacred Alphabet, Universal Laws, the nature of reality and consciousness. She empowers people to discover their own self-authority.  You can reach Sandra at mayanone (at) juno (dot) com or 434-825-5564

More on frog water heating up

Here are two recent articles in main stream newspapers that relate to how the "frog water is heating up"... What have you noticed has changed like this in the last year?

Former Gov. Jesse Ventura sues TSA over pat-downs
July 22, 2011, St. Paul Pioneer Press (One of Minneapolis' leading newspapers)

It started with Jesse Ventura's titanium hip and turned into a fight over the Bill of Rights. In federal court in St. Paul on Friday, a lawyer for the former governor argued that rules implemented by the Transportation Security Administration - which subject Ventura to pat-down body searches when he flies - violate his Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable and unwarranted searches. The TSA's rules were "issued in secret, (were) never published (and) can be changed at any time, in secret," attorney David Bradley Olsen told U.S. District Judge Susan Rogers Nelson. Silent throughout the hearing, [Ventura] went up to Tamara Ulrich, the Justice Department lawyer from Washington who had argued for dismissal, and told her TSA's airport screenings were un-American. "In a free country, you should never feel comfortable being searched," he told her. "This is not the country I was born in. We're a fascist nation now." He turned 60 this month and now hosts "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura" on cable's truTV. His lawsuit, filed in January, stems from the fact the show requires him to fly two or three times a week. Since [the fall of 2010], whenever his hip sets off the walk-through detector, TSA screeners pull him aside for a more detailed check, and he contends it is unconstitutional. Ventura and Olsen maintain that challenging the TSA's actual procedures is difficult because they are considered "Sensitive Security Information" and aren't made public.

Note: Jesse Ventura is just one of many former highly-placed government officials to publicly raise strong questions about the official account of the 9/11 attacks, events which provided the pretext for the increasingly totalitarian controls on travel. For a vitally important analysis of the plans of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to carry out its agency motto, "Dominate. Intimidate. Control.", click here.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Police to begin iPhone iris scans amid privacy concerns


July 20, 2011, Chicago Tribune/Reuters News


Dozens of police departments nationwide are gearing up to use a tech company's already controversial iris- and facial-scanning device that slides over an iPhone and helps identify a person or track criminal suspects. Its use has set off alarms with some who are concerned about possible civil liberties and privacy issues. The smartphone-based scanner, named Mobile Offender Recognition and Information System, or MORIS, is made by BI2 Technologies in Plymouth, Massachusetts. An iris scan, which detects unique patterns in a person's eyes, can reduce to seconds the time it takes to identify a suspect in custody. When attached to an iPhone, MORIS can photograph a person's face and run the image through software that hunts for a match in a BI2-managed database of U.S. criminal records. Constitutional rights advocates are concerned, in part because the device can accurately scan an individual's face from up to four feet away, potentially without a person's being aware of it. Experts also say that before police administer an iris scan, they should have probable cause a crime has been committed. "What we don't want is for them to become a general surveillance tool, where the police start using them routinely on the general public, collecting biometric information on innocent people," said Jay Stanley, senior policy analyst with the national ACLU in Washington, D.C.

Note: For key reports from major media sources on government threats to privacy and civil liberties, click here and here.


Intuition and heating frogs

I have read that the amount of information on our planet is doubling every 18 months. Each year the amount of new unique data in books, TV, movies, internet, hard disks etc is over 1.5 exabytes or about 37,000 times as much information as is in the entire holdings Library of Congress! With the increase in data it becomes harder to make decisions in a purely logical and analytical way - it takes too long to consider all possibilities in detail and we end up overwhelmed. One answer is to use our intuition more and one easy way to access the intuition is a tarot reading. So this week's Sandbox to learn how to use Tarot to make Decisions could be very useful and time saving!

