Abundant Michael

Vastu for Health, Wealth and Relationships 6/8/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we learn about Vastu, the Indian form of Feng Shui, the art of placement, with Dr. Manjul Kant Dwivedi. How can you change your luck and business good fortune by changing your home? What can you do to improve your relationship? And how can home arrangement affect your health for good or bad? Learn about Vastu and discover how you can affect your life with simple rearrangements of your home and it's energy.

Dr. Dwivedi will provide in-depth information about Vastu and practical suggestions on how one can benefit from placing certain objects in the right direction for peace and happiness. Vastu is a supporting science for Holistic Healing. You can increase the curing capacity of healings/medicines many times and turn them for instant action by following Vastu principles. Thus its hidden usefulness must come in light for the betterment of human health.


What is Vastu?

Vastu let you  benefit from the spiritual experience of Vedic sages over the years and live a life of comfort and peace. Apart from several Asian countries like China, Thailand and Singapore, etc., the principles of ‘Vastu’ are being practised in various other developed western countries as well. Vastu Shastra is not merely a baseless myth but it is a scientific axiom which strikes a maximum equilibrium among the 'five elements' and shows the way to keep them, as far as possible in balance. It is based on the gravitational force, magnetic force, air & water streams, electric currents effect of environment, effect of solar rays, significance of directions, etc.

Our wise sages laid down the principles of Vedas millenniums ago. One part of the 'Atharwa-Ved', dealing with architecture, was the first treatise on Vastu-Shashtra. Certain basic principles have been derived from the 'Rig-Ved' also. According to the Indian Philosophy, every particle is a part of the Universe, and therefore, is affected by unseen universal forces. In Vedic epics, construction of ones own house was supposed to be a religious act. ‘Yagya’ and the rituals were conducted in the course of construction to bring about good luck and success. Construction of one’s own house is fullfilment of four 'Purusharthas'.

There are also a lot of similarities between Vastu and its Chinese counterpart Feng Shui in that they recognize the existence of positive and negative forces (Yin and Yang) except for the fact that the latter attaches too much importance to gadgets, like fish tanks, flutes, mirrors and lanterns. This is one reason why Fend Shui is gaining rapid popularity in India.

Construction of a building was regarded as a disturbance to the Natural environment. Vastu Shashtra shows us the way to strike uniformity with nature. It is this uniformity on the basis of which we are able to obtain the practical energy of Universal forces and lead a life of peace and concentration, which brings about prosperity and success. Our existence comprises of the five elements. It is evident that our body is also based on the five elements. The significant aim of Vastu-Shashtra is to establish a positive balance between the nature and our body & mind by construction of a building. Modern Medical Scientists undoubtedly agree that by keeping one’s head towards south, his/her blood pressure remains normal and he/she gets sound sleep. This is the principle of Vastu-Shashtra. The magnetic currents of the earth move towards the North Pole and if the head is towards North Pole, the magnetic circuit will not be completed and will cause repulsion. As a result, concentration will not be possible. Around the body of every living human being there is a natural AURA, which is known as ‘Bio-Electro-Magnetic Field’. We should make it more effective and powerful.

Dr. Manjul Kant Dwivedi is a world-renowned Spiritual Vastuguru, Tarot Card Reader and Meditation Guru. He also uses Mudra Yoga and Healing through Mantras. He is available for private consultations by contacting Dr. Manoj Dharwadkar at             301-528-5986       till June 14th.  More info at http://www.vastushastri.org

Dr Manjul Kant Dwivedi is the founding president of International Society for Spiritual Sciences and is also a well recognized Vastushastri of Uttar Pradesh. Basically he is spiritual "Vastu Specialist" who visualises and feels the power of different Gods in every atom of land and construction. Dr. Dwivedi's specialty is that he has developed a synthesis of Vastu and Feng-Shui. He firmly believes that in India, all Feng-Shui principles cannot be fully applied though at times several remedial measures of Feng-Shui are definitely capable of doing miracles.

Dr. Dwivedi was born in a Brahmin family in the district of Hardoi, which falls under the ancient and holy area of 'Namisharnya' where eighty eight thousand sages did penance for a long time. After his birth, Dr. Dwivedi did not open his eyes for five days. Due to his sharp mind and remarkable personality, this child excelled in school and always acquired top position in his class. At the age of thirteen, he started writing poetry and prose. His work was published and he established himself as a writer. He also won various state and national level awards in creative photography and his photographs were published in established newspapers and magazines of the country.

