Abundant Michael: Sandbox

Wednesday gathering: Forgiveness and Sexual Blocks 3/26/08

Do you want to open new pathways for our relationship with sex? Do you want to be freed from constraints, misunderstandings and wounds? Do you want to let go of feelings we have about sex that limit, constrict, and oppress us? Then come to this workshop! We will look deeply at who we are and how the highest aspirations of our soul can be supported and nurtured by sex, rather than subverted by the constant anxiety and quest for sex that is the product of our culture. Looking closely at our own sexual "story" and the ways our beliefs have limited and constricted us in our relationship with sex, we empower ourselves to use sex as an expression of our highest values and aspirations. Plus any sex that you have after this workshop you will enjoy so much more!

This event will be on 3/26/08. More on Wednesday Sandbox Gatherings


Wednesday gathering: Ostara and Rebirth of Midlife 3/19/08

Ostara (The Spring Equinox) brings a time of balance. The Sun God has overtaken the darkness and day and night are of equal lengths. The Goddess, our Earth Mother, awakens from Her long slumber to replenish the Earth. We see new Life rising from the cold ground. While the actual equinox is on Thursday 20th we will celebrate it at Sandbox on Wednesday.

The Horned God has grown weak from the Winter and at this time dies in order to return to the healing Earth. From His "death", He is reborn as the Green Man. He has shed his antlers and fur for green leaves and vines. He is young still, but as the days grow longer he gains strength. He is a God of fertility, to aid our Goddess in the growing of our fields and livestock.

Many Pagan customs from this Sabbat continue to this day. For instance, the Easter Egg is a common Pagan custom. Eggs have always been a symbol of fertility and thus used as a symbol for this holiday. They were traditionally painted red or scarlet to symbolize the Suns rays in hopes that the rays of the Sun would warm the Egg and from it would spring Life. Easter is celebrated around this time because it has always been, in older traditional religions, the time of the willing sacrifice and rebirth of the God. Therefore it was only logical to place the sacrifice and rebirth of Jesus around this time.

At this ritual we will look at the parts of us that we are ready to let die and the parts that are ready to be reborn a new. If you have been reading Marianne Williamson's new book The Age of Miracles: Embracing the New Midlife then this might be a time to let your new midlife be born!

More on Wednesday Sandbox Gatherings


Wednesday Gathering in Columbia 3/12/08 - Pronoia

book by Rob Brezsny. On the cover it further
adds..."How the Whole World is Conspiring to Shower
you with Blessings".In many New Age practices, the
idea that everything is perfect comes up. If you're
like me, I often find myself thinking, "Yeah, right!"

Brezsny dares to challenge you with the idea that we
are in charge of making a new world, so what stories
do you want at the heart of our experiment? What
questions will be our oracles? There's an exciting
chapter entitled "Your Inalienable Right to Fresh
Omens". There's an interesting exercise where you
compose and cast a love spell on yourself. Nancy says
there's a LOT of really cool exercises in this book,
so it will be an ongoing theme at her gatherings for
several months to come. Come join in the fun as we
play in our hearts and in our minds.

For more details on Nancy's events specifics here

Wednesday gathering: Silent Divinity 3/5/08

Sometime for me words get in the way of my connecting with others. They can form a barrier to really getting to see the divine in others. Eye gazing and just being with others can be more intimate at times. So as an experiment this Wednesday Gathering will be a Silent Retreat. There will be no spoken words (gestures and non-verbal sounds are ok). Sound scary? Impossible to not speak for 4 hours in the company of others? What about all those thoughts that come up in my head - how will I keep them in the background if I am not talking a mile to the minute? Then may I suggest then that there is all the more reason to come and experience silence together. See and feel what kind of connection can be made without words.


Those familiar with the silent eye gazing a chapel will have some ideas for what to do. And of course hugs and snuggling don't require any words either. And for those who like games there are many silent games that can be played without words. I suggest that you bring a journal but don't writing in it until the end of the evening. That way you can experience more fully the non-verbal world. Or if you must jot down a brief note then use your non-dominant hand!


As babies we don't speak and yet there is an innocence and divinity of young children that perhaps as adults we miss out on. Come explore your silent divinity at Sandbox this week.


