Abundant Michael: 2012

Crossing The Event Horizon 3/2/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn about Nassim Haramein's life-long exploration into the geometry of space time and a coherent understanding of the fundamental structure and model of our Universe and our existence in it. This ground breaking work launches us into the
New Energy Movement. (This gathering was originally scheduled for 1/26 when we had the big snow storm)

You are invited to an introduction of one of the most profound scientific theories of our time. Haramein's scientific discovery ( a published peer reviewed unified field theory) may well be the physics of creation, the scientific explanation of spirituality that supports the basis of most religions of a conscious energy field underlying all of physical reality.The theory also explains some of the strange observations of solar flares by the Japanese space telescope (see video below)


We will view footage from the DVD "Crossing The Event Horizon" which can be ordered from Nassim's website www.theresonanceproject.org. The following text is from this site:

We are living at a critical time in history. The work done in our interdisciplinary research park may be crucial to our capacity to overcome the ecological and technological difficulties our world faces today.

A New Spin on Einstein’s Field Equations

Director of Research Nassim Haramein and scientists at the Resonance Project Foundation have found a new solution to Einstein’s field equations which incorporates torque and Coriolis effects. Furthermore, calculations were rendered to describe the collective and coherent behavior of the plasma dynamics of ergospheres orbiting the event horizons of black holes demanding a highly structured polarized vacuum, resulting in an alternative view of black holes where the exterior white hole portion surrounds the interior black hole singularity.

From these calculations, a new paper has recently been released entitled Scale Unification – A Universal Scaling Law For Organized Matter, which describes our universe as embedded white hole / black hole or white / black “whole” structures from universal size to atomic and subatomic scales.

Instead of seeing ourselves as separate from everything around us, this view allows us to recognize that we are embedded in a fractal feedback dynamic that intrinsically connects all things via the medium of a vacuum structure of infinite potential. This research has far reaching implications in a variety of fields including theoretical and applied physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry, sociology, psychology, archaeology, anthropology, etc. A fundamental understanding of the dynamics of this interconnectivity redefines the lens through which we see the universe and our place in it, and leads to theoretical and technological advancements that move us towards a sustainable future. This new approach to the physics of universal forces has the potential to solve the most pressing issues of our times.


Following the movie Sandra Soloman will lead a discussion about the science and spirit and how we can be in contact with our power, divinity and responsiblity now.


Sandra Solomon, Teacher, Channel/Conduit of Energetic Healing & Transformational Consultant. She is  a gifted and accomplished healer who works on both an individual, group and planetary level.  Her practice utilizes a wide range of energy modalities including, Quantum Healing which includes Reconnective   Healing and Matrix Energetics. She attunes Reiki Masters to six levels beyond Master Level through the Lightarian Institute™. Sandra is also trained in Shamballa Healing.

Sandra offers Transformational Consulting using a variety of techniques, including: the Work of Byron Katie, Psych-K  which is Psychological Kinesiology,  EFT-    Emotional Freedom Technique and The Sedona Method. These techniques assist in whole brain synchronization.  Her Transformational Consulting helps you to fine-tune your life into a more peaceful and balanced journey. She employs transformational techniques to assist you in attaining your goals.

Sandra’s explorations include quantum physics, sacred geometry, the Mayan Calendar, Kabbalah, the Sacred Alphabet, Universal Laws, the nature of reality and consciousness. She empowers people to discover their own self-authority.  You can reach Sandra at mayanone (at) juno (dot) com or 434-825-5564


The movie and discussion begins after dinner at 8pm. I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Government protests? Off with your Internet!

Amid protests against the Egyptian government that have often been organized on twitter, Facebook, email and text messaging The Egyptian government cut off access to twitter,facebook, then just shut down the whole counties access to the internet this week. They also turned off all text SMS messages. Read more at Fastcoompnay article.


A pretty despired measure. And perhaps a sign of what might happen here one day if there are mass riots...

However citizens in Egypt are still organizing using photocopied fliers and maybe phone trees. It is hard for a government to totally control it's people these days...


The day in 2011 that will change your life - overnight

Interesting video on the coming currency collapse with possible consequences. FYI The video is about an hour and you can't pause it. They also are pitching their investment newsletter  ($49 for a year) towards the end of the video but that does not detract from the interesting research on current US currency crisis and historical facts from other countries currency collapses. Lots of facts such as US shantie towns, empty house ghost towns in Las Vegas, bankrupt state governments, falsse unemployment stats (I would add false CPI numbers too). Touches on non money issues of the collapses too - food stocks, safety, riots etc. Gives suggestions for protecting your finances - gold, silver, some new stock "shorting" trick and I think food investing (you have to buy the report to get details)

Covers evidence of how we are already in first stages of collapse and how past collapses have been "unexpected" and "sudden" and the psychology of "normalacy" aka denial in most people before, during and after a sudden shift like this. Recommended.