He has been awarded scores of titles in dozens of international conferences. He was accorded Ph.D. from Colombo, Srilanka on the subject "Good Health from Vastu Shastra". He has been nominated President/Chairman of several Astrological and spiritual organizations of North India and believes in the reflection of echoes of the doctrine of Ved - "All be happy, all be disease free".

Dr. Dwivedi propagates the system of meditation for the removal of defects in Vastu. In this, he primarily creates a flow of super pure pranic energy in an individual, so that the individual becomes capable of creating positive vibrations in his house by this pranic energy. This makes the negative energy escape to some extent. Foreign experts have found his system of meditation very effective and with the regular practice, they convey their message of fruitful results. Dr. Dwivedi is often invited by foreign citizens and NRIs for consulting the "Vastu defects" of constructed home, industries etc. and the mapping of under construction building.

Dr. Dwivedi is the only specialist in North India, who uses cosmic energy while advising Vastu and judges the efficacy of his advice with scientific equipments. Further, he also uses Lecher Antenna and various scientific instruments (which measures the flow of electro-magnetic energy) to measure energy. It is a scientific instrument that measures the flow of energy in men or animals and gives suggestions to make it (flow of energy) more effective. One can easily measure the same by its scale. Not only this, it measures the flow of electro-magnetic current of the land and building as well as indicates the pathogenic emission present there. This instrument, invented by the German medical scientist, Emest Lecher also indicates the geo-magnetic currents as well as the ill effects beneath the surface of Earth. At the same time it gives directions to safeguard from those ill effects. Dr. Dwivedi says, "Although I give top priority to the voice of my soul in taking decisions, yet these scientific instruments do help in arriving at reasonable conclusions".

He never boasts of being a learned person and presents himself as a student in this field. According to him the whole universe is a playground of Energy. If we are able to conceive the flow of this energy, there will be no problems left.

Vastu, conscious healing and Cusco

I first came across Vastu and Feng Shui about five years ago and used them to change the energy flow in my home and business. I saw some amazing results. Subsequently I learned more about energy and how we can improve our  enjoyment of life by changing it. It is good to live in harmony with the Earth, as it seemed the Incas did here in Peru. This week at Sandbox we learn Vastu from an Indian Vastu-guru (see below for details)

Here in Peru I am back in Cusco staying at the South American Explorer's club house for my last week here before I move on to Lima. If you are ever interested in travel to this continent I can recommend SAE (http://www.saexplorers.org) for good resources, travel tips, a safe place to store bags and a good way to meet lots of other fellow adventures quickly. I have also been taking Tango lessons here which is both fun, romantic and also good practice for sensing and sending clear energy signals (eg which foot is moving, which way are we going). Being Bi I like to both lead and follow - both require different and related skills in feeling energy and staying connected with your partner - Good tango is a bit like a vertical expression of love making...

Last weekend I learned a lot about conscious healing and manifestation in our 3D world by working on conscious patterns in the heart-space of patterns. This was at Jaden Phoenix's (http://alchemywisdom.com/) workshop here in Peru - she will be teaching it in Seattle and in DC area later this year and has teleclasses too in case Peru is too far to come for a workshop! I found it easy to learn and seems to me to underpin some of the other healing methods I use such as Matrix Energetics and EFT.

Our tour group used it during a trip to Puno to keep us safe - the town was full of protests last week and we avoided the violence completely. :-) If you didn't hear about it the citizens were protesting that the Peruvian government had sold Uranium mining rights to a Western company and the company was polluting the water and many children had gotten sick from it. The government initially suggested improving the water over six months but the protesters didn't think that was a good idea and took to the streets. Some were violent and others were peaceful. And the Peruvian presidential election this week adds to the tensions (The two main candidates are a sort of daughter of Richard Nixon (her father is in jail for corruption during his presidency here) and a more right wing pro military guy (John McCain wantabe?). Peruvian friends here don't seem to think that either one is a great choice! On a side note several other counties in South America have introduced laws to make Mother Earth able to be a party to lawsuits so that the Earth's rights can be stood up for. I know Bolivia and Ecuador have this and perhaps Peru will follow suit after the Puno issue. (Some towns in US have introduced similar laws this year BTW)


PS We have three talented healers living at my house: Randy, Rukmini and Sandra. Plus myself remotely. Learn more about what we can do and help support this Sandbox gathering place at http://abundantmichael.com/blog/page.cfm/Sandbox-Healers

Land around Fukushima now radioactive dead zone; Food issues inUS and Europe

Interesting that statistics showing that the radiation is much worse that we heard officially before.