This event will be on 2/6/08. More on Wednesday Sandbox Gatherings


Wednesday gathering: 2/20/08 Eat, Pray, Love - spiritual journey discussion

On the 20th I will host a discussion of the spiritual aspects of the book "Eat, Pray, Love" - a spiritual journey

I heard about this book from the Sandbox list and I immediately bought a copy and read it. I really enjoyed it. What a spiritual journey! Liz Gilbert writing in a revealing and humorous way about her struggles with negative thoughts, if praying is a good idea or  not and difficulties with mediation. For me there are many wonderful  quotes in the book. And so many magical moments. Like when she is  resisting 4am meditation, decides to commit to it and then her roommate  accidentially locks her into her room and she "decides" to jump out of   the (2nd story) window to make it to the mediation that she previously hated.

If you haven't read this book check out this summary and discussion group questions.

Some questions are

  1. In what ways is spiritual success similar to other forms of success? How is it different? Can they be so fundamentally different that they’re not comparable?


  2. Do you think people are more open to new experiences when they travel? And why?

  And if you have read this this FAQ from the author is a good follow up.

Here is a quote from the book on

                      Diligent Joy
“…people universally tend to think that happiness is a
stroke of luck, something that will descend upon you
like fine weather if you’re fortunate enough. But
that’s not how happiness works. Happiness is the
consequence of personal effort. You fight for it,
strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even
travel around the world looking for it. You have to
participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your
own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of
happiness, you must never be lax about maintaining it,
you must take a mighty effort to keep swimming upward
into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of
it. If you don’t, you will leak away your innate
contentment. It’s easy enough to pray when you’re in
distress but continuing to pray even when your crisis
has passed is like a sealing process, helping your
soul hold tight to its good attainments.
p. 260

 This event will be on 2/20/08. More on Wednesday Sandbox Gatherings

Wednesday gathering: 2/27/08 Erotic photography with Jim Guzel

On 27th we can learn how to take Erotic photography with Jim Guzel. How do you capture the essence of someone in photo? And even more how can you show their inner erotic spark? Come learn how to take erotic photos or be photographed. Bring your own digital cameras.

Here is what Jim has to say about it:

"I believe that what we perceive as human beauty is comprised of about 50% emotional honesty and openness.  Nowhere is this truer than in the photographing of erotica.  I find that it can be wonderful fun to hold the camera or be in front of it.  In this special Sandbox event, I plan to share tips and techniques  that I have learned in my career as a fine art nude and boudoir photographer in how to assist the subject(s) in locking their emotional best and how the photographer may make the best of his/her equipment.  That's photographic equipment, you silly thing!

I encourage everyone to come dressed for fantasy fun.  Even if you don't intend to get in front of the camera, it will help set the festive mood.  And who knows, you may change your mind.  Bring whatever camera equipment you own, digital would be by far the best since it would allow sharing the images while it happens.  I don't see any way that issues of privacy can really be assured.  So if you want to keep your identity a secret, wear a mask.  It will add to the erotic nature of the event as well as providing a disguise."

Try this web listing to find places in the area that sell masks.

May I suggest that those who plan to attend begin to form groups through Sandbox discussions of two to four people with complimentary interests and make some plans in how you might interact at this event?

Imagination is invaluable.  And bear in mind that the camera loves exaggeration.

This event will be on 2/27/08. More on Wednesday Sandbox Gatherings

Wed Gathering 1/13/08 - 2/13 - at Nancy's Loving yourself (based on Gay Hendricks book)

 On February 13th Nancy will be leading a Sandbox Gathering at her home in Columbia MD on Loving your self (based on Gay Hendricks book). Nancy writes:

This is not a drop-in event, so please read the posting below.I'll be using Gay Hendrick's book &
workbook...LOVINGYOURSELF...which has some excellent exercises thatI've found to be useful. I thought this might be awonderful gift to ourselves for Valentine's Day.

Updated news...I now have 3 cats, and the hot tub maynot be repaired by then...we might just have to
cuddleafterwards...Oh, bother! Hope you can join
me,Love to your hearts,Nancy

You are welcome to bring people to my Wednesday gatherings who have not
attended a Sandboxevent before, but who you think share our goals and values. You are expected to be
present if you invitesomeone new and be responsible for his or her conduct. Please go over the following
with your guest.

