Abundant Michael

Accountability affirmations

I found these affirmations really powerful - seems to get behind the issues I sometimes have with accountability/ integrity. And how perfectionism and fear of otehrs reactions can get in my way of seeing and telling the truth. What helps you with integrity?

Carol Tuttle wrote:

Carol Tutle

I am ready, willing and able to look, see, and tell the truth.
I am ready and willing to assume responsibility for my life NOW.
I love and accept myself.
I trust the choices I make.
I trust that others have their own answers for their life.
I choose to live and I accept love, help, and healing.
I am worthy of having what I want, my needs matter.
I do my best and my best is good enough.




These affirmations address the core issues that most people struggle with at a deeper level of their being.
Putting a daily focus on these truths will shift your core vibration which allows greater shifts in your life.

God Bless You,
Carol Tuttle



And if you had this email forwarded to you and would like to subscribe to Carol’s weekly “I am a Creator” email message, just go to www.caroltuttle.com

If you missed an email in this series visit the email archive:

Consciousness and Cash Flow 10/5/11- Wed Gathering in Rockville

Consciousness and Cash Flow
Joel Hamaker

Attend this presentation and discover ways to clear your subconscious blocks to about money limitations, use your conscious mind to understand and manage financial resources successfully, and access more abilities of your superconscious mind.


The presentation goes way beyond affirmations and positive thinking.  Some of the things you will learn:
*Discover your unconscious attitudes towards money and greater wealth.

*Use more conscious mind strategies to manage money better,

*How to tap your superconscious mind capabilities to attract opportunities much easier and create a more abundant mindset.     It is your 'birthright'.
You will leave with a number of tools, processes, handouts, and resources to help you begin living a more comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle.  Bring a note pad if you wish.
Presented by Joel Hamaker, PhD, is a psychologist and teacher of consciousness matters.  He "walks his talk" in financial matters.301-814-9470; JoelSpeaks2u@gmail com


The Wednesday Gatherings 9/14/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

The Wednesday Gathering is not just another dinner party, though it does include a good meal. This is a unique social gathering for people involved in Tantra, Radical Honesty, The Lord's Chapel, Beltane, Community for Spiritual Living, Shalom Mountain, polyamory, Paganism, BEST Events and other groups dedicated to openness, authenticity and integrity. It is an adult only event (18+).

In a magical environment full of great music, candles and in a truly sacred space, we chill out and relax and just see how much we can really show up.

Bring your joy, your sadness, whoever and whatever you are and just be in a place where love and acceptance reign. It's a great place to meet a new friend or see an old acquaintance in a new light.
More details on the Wednesday Gatherings at

The gathering is at

614 E Lynfield Dr
Rockville MD 2085

Please park at the parking lot at the end of the street - reach it by making 3
left turns and walking back 100 yards through the park

Note that mapquest gets in wrong in the last 100 yards, see
for detailed directions and parking info

Introduction to Meditation 9/14/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

Michael/Michelle here:
I have been meditating every day for over three years now. This year I have found it has really helped me stay calm and centered and grounded as many things change around me. I remembered when I started meditating I worried was I doing it right? What about all these stray thoughts? What if I skip a day? This week Randy will help those who want to meditate every day but not stuck trying to do it.

This week I am in in Ascuncion Paraguay. Paraguay has relaxed vibe plus a stubborn/proud streak, almost a death energy (they had a war in 1870s with Argentina and Brazil and Uruguay where 99% of males over 15 years old in country died - still recovering from that - that is why only 6 million people live here and it is almost the area of California which has 36 million people). I am applying for residency here because it is easy to get and will led to second passport in 3 years if I want it. Can use to live in Chile or Peru etc or even here. But I think I prefer the mountain vibe to the low land tropical one. Though the people are friendly here and the women are into high heels (which I like :-) it is a bit conservative.  Only legalized divorce a few years ago. it is the Catholic influence I think. They also got rid of a dictator in 1989 and had a pretty violent time under him (however the revolution was fairly peaceful in 89, sorta like the East German Wall toppling after years of brutal dictatorship there. Hmm may there there was something energetic going on in 89 that lead to so many dictactorships changing in Eastern Europe and South America at the same time...).

I tell you the police here look like they are dressed to be in WWII German Afrika Corp... or French foreign legion... kinda weird but I guess a bit better than all the police in some other countries looking like they are in the Army. Almost like I am in the movie Casablanca! Of course these days I sometimes think that the police in USA and UK look liek the Army too - when I seen SWAT team like cops in the airport carrying automatic weapons and bullet proof vests... and read about raids by SWAT teams with the FDA on raw milk farms or Gibson Guitar...