And in case you didn't know radiation levels in US are an issue too. France issued public food warnings about radiation last month but it is business as usual in US (I posted on my blog last month in case you missed it

Might be worth considering what you eat and where it comes from...


Land around Fukushima now radioactive dead zone; resembles target struck by atomic bomb
(NaturalNews) It is nothing short of astonishing that the nuclear catastrophe we've all been told was "no big deal" has now escalated into the worst nuclear disaster in the history of human civilization. It's so bad now that soil samples taken from outside the 12-mile exclusion zone (the zone considered safe enough by the Japanese government for schoolchildren to attend school there) are higher than the 1.48 million becquerels a square meter limit that triggered evacuations outside Chernobyl in 1986.

In other words, the radiation level of the soil 12 miles from Fukushima is now higher than the levels considered too dangerous to live in near Chernobyl. This is all coming out in a new research report authored by Tomio Kawata, a fellow at the Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan. That same report also reveals that radiation from Fukushima has spread over 230 square miles.

What we're facing here, folks, is a Fukushima dead zone where life will never return to its pre-Fukushima norms.

Radiation levels similar to nuclear bomb test site

Bloomberg is now reporting, "Tetsuya Terasawa said the radiation levels are in line with those found after a nuclear bomb test, which disperses plutonium. He declined to comment further." (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-...)

One soil sample taking 25 kilometers away from Fukushima showed Cesium-137 exceeding 5 million becquerels per square meter. This level, of course, makes it uninhabitable by humans, yet both the Japanese and U.S. governments continue to downplay the whole event, assuring theirsheeple that there's nothing to worry about. By their logic, since all the people are sheeple anyway, as long as the area is safe enough for sheep, it's also safe enough for the human population.

Both Japan and the U.S. have made huge efforts to raise the limits of allowed radiation exposurein foods and beverages. This was, of course, a deceitful tactic to try to reclassify radiation contamination as somehow magically being "safe" by redefining it.

The outright lying and tactics of deception that have been used to try to downplay the severity of theradioactive fallout from Fukushima are nothing less than despicable. In a time when radiation threatens the safety and food supply of hundreds of millions of people, we are getting nothing but aFukushima whitewash.

Fukushima is now far worse than Chernobyl ever was and yet we're all being told it's no problem and that the government has it all under control. I ask: How is 5 million becquerels per square meter not a problem? It's amazing that we even got this information, considering how frequently TEPCO claims its sensors and meters aren't working (basically any time they get a reading that's "too high").

The Japanese government can't wait to corral the sheeple back onto the radioactive soil, by the way. "Basically, the way in which the current zones have been drawn up aren't a concern in terms of the impact on health," said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano. "Using Mr. Kawata's report as a guide, we want to do what we can to improve the soil, so people can return as soon as possible." (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-...)

Barely two weeks ago, TEPCO finally admitted Fukushima suffered multiple core meltdowns in the hours following the tsunami strike (http://www.naturalnews.com/032378_n...) (http://www.naturalnews.com/032437_F...). This was the first time TEPCO openly admitted to something the alternative media had been reporting for months.

What has become perfectly clear in the reporting on Fukushima is that:

• Governments lie to the people
• Mainstream media lies to the people
• Only the alternative media was correct in reporting the severity of the core meltdowns and the release of radioactive material into the environment.

That's why more and more people are turning away from traditional sources of (mis)information and instead relying on the alternative media to get accurate information about world events.  From




Independent Tests Indicate Radiation Is Entering the U.S. Food Chain

Authorities in the U.S. insist that there is no danger to public health or the environment from the Fukushima nuclear crisis, and that levels of radiation that have been detected in water, air, soil and food in North America since the accident are in such minuscule quantities as to present little to no danger. EPA discontinued its Fukushima radiation monitoring efforts, and FDA says there is no danger to our food or seafood and therefore testing is not necessary. There have been no calls since the accident for heightened nuclear safety inspections or to upgrade or decommission aging nuclear power plants in the U.S.