I arrived in England last Wednesday and stayed with my parents. Interesting exercise in my noticing my judgments around house clutter, dirty bathroom and humpbacks. :-) My mother has a phobia about strangers coming into house because it is "a mess" hence the bathroom tap has a bad drip for more than a year but she doesn't want a plumber to enter the house for fear he sees the clutter. I worked on accepting her, my father and my self just as we are. :-)

I have been recycling old papers of mine that are at their house - found some interesting old memories - some of which I did recapitulation therapy on. I gave some old lego and other children's toys to my niece and nephew who we saw on Sunday. They seemed to like them - they were better made than the modern lego in that they had more room for using your imagination. My cousin Jenny and husband Doug moved out of London to the countryside - less stress - but I noticed she still has a pattern to keeping busy and not looking after her health. I showed her the spinal flush from Donna Eden's book to help relax which she enjoyed and can share with Doug. I think I have the same pattern as her and I have been working on releasing it for the past six months.
frogs in warming water
  As I return to USA after a few months I notice the "water is getting hotter for the frogs" here - didn't always notice it when I was in the tub of heating water along with the other frogs .... DHS immigration seems to be questioning every American citizen as they return in some detail. Showing a passport is not enough to return any more (as it is when entering UK). All part of the climate of fear I think.... Which the new DHS video just out seems to echo (this from Simon Black at http://www.sovereignman.com/ )

In its latest effort to spread fear and hate, the Ministry of Love, also known as the Department of Homeland Security, has produced an Orwellian new video intended to encourage Americans to rat each other out.  If you're not in a place to watch the video right now, I'll summarize briefly.

First of all, it's one of the most pathetic attempts at filmmaking in the history of motion picture; the average shampoo commercial has better acting and production quality... and is much more subtle in its message. In the world of Homeland Security, terrorists all drive unmarked full-size vans, wear hooded sweatshirts, and deposit backpacks in conspicuous public places. They might as well have had a cackling James Bond villain twirling his moustache in the corner.

At its core, the video is filled with scenes of ordinary citizens spying on each other and alerting the authorities to their compatriots' suspicious deeds. In my favorite scene, a woman calls the police after snooping over the shoulder of a young man typing away on his smartphone. Naturally, it's all for the common good... for everyone's safety and security. In fact, everyone shares in this responsibility according to DHS, so we should all be on our toes to rat each other out at the first sign of suspicious activity. Apparently this is yet another obligation that comes with citizenship. 

For the majority of people who watch this video, their chests will swell with pride in the knowledge that they now have a role to play in their country's security. These are the folks walking around in the darkness, unaware.  You can't talk to them about things like personal liberty as they'll just regurgitate the propaganda they've been spoon fed since birth. These are the same folks who take their shoes off at the airport and proclaim, "Whatever it takes to keep us safe," or "I have nothing to hide!"

Truthfully, real criminals aren't back alley types, but rather the policymakers who spread fear and paranoia in the name of justice. They cloak their crimes in good deeds while building a brainwashed class of future Thought Police.  If Orwell had written a prequel to 1984, this would all be part of it. It seems the boiling frog is getting just a bit warmer...

May the water your are in not get too hot or may you notice the temperature rising and hop to a better location!

PS We have three talented healers living at my house: Randy, Rukmini and Sandra. Plus myself remotely. Learn more about what we can do and help support this Sandbox gathering place at http://abundantmichael.com/blog/page.cfm/Sandbox-Healers



In response to a question about 9/11 - Yes 9/11 happened and just because the terrorists are criminals doesn't mean that  they are the only ones committing crimes against society

  1. There are many questions about how 9/11 happened and who was really behind it that don't match the official story
  2.  Many changes from our government afterwards that reduced our freedoms and increased fears which make people easier to manipulate now
  3. Two trillion dollar wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) justified on the basis of 9/11 that profited many powerful people with connections to the government that are still costing us billions of dollars per day now.
  4. Increase of US debt to breaking point of US dollar
  5.   A lot of spin and avoiding of news topics covered in other countries media in the newspapers and TV here in US.
  6. Great increase in spying on the people in US and UK - CCTV, email scanning, phone taps without warrants

Land around Fukushima now radioactive dead zone; Food issues inUS and Europe

Interesting that statistics showing that the radiation is much worse that we heard officially before.