The day in 2011 that will change your life - overnight

Stansberry & Associates Investment Research website

The Vertical Farm

A positive idea for us to use now to grow healthy local food in cities...

I was inspired tonight by a different perspective on producing our food: the
vertical farm!


Producing food in stacked greenhouses (or possibly better designs that allow
us to use more sunlight), in cities, to grow our food instead of ship if
from who knows where. Totally hydroponic, no dirt required, add a few
nutrients to water that circulates and is therefore conserved. Very low
technology, but the cost of doing this in cities is limited by the price of
real estate. There are practical solutions out there.

Solstice - Harijiwan 2012 Kundalini yoga class

This video is from the Winter Solstice that I attended in Florida December 2010 - I went to this class and it was amazing and very spiritually moving. The class was the day before the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse and Solstice Day on December 21. The class starts with us holding bear grip in silence, so bear with it if nothing seems to be happening when you start the play button!


Here is where I am sitting in class (circled in red) - I am wearing all white and have a white head scarf down my back too:



Watch live streaming video from 3hokundlainiyoga at livestream.com

mass death of birds and fish - redux

This video asks:

"Have you seen any dead birds or fish in YOUR area? Can you film it for YouTube? Or is the Machine the only source for this story? "The only thing worse than this being true ... is if this is a lie." - Chad Lilly

Food for thought...

Joe Weaver wrote:

Lots of stuff going on with all this. I'm sensing it's one piece in a large puzzle that is being fabricated or at least "created" in some cases.

Check out this video, there are several other ones like it surfacing. Large amounts of people are starting to ask questions. The truth is not coming from the main stream media.


 and also check out this interesting video by Collen Thomas on the mass animal deaths, Phosgene spraying, John Wheeler and now two reporters on his case deaths, shadow government and how we can help by bring light and truth to the situation


Also ArkanasWeather Radar Shows Something Unusual Around Time Birds Fell


More analysis from TheTrutherGirls about different theories

Hopi thoughts on 2012 changes and Mother Earth

A Hopi Indian Elder talks about the changing times near to 2012 and our connection to Mother Earth and spirit in this six minute video


What will 2011 bring?

(From Natural News) What's ahead for 2011 - 2012? This time in human history promises to bring forth more changes than any other similar duration of time known to our civilization. I believe the changes that will occur in the next two years will rock the foundations of our economies, governments and belief systems. In the end, after considerable turmoil, I see a great expansion of human consciousness and a maturing of the human race.
  • More people growing their own food
  • Living in self-reliance in more rural areas.
  • Increased awareness of natural remedies and health freedom
  • Natural childbirth and questioning drugging of children
  • Shift away from pharmaceuticals and toward disease prevention and nutrition
  • Change over  water fluoridation, mercury fillings and GMOs GMO labeling of food
  • More demand for liberty and freedom, Expect to see Ron Paul and Rand Paul do extraordinarily well in the coming years
  • A rise in the Tenth Amendment movement in America  The Tenth Amendment, by the way, specifically reserves all rights not specifically granted to the federal government to be held by the States or the People.
  • A new Big Government war on internet freedom. And an online war between the "empire" (the USA and the UN) and the "rebel alliance" (the internet hackers such as 'anonymous').
  • By the end of 2012, significant food supply disruptions in North America, brought about either by radical weather affecting crop yields or perhaps the invasion of disease indirectly caused by the over-use of pesticides or GMOs. The number of people in America struggling to feed themselves and their families will rise along with food prices (see next). This will inevitably result in a huge increase in crime (burglaries, thefts) at precisely the same time that cities are laying off local law enforcement officers due to budgetary restrictions.
  • Expect to see food prices climb with alarming speed over the next two years.
  • Oil prices will also trend sharply upwards over the next two years.
  • By late 2012, the economic downfall of the United States will have accelerated, and the inevitable collapse of the U.S. dollar will by that time have become apparent to virtually everyone. The ability of the U.S. Treasury to auction its debt will drop sharply as ratings institutions either downgrade U.S. debt or publicly threaten to.

More details at:


More people waking up to reality

Today, most people are sleepwalking through their lives, functioning as cogs in a giant machine of which they have no knowledge and no control. Over the next two years, that will significantly change. More and more people will be awakened into a state of awareness. They will realize that living out their lives working mundane jobs, watching television, eating junk food and taking pharmaceuticals is not fulfilling their true purpose in life, and many will seek a higher purpose.

An increasing number of people will come to understand that their lives are mere illusion -- that they've been following programming set out for them by others, and that if they wish to truly achieve freedom (of mind), they must break out of the patterns that have been constructed for them.

As a result, we're going to see more people rebelling against the status quo while simultaneously expanding their own awareness of the bigger picture -- how things work in our world and what their role might be in uplifting our shared reality.

In the short term, this might result in a tremendous amount of strife, but in the end, it will give rise to a true uplifting of consciousness among the people in our world.

Mass death of birds and fish - scalar weapons test?

There´s been news of mass death of birds in USA, Sweden and tons of dead fish surfacing in Brazil.. Could it be from a US scalar weapons test?