Yet, in limited testing conducted by states and independent labs since the accident, radioactive iodine and cesium—both toxic to human health—have appeared at elevated levels in milk and vegetables produced in California. Radiation has also been detected in milk sold in Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Vermont and Washington since the accident.

Elevated levels of radioactivity have also been detected in drinking water in numerous municipalities from Los Angeles to Philadelphia, and in soil samples tested in California. Fallout is blanketing America and will do so for a prolonged period of time until they can somehow stop the crippled reactors from leaking any more radiation into the environment—a formidable task.

On May 25, the University of California Berkeley Department of Nuclear Engineering (UCB)—one of the few organizations testing food, soil, air and water in the U.S.—reported that it had detected the highest level of radioactive cesium 137 in nearly a month in raw milk samples taken from a dairy in Sonoma County where the cows are grass fed. UCB also reported elevated levels of cesium 134 and cesium 137 in pasteurized, homogenized milk samples with a “best by” date of May 26 from a Bay Area organic dairy “where the farmers are encouraged to feed their cows local grass.”






Color healing, Temple of Sun and the Real Sacrilege?

I have used color to affect my health for many years - I repainted my house about ten years ago with bright primary colors to give it more life and improve my mood. (Before it was offwhite with black trim inside). More recently I have used colors in clothing and jewelry to change my energy and improve my health. And my acupuncturist Maureen Quinn sometimes using colored lights to help heal me. So this week's Sandbox on Aura-Soma Color therapy looks very interesting!

Here in Peru I am on a tour with two shamans of Macchu Picchu and other sacred sites near Cusco. I didn't realize that many of these sites are pre-Inca and may be 10,000 years old or more. One site we visited today was the Temple of the Sun which was in the old center of Cusco. During the spanish invasion of Peru in the 1500s the Catholic church build a cathedral on top of the temple and destroyed most of the  Inca spiritual pieces including a star gateway many thousands of years old. All the gold art and spiritual work was shipped to Spain and to The Pope in Italy where a few pieces remain in vaults at the Vatican. The rest was melted down... I guess the church wanted to take over the spiritual energy of the site and convert the natives to catholicism. However the natives while pretending to convert actually changed many of the catholic symbols - for example the Virgin Mary looks very like Patcha momma of Mother Earth!

While we were at this sacred site there was a photoshoot for Miss Peru going on there. Lots of pretty young girls in skimpy dress and underwear parading around in very high heels. The thought came to my head - is the photoshoot sacrilegious to the Catholic church? Or is building a Catholic church on top of a thousands of years old Inca spiritual site the bigger sacrilege? To add more food to this thought there was an earthquake 20 years ago here in Cusco - the 400 year old church walls fell down but the 5000 year plus pre-Inca walls were undamaged - perhaps a sign of want Mother Earth wants here? (Side note most other buildings in Cusco were undamaged. And the church rebuild their building on top of the Inca site again. Perhaps by 2012 it will come tumbling down again...)

Enhance Your Wellbeing with Color 5/22/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we join Anka Banks to learn how to Enhance Your Wellbeing with Color and activate our light bodies with Aura-Soma Color and Angel Therapy. How can we take care of ourselves with color? How can color possibly have a beneficial effect on a health condition? Let’s take the example of a stiff neck.

Human Light BodyThe neck is in the blue area of the body, which is also called the blue chakra, the throat chakra or the center of communication. This is the domain where our throat, vocal cords and mouth are located and from where we communicate with the world. For instance, when we hold onto some words to avoid conflict and we know we should or could have said something, our energy field - in this case the area of the throat chakra - can get jammed, causing tensions which can show up as muscle aches, cramps or a stiff neck on a physical level. (Image from Elizabeth Feisst website)

Actually sometimes we are incapable of letting go in our minds for a long time after the event. We get depressed over our failure to speak out. We let our shoulders hang, add more tension to our already tense body and look quite desolate. We are stuck.

To prevent tensions in the shoulder and neck area we can support ourselves with a blue scarf, a blue gemstone or, more effectively, a blue pomander from the Aura-Soma color care system. The blue allows us to be more confident and feel an inner strength that gives us courage to say or write what needed to be said or written in a more peaceful way, thus reducing the cause for jams and tensions in the neck and shoulders.

Aura-Soma is a color-care system that helps to harmonize and activate the light body. It also stands for our state of being. Color is a way to support our being’s needs and brings balance to our bodies and lives.