And in case you didn't know radiation levels in US are an issue too. France issued public food warnings about radiation last month but it is business as usual in US (I posted on my blog last month in case you missed it

Might be worth considering what you eat and where it comes from...


Land around Fukushima now radioactive dead zone; resembles target struck by atomic bomb
(NaturalNews) It is nothing short of astonishing that the nuclear catastrophe we've all been told was "no big deal" has now escalated into the worst nuclear disaster in the history of human civilization. It's so bad now that soil samples taken from outside the 12-mile exclusion zone (the zone considered safe enough by the Japanese government for schoolchildren to attend school there) are higher than the 1.48 million becquerels a square meter limit that triggered evacuations outside Chernobyl in 1986.

In other words, the radiation level of the soil 12 miles from Fukushima is now higher than the levels considered too dangerous to live in near Chernobyl. This is all coming out in a new research report authored by Tomio Kawata, a fellow at the Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan. That same report also reveals that radiation from Fukushima has spread over 230 square miles.

What we're facing here, folks, is a Fukushima dead zone where life will never return to its pre-Fukushima norms.

Radiation levels similar to nuclear bomb test site

Bloomberg is now reporting, "Tetsuya Terasawa said the radiation levels are in line with those found after a nuclear bomb test, which disperses plutonium. He declined to comment further." (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-...)

One soil sample taking 25 kilometers away from Fukushima showed Cesium-137 exceeding 5 million becquerels per square meter. This level, of course, makes it uninhabitable by humans, yet both the Japanese and U.S. governments continue to downplay the whole event, assuring theirsheeple that there's nothing to worry about. By their logic, since all the people are sheeple anyway, as long as the area is safe enough for sheep, it's also safe enough for the human population.

Both Japan and the U.S. have made huge efforts to raise the limits of allowed radiation exposurein foods and beverages. This was, of course, a deceitful tactic to try to reclassify radiation contamination as somehow magically being "safe" by redefining it.

The outright lying and tactics of deception that have been used to try to downplay the severity of theradioactive fallout from Fukushima are nothing less than despicable. In a time when radiation threatens the safety and food supply of hundreds of millions of people, we are getting nothing but aFukushima whitewash.

Fukushima is now far worse than Chernobyl ever was and yet we're all being told it's no problem and that the government has it all under control. I ask: How is 5 million becquerels per square meter not a problem? It's amazing that we even got this information, considering how frequently TEPCO claims its sensors and meters aren't working (basically any time they get a reading that's "too high").

The Japanese government can't wait to corral the sheeple back onto the radioactive soil, by the way. "Basically, the way in which the current zones have been drawn up aren't a concern in terms of the impact on health," said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano. "Using Mr. Kawata's report as a guide, we want to do what we can to improve the soil, so people can return as soon as possible." (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-...)

Barely two weeks ago, TEPCO finally admitted Fukushima suffered multiple core meltdowns in the hours following the tsunami strike (http://www.naturalnews.com/032378_n...) (http://www.naturalnews.com/032437_F...). This was the first time TEPCO openly admitted to something the alternative media had been reporting for months.

What has become perfectly clear in the reporting on Fukushima is that:

• Governments lie to the people
• Mainstream media lies to the people
• Only the alternative media was correct in reporting the severity of the core meltdowns and the release of radioactive material into the environment.

That's why more and more people are turning away from traditional sources of (mis)information and instead relying on the alternative media to get accurate information about world events.  From




Independent Tests Indicate Radiation Is Entering the U.S. Food Chain

Authorities in the U.S. insist that there is no danger to public health or the environment from the Fukushima nuclear crisis, and that levels of radiation that have been detected in water, air, soil and food in North America since the accident are in such minuscule quantities as to present little to no danger. EPA discontinued its Fukushima radiation monitoring efforts, and FDA says there is no danger to our food or seafood and therefore testing is not necessary. There have been no calls since the accident for heightened nuclear safety inspections or to upgrade or decommission aging nuclear power plants in the U.S.