Update - you can see mass animal death incident sites it in google maps: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=201817256339889828327.0004991bca25af104a22b  seems that the list keeps growing...


Experts suspect military testing behind mass bird and fish deaths

Beyond the frightening mass death of fish in the Arkansas River that covered 20-miles, reports have come in on mass aquatic death off of Chesapeake Bay. And 100 tons of dead fish have washed up on the Brazilian coastline. Brazilian officials have never seen anything like it. Some reports in the Brazilian media claim that a few coastal communities are panicking believing that the water has been poisoned.

Investigating the mass fish death in the Arkansas River near a dam in Ozark some 125 miles west of Beebe, Arkansas. Beebe, a suburb of Little Rock, has about 5,000 residents. It's where many of the red-wing blackbirds met their strange end.

Although the state fish and wildlife investigators say disease may be the reason why 100,000 fish suddenly died en masse, they plan to continue testing the river for any evidence of toxins.

Curiously, like the birds, all the fish that died were only one species. All other fish were unaffected.

Connected to advanced government weapons tests?

Researchers Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones at
infowars.com have put forward another possibility that could account for the shocking bird and fish deaths.

Watson and Jones believe evidence exists that points to secret US government testing of advanced weaponry. The two point to Scalar weapons technology.

The interesting thing about their theory is that it does account for the internal disintegration of the birds' organs, the short-lived survivors' state of disorientation, and the atmospherics that were occurring during the incident.

Radiation comes in many forms including, thermal, photonic, microwave, nuclear and magnetic. Scalar technology incorporates the transmission of high-energy electromagnetic radiation designed to disrupt geological and biological processes. It's a technology that is mostly secret that has been under development since the 1970s. Other than U.S. research on its applications as a militarized weapon, work is also being done to advance the technology in the U.K., Russia, China and Israel.

According to Watson and Jones "Scalar weapons that can artificially manipulate the environment could be responsible for the mass die offs. We know for a fact that over a decade ago the U.S. Military Industrial Complex was aware of and involved in the testing of such technology."


STOCKHOLM — In a week that saw unexplained massive bird deaths in the southern United States, up to 100 birds were found lying in a snow-covered street in Sweden Wednesday, officials said.

"Most were dead," Christer Olofsson of rescue services in the southwestern town of Falkoeping said of the 50 to 100 jackdaw birds, a type of crow.

Ornithologist Anders Wirdheim said the find was surprising.

"This is unusual," he told tabloid Aftonbladet, which posted online a reader's photo of dozens of black birds littering a snow-covered road.


Thousands of dead birds and fish in Arkansas leave many scratching heads

Maybe the Mayans were on to something?

That's surely what students of the famed Mayan 2012 prophecy for the end of the world had to be thinking with the news of recent eerie wildlife die-offs in Arkansas. Just as the calendar nudged a year closer to that fateful date, birds began falling from the sky in Arkansas and  a massive fish kill occurred some 125 miles to the west.


Four to five thousand red-winged blackbirds dropped out of the sky over Beebe, Arkansas on New Year’s Eve. Initial reports indicated three thousand or so. A few days later, several hundred more dropped out of the sky and onto a rural stretch of highway outside Baton Rouge, Louisiana. What’s going on? Are mass deaths of red-winged blackbirds common?

Red-winged blackbirds are a populous species with 100-200 million in the United States. Their range extends from Alaska down to Honduras in Central America. Their name comes from the very bright red patch on the male’s shoulders.

The birds fell down over Beebe during a thirty minute period close to midnight on New Year’s Eve. First guesses tended toward the fireworks scaring the birds. The birds, not used to flying at night, became disoriented and ran into each other. They died from the midair collisions – or so the theory goes.

Initial tests done by the National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin and the University of Georgia indicate that the birds died of blunt force trauma which caused internal bleeding and death. The blackbirds showed no sign of disease that might have caused the bleeding.

Interestingly, some red-winged blackbirds on the ground were merely dazed and disoriented and were later able to fly away. These birds are not counted among the 4-5,000 dead blackbirds.

A few days later, five hundred more red-winged blackbirds dropped out of the sky and onto the rural highway outside of Baton Rouge about 350 miles away. Tests are not in on the Louisiana blackbird deaths, but the birds have been sent to the same labs that are studying the Arkansas blackbirds.

So, how common are these mass deaths? For scale and specificity of these two mass deaths, not very common at all.


Mar 1, 2010,  Massive amounts of dead fish are covering the beaches of Brazil and roughly 80 tonnes (175 000 lbs) have been removed from the iconic Ipanema beach in Rio de Janeiro.

The mass death, which seems to have occurred at sea right before the weekend, remains unexplained. Over 100 people are currently trying to rid a 4.5 square kilometer area from rotting fish carcases.
Environmental experts in Rio de Janeiro have suggested that the mass death might be caused by marine algae. The deaths are not limited to any specific species of family of fish.

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