PS We have three talented healers living at my house: Randy, Rukmini and Sandra. Plus myself remotely. Learn more about what we can do and help support this Sandbox gathering place at http://abundantmichael.com/blog/page.cfm/Sandbox-Healers



This Wednesday gathering we learn how to Meditate with Randy Goldberg. How would your life be if you were more centered and calm during crisises? What problems did you have last time you tried to start meditating on your own? How would guidance from a former Yogic monk who has meditated in Indian ashrams help you?

We will learn how to establish yourself in a daily meditation practice

We will learn several types of meditation, including breath, grounding, visualization, and mantra.

Meditation is the art of expanding your awareness and realizing your inner wealth. We will explore the various obstacles people face in doing a regular daily meditation as part of their self-care routine.

Randy Goldberg has taught meditation to individuals and groups including at GWU, AU, and Howard Universities, DC-JCC, and Takoma Metaphysical Chapel. Randy is a former Yoga monk, a Craniosacral therapist, a world renowned astrologer interviewed by the Washington Post and by CNN. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups. You can reach Randy at randy (at) randygoldberg.org or 202-380-6850 www.randygoldberg.org

- Michael/Michelle



Chiles 201st Birth - Independence Day

The Equinox is here and what better time to celebrate with a Mayan Solar dance!


Chile I am in Chile this week, checking out possible places to live here. It is much different from other South American countries - organized, affluent, clean. More like England or France than South America it seems to me. Not sure why Chile is so different - perhaps being separated by the Andes from other countries helped, perhaps there is a German influence here for organizing, perhaps the length of the country - over 2000 km with a narrow width (150km) means they had to be more in control. I am not sure. But everything runs on time and efficiently. Prices are like Europe too though. And the police are mild and dress, well like police in England or Germany - no machine guns, bullet proof vest and combat boots like in Bolivia or other countries I have been in recently.


Perhaps it is just the national energy or enneagram that is the reason why Chile is different... 


Chiles Independence Day

Anyway Sunday is Chiles 201st birth - Independence Day from Spain. The same age as Paraguay. These republics are pretty old by world standards. Thought Chile has had some bad patches - I was at the Allende museum today - had his final radio speech from 1973 when the military attacked the presidential palace and took him off to be killed. He knew he would die if he stay be he decided to stay on the radio until the end as a symbol of protest. Fortunately that dictatorship ended in about 1989 and things are democratic here now. In fact there are regular student protests here which I am told the police treat with care to avoid seriously hurting the demonstrators.


"I am off to the far north of Chile next - for some sun and beach time - before returning to La Paz"

Dance to the Mayan Calendar 9/21/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday gathering we join Sandra with the Mayan Calendar Solar Initiation and Dance Event- Part 2

Attending the last event is NOT a prerequisite so if you like freestyle dance and movement, come and join us!


What is this "Mayan Calendar" all about? It is called "The Peace Calendar" and is a way to live in greater flow and more connected to the natural rhythms of the universe.

On Wednesday September 21, 2011 Sandra Solomon will be in Rockville, Md offering PART 2 of an initiation into the "Mayan Archetypes and Tones of Creation."

This experiential evening is designed for fun and creativity through free style dance and movement to the music of the "Mayan Solar Glyphs."




Sandra was first introduced to the 2012 Mayan Tzolkin calendar round in 1992 where she traveled 4time that year to learn this ancient wisdom.

She has done workshops in Boston, MA  Minneapolis, MN and Charlottesville, VA where attendees have likened her work to that of the Indigenous  Shaman's of the Yucatan.



Sandra Solomon, Teacher, Channel/Conduit of Energetic Healing & Transformational Consultant. She is a gifted and accomplished healer who works on both an individual, group and planetary level.  Her practice utilizes a wide range of energy modalities including, Quantum Healing which includes Reconnective Healing and Matrix Energetics. She attunes Reiki Masters to six levels beyond Master Level through the Lightarian Institute.




Sandra offers Transformational Consulting using a variety of techniques, including: the Work of Byron Katie, Psych-K which is Psychological Kinesiology,  EFT-    Emotional Freedom Technique, The Emotion Code and The Sedona Method. These techniques assist in whole brain synchronization.  Her Transformational Consulting helps you to fine-tune your life into a more peaceful and balanced journey. She employs transformational techniques to assist you in attaining your goals.


You can reach Sandra Solomon at 434 825-5564 [email protected]

Intro to Meditation 9/14/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday gathering we learn how to Meditate with Randy Goldberg. How would your life be if you were more centered and calm during crisises? What problems did you have last time you tried to start meditating on your own? How would guidance from a former Yogic monk who has meditated in Indian ashrams help you?

We will learn how to establish yourself in a daily meditation practice




















We will learn several types of meditation, including breath, grounding, visualization, and mantra.

Meditation is the art of expanding your awareness and realizing your inner wealth. We will explore the various obstacles people face in doing a regular daily meditation as part of their self-care routine.