Yet, in limited testing conducted by states and independent labs since the accident, radioactive iodine and cesium—both toxic to human health—have appeared at elevated levels in milk and vegetables produced in California. Radiation has also been detected in milk sold in Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Vermont and Washington since the accident.

Elevated levels of radioactivity have also been detected in drinking water in numerous municipalities from Los Angeles to Philadelphia, and in soil samples tested in California. Fallout is blanketing America and will do so for a prolonged period of time until they can somehow stop the crippled reactors from leaking any more radiation into the environment—a formidable task.

On May 25, the University of California Berkeley Department of Nuclear Engineering (UCB)—one of the few organizations testing food, soil, air and water in the U.S.—reported that it had detected the highest level of radioactive cesium 137 in nearly a month in raw milk samples taken from a dairy in Sonoma County where the cows are grass fed. UCB also reported elevated levels of cesium 134 and cesium 137 in pasteurized, homogenized milk samples with a “best by” date of May 26 from a Bay Area organic dairy “where the farmers are encouraged to feed their cows local grass.”






Color healing, Temple of Sun and the Real Sacrilege?

I have used color to affect my health for many years - I repainted my house about ten years ago with bright primary colors to give it more life and improve my mood. (Before it was offwhite with black trim inside). More recently I have used colors in clothing and jewelry to change my energy and improve my health. And my acupuncturist Maureen Quinn sometimes using colored lights to help heal me. So this week's Sandbox on Aura-Soma Color therapy looks very interesting!

Here in Peru I am on a tour with two shamans of Macchu Picchu and other sacred sites near Cusco. I didn't realize that many of these sites are pre-Inca and may be 10,000 years old or more. One site we visited today was the Temple of the Sun which was in the old center of Cusco. During the spanish invasion of Peru in the 1500s the Catholic church build a cathedral on top of the temple and destroyed most of the  Inca spiritual pieces including a star gateway many thousands of years old. All the gold art and spiritual work was shipped to Spain and to The Pope in Italy where a few pieces remain in vaults at the Vatican. The rest was melted down... I guess the church wanted to take over the spiritual energy of the site and convert the natives to catholicism. However the natives while pretending to convert actually changed many of the catholic symbols - for example the Virgin Mary looks very like Patcha momma of Mother Earth!

While we were at this sacred site there was a photoshoot for Miss Peru going on there. Lots of pretty young girls in skimpy dress and underwear parading around in very high heels. The thought came to my head - is the photoshoot sacrilegious to the Catholic church? Or is building a Catholic church on top of a thousands of years old Inca spiritual site the bigger sacrilege? To add more food to this thought there was an earthquake 20 years ago here in Cusco - the 400 year old church walls fell down but the 5000 year plus pre-Inca walls were undamaged - perhaps a sign of want Mother Earth wants here? (Side note most other buildings in Cusco were undamaged. And the church rebuild their building on top of the Inca site again. Perhaps by 2012 it will come tumbling down again...)

Cover up 60 years later on Pearl Harbor

Interesting details on how FDR government and military knew of Pearl Harbor attack and attack on American's largest Pacific bomber fleet in Philippines and blocked local commanders from taking defensive action. And if not a conspiracy why are key Japanese code decrypts kept from public 60 years later for "national security" reasons when other decrypts of the same codes are publically available? Expect the truth to come out publically within the next year...