Everybody can do it. One simply has to pick four color combinations. These selections reflect who we are and what we need.

Anka will help you balance and the building of your light body using self-care with color energies, Aura-Soma, attuning to the higher vibrations of Angels and the ascended Masters.

The ancient Romans had talked about the importance of “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. Nowadays there is an ever-growing awareness that mind and body are closely connected and that we can influence our wellbeing with our way of thinking. Depending on our state of mind, we are tense or relaxed, we feel worried or happy or we are upset or thrilled and this has repercussions on our muscles, nerves and more. With color we have the possibility to influence our thoughts and, as a consequence, our wellbeing.

Color can be used just like a language and enable us to identify our needs and interpret our state of mind. Red, for instance, is a resonance of energy and passion, blue of inner peace and authority, yellow of happiness and the intellect. Color can be used as a tool to take care of ourselves, change our state of mind, get more clarity, relax and see the broader picture. Our choice of color combinations describes and addresses our needs. (From our Health Magazine, February 2010)

Anka Hellbach Banks is an Aura-Soma Practitioner and Teacher. Here is what she says about her journey:

"My name is Anka Hellbach Banks and I was born in the year of the rabbit. After finishing high school in Germany, I went to college in France where I studied languages – French, English and German. I worked with both languages and finance in both France and Germany.

In high school, I became interested in the healing effects of essential oils. I continued my study of essential oils, and learned nutrition as a way of healing. As an adult, I studied Anthroposophy, the philosophy of Austrian Rudolph Steiner, and his movement art, Eurythmy.

After I moved to the U.S. in 1998, and following the birth of my second child, I became aware of my gifts as a healer. I found I had the capacity to put myself into other people’s situation and to become aware of their feelings – and, more recently, their pain.

In 2003, I began studying the Aura-Soma color-care system and subsequently became a practitioner. I use color as a tool to support people expand their awareness.  I am now an ASIACT [Art and Science International Academy of Color Technologies] certified teacher of the Aura-Soma system. At this point I am particularly interested helping people reach out to angelic energies for support."

You can reach Anka at 240-529-4311 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            240-529-4311      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Silver Spring, MD AnkaBanks (at) starpower.net or http://www.beingoflight.net

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm. I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

When I am detoxing

For me ginger tea helps when I feel low energy from detox or cold coming on. Also flushing nose with salt water in shower - I use a cup but a netty pot works too.

And if you are detoxing I recommend an Aura Bath,  which is also great to do any time your aura feels yukky.

You might also try thumping your spline points for 20 seconds as that boosts your immune system. (They are in a line below nipple one rib below your breasts)

Cover up 60 years later on Pearl Harbor

Interesting details on how FDR government and military knew of Pearl Harbor attack and attack on American's largest Pacific bomber fleet in Philippines and blocked local commanders from taking defensive action. And if not a conspiracy why are key Japanese code decrypts kept from public 60 years later for "national security" reasons when other decrypts of the same codes are publically available? Expect the truth to come out publically within the next year...


24 September 1941, the " bomb plot" message in J-19 code from Japan Naval Intelligence to Japan' s consul general in Honolulu requesting grid of exact locations of ships pinpointed for the benefit of bombardiers and torpedo pilots was deciphered. There was no reason to know the EXACT location of ships in harbor, unless to attack them - it was a dead giveaway. Chief of War Plans Turner and Chief of Naval Operations Stark repeatedly kept it and warnings based on it prepared by Safford and others from being passed to Hawaii. The chief of Naval Intelligence Captain Kirk was replaced because he insisted on warning HI. It was lack of information like this that lead to the exoneration of the Hawaii commanders and the blaming of Washington for unpreparedness for the attack by the Army Board and Navy Court. At no time did the Japanese ever ask for a similar bomb plot for any other American military installation. Why the Roosevelt administration allowed flagrant Japanese spying on PH has never been explained, but they blocked 2 Congressional investigations in the fall of 1941 to allow it to continue. The bomb plots were addressed to "Chief of 3rd Bureau, Naval General Staff", marked Secret Intelligence message, and given special serial numbers, so their significance couldn't be missed. There were about 95 ships in port.

