Abundant Michael

Beyond Transition Towns in the Collapse

About half way down the page there are lots of good ideas of how we can work with the collapse problems in a local transition town way. Deals with financies, water, food, oil, refugees, governement failure and more.

Personally I think that the timelines on the problems are longer than what may happen and also miss out other events such as ET disclosure, pole shift, contential plate changes etc. And still valid and useful article.

How to change stuck patterns in your life

I have heard this story several times - it is a good reminder of how when we are inside a pattern or habit it can be hard to change even when we want to.And I really love the advice at the end of Carol's article below to stop talking (complaining) about my patterns, interupt my thinking (Pivoting in Abraham-Hick terminology) and love and forgive myself for starting to repeat the pattern again!

PS If you haven't read or listened to Carol's book Remmbering Wholeness I recommend it!


I love this! I published it in my first book, “The Path to Wholeness” in 1993.  It still has meaning today.

“Five Short Chapters on Change”

Chapter 1.
I walk down a street and there’s a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. It takes forever to get out. It’s not my fault.

Chapter 2.
I walk down the same street. I fall in the hole again. It still takes a long time to get out. It’s not my fault.

Chapter 3.
I walk down the same street. I fall in the hole again. It’s becoming a habit. It is my fault. I get out immediately.

Chapter 4.
I walk down the same street and see the deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.

Chapter 5.
I walk down a different street.

-Portia Nelson

What do you keep recreating in your life?  Right now you can walk down a new street.  This is the year for a lot of new streets.

If you want to learn more on this dynamic of how we keep ourselves stuck experiencing the same things over and over, watch the movie “Ground Hog Day.”

Ask yourself, how many days to I keep living the same issue over and over?

  • First, stop talking about it.
  • Second, choose a new thought every time it comes into your mind.
  • Third, own it and in that moment say, “I love myself and I forgive myself, I am on a new street!”

It is the year of endings and new beginnings and it is easier to let go and change than ever before.

God Bless You,
Carol Tuttle

Click here to subscribe to Carol’s weekly “I am a Creator” email message for more support in learning how to be the conscious creator of your own life.

Body Beloved 5/11/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we join Sherry Tuegel on A Journey to Deepen Self Love.  Can you accept yourself just as you are, right now? How you comfortable feeling through your body? Can you allow yourself to be worshipped? Do you love every inch of your body?

Do you love your body?Sherry says:
"I will create the sacred space for you to safely explore these questions, and more!

  • The seed of unconditional love must be planted within.
  • Delight of our body’s sensuality and sexuality creates the most fertile soil.
  • From which our deepening intimacy with ourselves may blossom, and release a joyful fragrance to infuse our lives with the sweetness of bliss.

Come discover the treasure of wisdom hidden within your body. Learn to embody your true Divinity with grace and ease.   Unleash the God and Goddess within.

Sherry Tuegel is a TransformationaI Teacher and Facilitator offering a fusion of services to help ignite the heart, remove limiting beliefs and relax and heal the body.  She has a background in Psychology, Reiki, All Love, Psych-K, Matrix Energetics, Quakerism, Buddhism, Tantra and Yoga. http://www.love-transforms.com.  sherrytuegel (at) verizon.net or 410-598-1010.

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm. I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Self love and my typical day in Cusco Peru

Self love - so important. The words "Love your neighbor as your self" include the idea that you love yourself! All of yourself, warts and all. We can only truly love others as much as we love ourselves I believe. So this Wednesday's gathering on loving our bodies is very timely. In modern society there are so many message, adverts that say we are not enough. Time to change those beliefs!

I was asked what is my Typical day? I start with doing yoga and other spiritual work, eat fruit and nuts at the hostal, visit at South American Explorer club or Healing House nearby and have interesting conversations, eat lunch at small restaurant, mediation MP3 and nap, computer work, dinner at restaurant - I taught them how to make raw zucinni soup so I can eat vegan and raw! May do some healing work on someone, read novel or watch part of DVD or surf interest or tonight go tango dancing at SAE club.

Today I went on hike to hills and ruins near Cusco and did yoga with a group there - great energy. Then talked with woman who runs Healing House about doing a healing  exchange and teaching there. And had a long conversation with a guy who has been doing jungle healing and Ayawaska journeys -I like the idea of the spirit journeys, less so the drug to get there...

upcoming ET Disclosure by US govt

Lots on upcoming ET Disclosure by US govt under pressure from BRIC nations and related background. Very interesting. You might also check out the book ".D. After Disclosure" on the possible way disclosure will go and its effects on govt, financial, religions etc


Every source I work with must prove their bona-fides on an ongoing basis. If I catch them lying, trying to use me to pass disinformation, or working a hidden agenda, I break off the contact. I only work with people who really want the best for humanity -- and are willing to pass along material that will help.

Both groups gave me the same approximate time window for when we would see these "major new developments." Administration sources said "two weeks" and the European sources said "within a month" -- all in the last week of March.

I was strongly advised not to say anything -- and I stayed quiet, knowing that I could ruin the whole process if I leaked any of the details.

The FBI released stunning new UFO documents almost exactly two weeks later. The NSA released nearly twice as many UFO documents a mere ten days after that. All of this happened "within a month" of when I had these conversations -- just as I had been told.

Both sources later confirmed these document releases did indeed represent the first stage of what they were talking about -- a formal, open, official 'government' Disclosure, approved at the very highest levels of the insider world.