The Wednesday gathering, 13February, 2008 will be at my house in Columbia, MD,from 6:30pm - 11pm.  We will be having a potluckdinner, doing a community building activity on LOVINGYOURSELF, by Gay Hendricks. I’ll be using his book andworkbook as a reference for the exercises. Socializing and hot tubing afterwards, if the hot tubis repaired by then..  We will ask that everyone wearenough clothing that they wouldn't be arrested if they step outside until the formal activities are over andthe hot tub is open. At that time, clothing is optional inside the house and out on the deck. I nowhave  3 cats for those who are allergic.RSVPs are a must as I limit attendance at these eventsin order to make sure that the activity planned will be accessible and doable forall, given the time constraints.

We want to stick as closely as we can to our schedule:

6:00 - People may begin arriving to socialize and prepare their food offerings.

7:00 - We will begin eating. People who have to arrive between 7:00 and 8:00 should bring an item that doesn't need preparation or should bring a desert. Letme say that again… there is NOT time to cook something once you get here. Please plan on not needing morethan 10 minutes to reheat
something. If you plan on arriving, after 7:30, please plan oneating ahead of time, so that we can get
cleaned up and started on time for the activities.

7:45 -  Start cleaning and putting away the food. If you brought it, pack it away and clean up where it was. We will leave the drinks and desserts out so thatyou can indulge later.

8:00 - Community building activity.  We will not admit anyone once the activity begins in order to create andmaintain a safe container.  Sorry, but I feel a strong commitment to this rule.

9:30 – Start putting the house back together and doing the task that you signed up for. If everybody pitches in, the sooner we get it all done, the sooner the hottub is opened and/or we can start a puppy pile.(cuddle pile for those who haven’t done one.) Dessertsand drinks will getput away at

9:45.WHENEVER? Hot tub open; puppy pile starts, clothingoptional at this point in the houseand on the deck.

10:45 – Lights on, and hot tub gets closed down.

11:00 - Everyone leaves.  You don't have to go home,but you can't stay here <g>.

FOOD: For me,
food is a way of showing love forsomeone else, so
chips and dip won't get it. Pleasebring a dish that is
already prepared, that will feed10 hungry people, and
costs around $10. Please do notfeel obligated to cook
it yourself; email if you needsuggestions. Please
email me what you're bringing so Ican coordinate
things on this end. I have a microwaveand two ovens
for reheating. I'll supply drinks and amasking for a
$10 donation to cover expenses.

PITCHIN' IN: There will
be lists of things that needto be done before we're
finished for the evening, anda sign-up sheet for those

CLOTHES: Whatever...sarongs are fun. I love to
dressup and don't get enough chances to wear my
tiaras, sothink outrageous. Please bring a towel if
you want touse the hot tub.

HOT TUB: Once the hot tub
is open, clothing isoptional on the deck and in the
house. Please rememberbare butt etiquette...have
something between you andyour bottom when you're
seated. I ask that if you havean open cut that you not
go in the hot tub.

PARKING: Please park down on the
street. My house isat the top of a short hill. Again,
you’ll need aflashlight to get up and down the hill,
It’s reallydark! Limited parking is available at the
top of thehill if you let me know ahead of

DIRECTIONS: You email me what you're bringing,
andtell me about a guest, if any, and I'll email
youdirections. In other words, RSVPs are a must, as
you weren’t in time to get on the originalattendance
list, there is a wait list that I can putyou on, if
you like. Please be the kind of person whochecks your
email regularly if you agree to go on thewait list.

BRING/DO LIST:---Potluck offering---Serving utensils,
if needed---Baggie/plastic container to take your food
home inif it’s not all eaten---$10 donation for
expenses---towel for hot tub---flashlight to get you
up and down the hill; pleasemark with your name      
 (It’s really dark down there where you’ll
beparking)---email Nancy what you're bringing for the
potluckand your phone number.*** Please do NOT repost
this message on any othere-list. You are welcome to
bring people to myWednesday gatherings who have not
attended a Sandboxevent before, but who you think
share our goals andvalues. You are expected to be
present if you invitesomeone new and be responsible
for his or her conduct.Please go over the above rules
with your guest.