7 December 1941 very early Washington time, there were two Marines, an emergency special detail, stationed outside the Japanese Naval Attache's door. 9:30 AM Aides begged Stark to send a warning to Hawaii. He did not. 10 AM FDR read the 14th part, 11 A.M. FDR read the 15th part setting the time for the declaration of war to be delivered to the State Department at 1 PM, about dawn Pearl Harbor time, and did nothing. Navy Secretary Knox was given the 15th part at 11:15 A.M. with this note from the Office of Naval IQ: "This means a sunrise attack on Pearl Harbor today." Naval IQ also transmitted this prediction to Hull and about 8 others, including the White House (PHH 36:532). At 10:30 AM Bratton informed Marshall that he had a most important message (the 15th part) and would bring it to Marshall's quarters but Marshall said he would take it at his office. At 11:25 Marshall reached his office according to Bratton. Marshall testified that he had been riding horses that morning but he was contradicted by Harrison, McCollum, and Deane. Marshall who had read the first 13 parts by 10 PM the prior night, perjured himself by denying that he had even received them. Marshall, in the face of his aides' urgent supplications that he warn Hawaii, made strange delays including reading and re-reading all of the 10 minute long 14 Part Message (and some parts several times) which took an hour and refused to use the scrambler phone on his desk, refused to send a warning by the fast, more secure Navy system but sent Bratton three times to inquire how long it would take to send his watered down warning - when informed it would take 30 or 40 minutes by Army radio, he was satisfied (that meant he had delayed enough so the warning wouldn't reach Pearl Harbor until after the 1 PM Washington time deadline). The warning was in fact sent commercial without priority identification and arrived 6 hours late. This message reached all other addressees, like the Philippines and Canal Zone, in a timely manner.

7 December - 9 hours later, MacArthur's entire air force was caught by surprise and wiped out in the Philippines. His reaction to the news of Pearl Harbor was quite unusual - he locked himself in his room all morning and refused to meet with his air commander General Brereton, and refused to attack Japanese forces on Formosa even under orders from the War Department. MacArthur gave three conflicting orders that ensured the planes were on the ground most of the morning. MacArthur used radar tracking of the Japanese planes at 140, 100, 80, 60, down to 20 miles to time his final order and ensure his planes were on the ground. Strategically, the destruction of half of all US heavy bombers in the world was more important than naval damage in Pearl Harbor. Either MacArthur had committed the greatest blunder in military history or he was under orders to allow his forces to be destroyed. If it were the greatest blunder in history, it is remarkable how he escaped any reprimand, kept his command and got his fourth star and Congressional Medal of Honor shortly later. Prange argued, "How could the President ensure a successful Japanese attack unless he confided in the commanders and persuaded them to allow the enemy to proceed unhindered?"

Stress, Massage, Healing Cusco and Animal Totems

When I work long hours at a computer I used to get headaches, neck pain and shoulder pain. Sometimes I used to get migraines from it. No fun at at! I started getting massages about ten years ago and took up yoga to help stretch and relax. With all the stresses at work and in the news these days seems like a good time to learn how to give a head, neck and shoulder massage from an expert (and receive one too!). What a great skill to be able to share with loved ones... or future lovers...

Here in Cusco I have been giving and receiving healings with other healers I have met here. There seem to be a large number of people doing healing, Reiki and other spiritually related work here. I find even being at this location in the "world's navel" is healing - more so when I take a hike into the hills around Cusco to meditate in the Inca ruins that dot the area. I have found a nice intentional healing community here called Healing House and have taught a Kundalini yoga class there and last night I lead a Trance Dance. I enjoyed helping some somewhat stiff and shy Gringos and Gringas plus a few local Peruvians get into their bodies, out of their minds and feel their souls moving to the music. During the Chaos part of the music (there are five rhythms in this dance) I had the whole room dancing wildly, screaming and making animal noises. (Similar to the dances that Jim G of Sandbox coordinates in Bethesda area every Friday evening) It is good to let out that crazy part of us that we push down. I think that movement, singing, expression are keys parts of being joyful everyday!