Randy GoldbergRandy Goldberg has taught meditation to individuals and groups including at GWU, AU, and Howard Universities, DC-JCC, and Takoma Metaphysical Chapel. Randy is a former Yoga monk, a Craniosacral therapist, a world renowned astrologer interviewed by the Washington Post and by CNN. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups. You can reach Randy at randy (at) randygoldberg.org or 202-380-6850 www.randygoldberg.org

Dancing, Salt desert and Coca 9/7/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

Michael/Michelle here:
I love many Indian things - the country when I traveled there in the 80s, the food and spices, the music, some Bollywood movies and of course the dancing! I learned Bhangra dancing a few years ago and even if I was down or depressed 10 minutes of doing that dance and I was out of breath and happy again! Plus any minor sickness or stress and dancing just releases the stuck energy so I feel better and can easily rest fully. So this Wednesday Gathering on Indian Dance is great.

Here in Bolivia I visited the Salar de Uyuni in the south of the country - it is a vast salt flat from an ancient sea that dried up. Over 200 sq km it is like being on another planet - no animals, birds or plants. Just while salt on the ground and volcanic mountains on the horizon. I meditated on the salt - it is very cleaning of energies (I take salt baths at home to clean my aura). Away from anyone or any animal I heard a quiet humming in my head - to me it was the sound of god within each of us. A light that is always there but that I don't always notice unless I get very quiet. That night we stayed in a salt hotel - all the walls, floor, beds, tables, chairs are made of blocks of salt. Only the bathroom was not salt (it would melt with the water!). at I slept so deeply that night!

The next day we drove across the desert seeing wild gazelles and flamingos at icy lagoons. I thought flamingos were a tropical bird but here the temperature is -15 C at night and not so much warmer in the day! I explored lava fields and went for a dip in a hot spring. The hot water was great - the only problem was how to get in and out given that it was -10 C with a strong wind outside the pool!! On the final day we got up at 5am to drop off some fellow travelers at the Chilean border before heading back to Uyuni. Our driver, as many Bolivian workers do, was chewing coca leaves to stay alert. I guess it is a bit like drinking a coca-cola in the States. (In fact the original coca cola recipe in the 1890s included coca leaves...). Since president Evo came to power here a few years ago coca production has been liberalized and you can buy coca tea bags at the super market. Just don't try to bring them back to the USA as DHS will take them and may be fine you too because they are illegal in US (they think coca = cocaine which is a crazy as saying poppy seeds = heroin). I haven't tried coca tea but others say it is a mild pick me up.


PS We have three talented healers living at my house: Randy, Rukmini and Sandra. Plus myself remotely. Learn more about what we can do and help support this Sandbox gathering place at http://abundantmichael.com/blog/page.cfm/Sandbox-Healers

This Wednesday gathering we learn how to do joyful Indian folk dances with Padma Foye. What would yo do with more joy and energy? How do you move stuck emotions (energy in motion) in your body? How would it help your life to express yourself fully in dance right now?

Indian folk dance (Garba and Raas) is mainly performed to express joy. All folk dances portray some expression of life and meaning. These dances are easy to learn and so much fun! And there is no need to be exact in the steps - these are dances for farmers and it is the intent you bring to your moves, not how well you do them that matters! 

Padma Foye is from the State of Gujarat in India. She enjoys performing and teaching Indian folk dances because this form of dance is spiritually uplifting to the dancers and the observers.  

- Michael/Michelle



The Wednesday Gatherings 9/7/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

The Wednesday Gathering is not just another dinner party, though it does include a good meal. This is a unique social gathering for people involved in Tantra, Radical Honesty, The Lord's Chapel, Beltane, Community for Spiritual Living, Shalom Mountain, polyamory, Paganism, BEST Events and other groups dedicated to openness, authenticity and integrity. It is an adult only event (18+).

In a magical environment full of great music, candles and in a truly sacred space, we chill out and relax and just see how much we can really show up.

Bring your joy, your sadness, whoever and whatever you are and just be in a place where love and acceptance reign. It's a great place to meet a new friend or see an old acquaintance in a new light.
More details on the Wednesday Gatherings at

The gathering is at

614 E Lynfield Dr
Rockville MD 2085



Please park at the parking lot at the end of the street - reach it by making 3 left turns and walking back 100 yards through the park.

Note that mapquest gets in wrong in the last 100 yards, see
for detailed directions and parking info


Social media cut off during attempted San Francisco protest

You have heard of the governemnts in theMiddle East cutting off cell phonesa and social media to prevent protestors. Well now it is happening in the USA too. More on this and other increasing in the police state here. Might be a good time to watch the movie V for Vendetta again to get an idea of what is slowly going on.

With British politicians demanding a clampdown on social media in the wake of London riots, and with the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) agency having done so last week in San Francisco, switching off underground cell phone service to help squelch a protest against police violence, authoritarian control tactics, aping those deployed in Egypt and Tunisia (that worked out well!) are becoming the norm in so-called "Western democracies."

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