Wednesday gathering: sensuous story telling 2/6/08

With Imbolc on Monday 4th on Wednesday February 6th we will kick off the Valentine erotic theme of the month with a Sensuous Story Telling and Poetry evening. Imbolc means, literally, 'in the belly' (of the Mother). For in the womb of Mother Earth, hidden from our mundane sight but sensed by a keener vision, there are stirrings. The seed that was planted in her womb at the solstice is quickening and the new year grows. Imbolc (or Candlemas)  may then be seen as the Pagan version of Valentine's Day, with a de-emphasis of 'hearts and flowers' and an appropriate re-emphasis of Pagan carnal frivolity. This also re-aligns the holiday with the ancient Roman Lupercalia, a fertility festival held at this time, in which the priests of Pan ran through the streets of Rome whacking young women with goatskin thongs to make them fertile. The women seemed to enjoy the attention and often stripped in order to afford better targets. While I don't see things getting quite that wild we will have  some poems/ stories written by you the participants, and  some that people read that speaks to them. Those not reading cuddle around in various puppy piles...sort of adult bedtime story hour. :-)

It's GREAT, GOOD FUN, and depending on the offerings, can get really hot. It's also very interesting to see what turns various people on, and male vs. female interests. The advantage of being at those events is that you can wander off to frolic in the bedrooms and trysting room(group play) or go disipate some steam in the sandbox or tuck yourself in your own bed,au solo, if thats what you want. I mention this fact as it's important to consider what options there are afterwards when you've got people all juiced up. Of course this being Sandbox you are always at choice and may chose to do nothing sexual at all. And if someone should ask you to hug them or more then at Sandbox you are supported to say No or Yes and your wishes will be respected.

The sexual tension in the room is thick at this one-of-a-kind erotic poetry lounge where the readings are as succulent as the atmosphere.  With a different theme each month this sensual salon is taken to the streets as people find out what limits Eros plays in their lives -- an then write about it. The lines between imagination and experience blur as people "literally" expose their encounters and push the limits of their creativity. Whether it's to listen or to read come be a part of this orgasmic evening where prose, love, sex and verse inextricably entwine.
The reading and cudding begin after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

This event will be on 2/6/08. More on Wednesday Sandbox Gatherings

Wed Gathering 1/23/08 - Desert on Leonard bday celebration

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we celebrate Leonard's 40th birthday Sandbox style by doing desert on him. After dinner Leonard will lay on a table and be covered with desert topings, fruit, cream and chocolate then who ever wants to can eat desert off him. A sensuous and yummy experience. (The shower is available after for Leonard to clean up)

If you want to celebrate your birthday or some other special event this way just let me know and we can arrange it! You chose how much clothing to wear (suit suit or birthday suit are suggested attire and what kind of deserts you want putting on you).

The desert begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wed Gathering 1/16/08 - Pole Dancing

This week we will have the opportunity to dance and play on the pole with the lovely Michelle Carnes. the pole will come out at 8pm! Here is what Michelle says about it:

WHY: Because pole dancing is sexy, empowering exercise!
WHO: Anyone with an enthusiasm for dance, a willingness to participate/learn, with a supportive spirit (up to 250 lbs)
*Comfy, stretchy clothes (yoga pants or booty shorts are great)
*your camera
*boas, zills, feathers, glitter, masks, stripper gear (go for it!)
*a water bottle
*anything you count on for comfort while active
*if you have outrageously sexy shoes you love to strut in, bring them for the finale!
*and bring your inner pole dancer (we know s/he's in there!)
This is for both men and women.


Shared a FUN, positive, safe environment where you can come out and play, have a BLAST and be supported by your friends!

We take you through basic moves on the pole. We start out with simple moves and build on the basics to fluid, beautiful, yet simple routines.  At the end of the night, we have a grand finale when everyone gets to put on their own show!  YOU pick your moves, your props – EVERYTHING and transform yourself into the god/dess you are!

The evening is totally about FUN! There is no "right" or "wrong" way to experience a pole dancing party. You just have to watch the magic happen as each of you meets the pole. We
facilitate the process through a well-orchestrated system that flows smoothly from start to finish so that every partygoer present (whether shy or gregarious) has an empowering, FUN, supportive evening.

We have discovered that many people have a secret longing to be more seductive, more sensual, more empowered and confident at a deep, personal level that translates into every area of their lives. The beauty of a pole dancing party is that it promotes those feelings organically, while laughing, cheering, hooting and hollering in an amazingly supportive environment!
Michelle Carnes is a professional pole dance instructor with training in ballet, ballroom, lapdancing and stripping.  Her anthropology doctoral dissertation is a three-year ethnographic study of black women's parties in Washington DC where women strip for women. She never played a traditional sport and was never a star athlete- she believes that everyone can pole dance, no matter what your background or profession. 

I look forward to meeting your diva-licious pole god/desses and see what s/he's got!


More on Wed Sandbox Gatherings here

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