24 September 1941, the " bomb plot" message in J-19 code from Japan Naval Intelligence to Japan' s consul general in Honolulu requesting grid of exact locations of ships pinpointed for the benefit of bombardiers and torpedo pilots was deciphered. There was no reason to know the EXACT location of ships in harbor, unless to attack them - it was a dead giveaway. Chief of War Plans Turner and Chief of Naval Operations Stark repeatedly kept it and warnings based on it prepared by Safford and others from being passed to Hawaii. The chief of Naval Intelligence Captain Kirk was replaced because he insisted on warning HI. It was lack of information like this that lead to the exoneration of the Hawaii commanders and the blaming of Washington for unpreparedness for the attack by the Army Board and Navy Court. At no time did the Japanese ever ask for a similar bomb plot for any other American military installation. Why the Roosevelt administration allowed flagrant Japanese spying on PH has never been explained, but they blocked 2 Congressional investigations in the fall of 1941 to allow it to continue. The bomb plots were addressed to "Chief of 3rd Bureau, Naval General Staff", marked Secret Intelligence message, and given special serial numbers, so their significance couldn't be missed. There were about 95 ships in port.

7 December 1941 very early Washington time, there were two Marines, an emergency special detail, stationed outside the Japanese Naval Attache's door. 9:30 AM Aides begged Stark to send a warning to Hawaii. He did not. 10 AM FDR read the 14th part, 11 A.M. FDR read the 15th part setting the time for the declaration of war to be delivered to the State Department at 1 PM, about dawn Pearl Harbor time, and did nothing. Navy Secretary Knox was given the 15th part at 11:15 A.M. with this note from the Office of Naval IQ: "This means a sunrise attack on Pearl Harbor today." Naval IQ also transmitted this prediction to Hull and about 8 others, including the White House (PHH 36:532). At 10:30 AM Bratton informed Marshall that he had a most important message (the 15th part) and would bring it to Marshall's quarters but Marshall said he would take it at his office. At 11:25 Marshall reached his office according to Bratton. Marshall testified that he had been riding horses that morning but he was contradicted by Harrison, McCollum, and Deane. Marshall who had read the first 13 parts by 10 PM the prior night, perjured himself by denying that he had even received them. Marshall, in the face of his aides' urgent supplications that he warn Hawaii, made strange delays including reading and re-reading all of the 10 minute long 14 Part Message (and some parts several times) which took an hour and refused to use the scrambler phone on his desk, refused to send a warning by the fast, more secure Navy system but sent Bratton three times to inquire how long it would take to send his watered down warning - when informed it would take 30 or 40 minutes by Army radio, he was satisfied (that meant he had delayed enough so the warning wouldn't reach Pearl Harbor until after the 1 PM Washington time deadline). The warning was in fact sent commercial without priority identification and arrived 6 hours late. This message reached all other addressees, like the Philippines and Canal Zone, in a timely manner.

7 December - 9 hours later, MacArthur's entire air force was caught by surprise and wiped out in the Philippines. His reaction to the news of Pearl Harbor was quite unusual - he locked himself in his room all morning and refused to meet with his air commander General Brereton, and refused to attack Japanese forces on Formosa even under orders from the War Department. MacArthur gave three conflicting orders that ensured the planes were on the ground most of the morning. MacArthur used radar tracking of the Japanese planes at 140, 100, 80, 60, down to 20 miles to time his final order and ensure his planes were on the ground. Strategically, the destruction of half of all US heavy bombers in the world was more important than naval damage in Pearl Harbor. Either MacArthur had committed the greatest blunder in military history or he was under orders to allow his forces to be destroyed. If it were the greatest blunder in history, it is remarkable how he escaped any reprimand, kept his command and got his fourth star and Congressional Medal of Honor shortly later. Prange argued, "How could the President ensure a successful Japanese attack unless he confided in the commanders and persuaded them to allow the enemy to proceed unhindered?"

Beyond Transition Towns in the Collapse

About half way down the page there are lots of good ideas of how we can work with the collapse problems in a local transition town way. Deals with financies, water, food, oil, refugees, governement failure and more.

Personally I think that the timelines on the problems are longer than what may happen and also miss out other events such as ET disclosure, pole shift, contential plate changes etc. And still valid and useful article.

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