One of the healings I received I noticed pain in my liver area and saw a vision of an angry snake in a infinite sign position. and the clouds looked like a jaguar (the healing was outside at an Inca ruin). I took it to mean that I need to not push down any anger in me, because it too is part of me and is divine. The jaguar symbolizes living with integrity - and that means being honest in expressing any emotions that come up including anger. And I see once anger is expressed that energy can transform into passion for action to change my reality. (If you are interested in animal symbolism and power animals check out the Animal Speaks book or get a deck of Animal oracle cards

Amazing Shoulder, Head & Neck Massage 5/18/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we join Libah Cobb (LMT) to Learn how to give an Amazing Shoulder, Head & Neck Massage. Take a moment and tune into your head, neck and shoulders - what do you notice? Tension, pains, stiffness? Perhaps cronic poor posture? Or perhaps the pain has been going on so long that the area is now numb and stuck. How freely can you rotate your head and shoulders?


When your whole upper body has seized up, your neck and shoulders ache, your head is thumping and you have a horrible stiff feeling all over a good massage is wonderful! All of these symptoms are more than likely caused by life’s day to day stresses with our work and personal lives becoming more and more demanding.  We will work on the neck, shoulders, face and scalp. A combination of firm, stimulating and soothing movements are applied with this massage to release blockages and tension, which improves blood circulation and drain toxins. Regular massage can cure those aching neck and shoulder muscles, improve joint mobility, relieve eye strain and headaches and will also improve the condition of you hair.

The power of touch has been shown to alleviate depression and pain, reduces stress hormones, and improves immune function. Come learn simple yet powerful head and neck massage techniques. This event is for the everyday citizen who would like to comfort loved ones without spending thousands of dollars in classroom study. You will learn to give a 30 minute session. These skills can induce relaxation, encourage a deeper connection, and reduce pain.

Libah Cobb is a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1987.She specializes in East-West massage using touch,(music) and aromatherapy to create a space for deep relaxation. She was trained at The New England Shiatsu Center and The Institute of Traditional Healing Arts in Florida. She has been a dance instructor for many years and now teaches a new stretch and breath  fitness class for all ages called FlexAware. Massage and FlexAware can accomplish  personal expression, pain relief, and  body balance . You can reach her at   LLCobb9 at gmail.com or  571-269-9797 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            571-269-9797      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm. I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Seeing beyond The Matrix of the Gullible Mind pattern

Great article explains how people get stuck in a belief pattern (aka "The Matrix" of conventional reality) and can not see outside of it easily. Once certain beliefs such as "there is an honor code in governemnt that they never lie even when it might be convenient" take root it becomes nearly impossible to question what the government or offical media says about anything.


These people, it turns out, are operating from what I called The Gullible Mind. It is a psychological processing malfunction that filters out information based on its source rather than its integrity. People who operate from The Gullible Mind tend to have misplaced trust in governments, institutions, mainstream news networks, doctors, scientists or anyone who wears the garb of apparent authority.

The most popular issues of Gullible Mind people

Vaccines are good for you - Vaccines are "safe and effective" merely because doctors and the CDC say they are, not because of any reliable scientific evidence.

The economy is in great shape - Gullible Mind people are easily influenced to stop thinking about the $14 trillion national debt that's growing by the day and simply go along with whatever economic fictions are being woven in Washington.

Governments and corporations are looking out for your best interests - The drug companies only want to find cures and make everybody healthy. The government is here to help. We should all stop asking questions and just do what we're told.

Nothing will ever run out - There's no such thing as Peak Oil. Our world can continue its throwaway economy without end, they believe. We'll never run out of gas, water, soil or natural resources. Keep using stuff up and throwing it all away!

Food additives are good for you - Otherwise, the FDA wouldn't have approved them, would they?

There's no such thing as a cure for cancer - The ultimate pessimists, the Gullible Mind crowd believes cancer has never been cured! And if a cancer cure did exist, we would know about it by now, right? (Because our scientists already know everything that's worth knowing, you see...)

There are no other non-terrestrial civilizations or beings in our universe - Amazingly, we are the only intelligent forms of life that have ever existed, they believe. Any talk of non-Earth intelligence is just a bunch of "fringe" nonsense. There was never any life on Mars, either.

Herbs and plants have no medicinal value - That's right, only conventional medicine can "treat" you, because that's what the doctors say. Herbs and plants have zero biological value beyond their calories alone, they insist.

... and on it goes, one delusion after another. A Gullible Mind, it seems, will believe almost anything if it comes from a "trusted" source. But that same Gullible Mind will discount straight-up facts if they don't come from those same trusted sources.

How to stop being a Gullible Mind

Interestingly, most of the people who are intelligent, skeptical thinkers today used to be Gullible Mind people at one time or another. There was a point where they simply "awakened" and began to consciously question the world around them.

Intelligent, informed skeptics are the people asking questions like:

• Why do twenty different mainstream news sources all report the exact same news, using the exact same words, on the exact same day? (http://www.naturalnews.com/032022_m...) If they were all investigating and writing their own news, wouldn't their news be different?

• Why did Wall Street get a multi-trillion-dollar bailout from Washington while the American people are still required to pay taxes that involve sending money to Washington? If Washington can just magically create a trillion dollars overnight, why do we pay taxes, then?

• Why does the USDA now actively conspire with GMO seed companies to keep approving genetically modified seeds even without any scientific evidence of their long-term safety?

• If mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to modern science, why is it still being deliberately placed into the mouths of children in the form of "silver" fillings? And why are they called "silver" when they actually contain more mercury than silver?

• Where does the fluoride used to fluoridate the public water supplies really come from? (http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=42652...) And if fluoride is so good for people, then why is it so hazardous to handle, and why is it considered a hazardous chemical by the EPA?

• What really happened on 9/11? How did WTC 7 collapse if it was never hit by any airplanes? Why did they sweep away the rubble before a proper forensic analysis could be performed?

• Are vaccines really safe? Where's the study comparing vaccinated children with non-vaccinated children? Why won't the vaccine industry allow such studies to be conducted?

• Why does the cancer industry seem a lot more interested in treating cancer and recruiting cancer patients than actually curing cancer and ending the epidemic? Why does the industry refuse to talk about cancer-causing chemicals or the anti-cancer effects of vitamin D?

• Why are toxic food additives still allowed in the food supply? What's the real story on aspartame and the FDA? Why did the FDA oppress stevia for so many decades?

• Why is the medical police state now using guns to force parents to medicate their children? In what kind of medical system is it necessary to use the threat of violence to force compliance?

• Why did Clinton bomb the Sudan in the middle of the Monica Lewinsky crisis? Why did Obama suddenly announce the death of Bin Laden in the middle of his "birther" crisis?

• Why do we still have the DEA's "War on Drugs," especially since there is ample evidence that the war is a total failure that only increases the prison population while actually enriching the drug gangs with higher street prices?

• Why is the TSA still reaching down our pants at the airports if Bin Laden is now dead? Wasn't he the whole reason we created the TSA and hired on those 60,000 security agents in the first place? (http://www.naturalnews.com/032267_B...)

An intelligent, skeptical thinker would ask these questions (and many more) as a natural course of basic human curiosity. But a Gullible Mind, attacks the questioner for even daring to ask such questions.

Who are some of the awakened people?

That's why the Gullible Mind is more than merely gullible: It is a cowardly mind. It is afraid to ask questions on its own, and it simultaneously attacks those who have the courage to stand up and actually ask those questions (like Jesse Ventura).

Most members of the conventional press are, of course, cowardly minds. They almost universally buy the corporate spin (or the White House spin) and never ask any tough questions anymore. Some of the REAL heroes -- the people who are asking intelligent questions about our world -- include:

Alex Jones
Jeff Rense
Charlotte Gerson
Jonathan Landsman
David Icke
Jesse Ventura
Gerald Celente
Ron Paul
Robert Scott Bell
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Suzanne Somers
Dr. James Forsythe
George Noorey

Do you see a pattern here? Each one of these individuals has been marginalized or viciously attacked and slandered simply because they chose to ask intelligent questions about the world around them. Now, I don't agree with every single thing said by each one of these people, but I admire each of them for having the courage to ask the questions that need to be asked if we are to move forward as a society (and civilization).

These kind of people represent the complete opposite of The Gullible Mind. They are, instead, the "true skeptics" of the world. The reason they are viciously attacked is because our world is so steeped in deceit and conspiracy that only Gullible Minds are tolerated. Those who question the status quo are not merely annoying to the powers that be, but actually dangerous because the most dangerous activity in which you can engage today is helping others awaken to what's really happening around them.

It is that "awakening" that is so utterly despised by the web of corporations, governments and media lackeys that they will do everything in their power to prevent any sort of awakening from taking place at all. The functioning of the Matrix, after all, depends on people believing in the illusion.

And it is so much easier to govern, of course, if people just believe whatever you tell them. Gullible Minds make great voters and willing slaves. But lousy company.







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