Much More including FBI and NSA document releases on UFO in April, the Japan Earthquake at

Crowdsourcing math research

Crowdsourcing has been used to write encyclopedias (Wikipedia), rate movie you might like (Netflix), review books (Amazon). Now it has been sucessfully used for math research! The meta-brain of a crowd can be more than the sum of the individuals.


crowd sourcingInstead of one mathematician working for weeks to create a perfect larger result in this co-creation model multiple people add and improve small idea until the problem is solved. It remindes me of the manufacturing process improvement of Kaizen - continuous small improvements over time are better than major overhauls.


It also shares responsiblity for improvement in the whole crowd and makes transparent the creation process, messy as it may be, which may spark new ideas in others problem solving projects.


It seems to me that this kind of co-creation is more rooted in love and abundance than the ivory tower publish or perish model which is often based around fear and scarity. Having fun and being playful are other important aspects of co-creation. I would suggest that looking at the principles used in Improv would be helpful to improve the process


The text belo is from Wikipedia:

Polymath Project

In a 2009 post on his blog, Gowers asked the provocative question "is massively collaborative mathematics possible?"[5]. This post led to his creation of the Polymath Project, using the comment functionality of his blog to produce mathematics collaboratively.[6]

The initial proposed problem for this project, now called Polymath1 by the Polymath community, was to find a new combinatorial proof to the density version of the Hales–Jewett theorem. As the project took form, two main threads of discourse emerged. The first thread, which was carried out in the comments of Gowers's blog, would continue with the original goal of finding a combinatorial proof. The second thread, which was carried out in the comments of Terry Tao's blog, focused on calculating bounds on density Hales-Jewett numbers and Moser numbers for low dimensions.

After 7 weeks, Gowers announced on his blog that the problem was "probably solved",[7] though work would continue on both Gowers's thread and Tao's thread well into May 2009, some three months after the initial announcement. In total over 40 people contributed to the Polymath1 project. Both threads of the Polymath1 project have been successful, producing at least two new papers to be published under the pseudonym D.H.J Polymath[8][9][10].

The success of the Polymath1 project has spawned additional Polymath projects. To date there are 5 official Polymath Projects, and 2 Mini-Polymath Projects. More information on the Polymath1 project can be found on the project wiki. Jason Dyer's A gentle introduction to the Polymath project provides a good explanation of the work of the project for a non-mathematical audience.


Tricki.org is a Wikipedia-style project collecting methods of mathematical problem solving conceived in 2008 and launched by Gowers, Olof Sisask and Alex Frolkin in March 2009.[11] Terence Tao and Ben Green are among those to have contributed articles.[12]

Happy Labor Day from Peru in May!

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Beltane and May Day. Here in Peru it is autumn and today is Labor Day - seems like an excuse to let off lots of fireworks and have marching bands play! The nights are cold here - it is 11500 feet in Cusco and the days warm and sunny - pretty similar to the climate in La Paz which makes sense as it is only a few hundred miles away and 500 feet higher.

The people here are very friendly and happy to help me as I learn more Spanish, though I think my accent sounds a little weird! I am ok with some words but when a word is spelled the same as in English I sometimes have forgotten to use Spanish pronunciation of the letters! Fortunately Spanish spelling is 100% the same as the pronunciation (unlike English where the same letter may have several different sounds depending on the word) so I have hope that I will improve.

Radiation warnings in France - apply to US too

I am a little concerned about radiation from Japan in Northern hemisphere right now - while US government is saying all is ok the French government has advised babies, mothers to be and other citizens not to eat green leafy veg or drink milk or eat cheese. Plutonium and other radioactive fallout inside the body is much worse than getting radiation from outside because the distance is much shorter to the organs than with external sources and they stay in contact 24/7. And these substances are chemically carcinogenic even without radiation on top. I have read to eat sea veg every day to excrete fallout (just not Japanese seaweed!).

Independent French radiation commission warns Europe that health risk from Fukushima fallout is “no longer negligible” — Says US west coast has 8-10 times more contamination. From http://enenews.com/french-radiation-commission-warns-europe-health-risk-fukushima-fallout-longer-negligible-west-coast-8-10-times-contamination


And what is this fallout doing to our soil? Will that be poisoned too? Peraps covering the ground with a hoop plastic greenhouse would be smart (plus extending the growing season as another benefit).


And what about our water supply - if rainfall is contaminated then areas that get water from rivers have a problem...

Rainbow Gathering guide

Here is some useful info if you have not been to rainbow before. I have been to five gatherings and enjoyed them all!

  • Gathering this year is somewhere in national forest in Washington state - exact location will be announced nearer to June. Google Rainbow Gathering 2011 for details and directions
  • I use a 2 person tent - that means two fit in and not a lot else. Or one person plus some stuff. On the plus side it only weights 3 lbs. (have to carry on your backs for 2-4 miles all the stuff you will use...)
  • You will need sleeping bag - it can get cold in the mountains even in June - one year was about 35 F one night ... so cold that I could not sleep even wearing all my clothes (that year I didn't bring sleeping bag thinking oh it will be warm!! :-) A mattress pad is a good idea too - I use a blow up one that is light and good plus my yoga map and sheep skin too.
  • There may be a raw food kitchen - if so I plan to be near it - you can bring some food to contribute. It is a no money event but can give dollars to the magic hat at a kitchen if you want. Or help out or bring food to give or contribute your beauty and magic in other ways. Most food is vegetarian (meat doesn't keep so well when there is no electric for refrigeration - but some kitchens will try...).
  • Most kitchens are very careful about hygiene but a few are not so eater be aware. Need to bring your own bowl and spoon and cup. Most kitchens have a 3 stage wash station that ends with bleach water - it is very important for group health that everyone uses the beach water - in 1987 several thousand folks got sick when less care was taken...
  • Water needs to be  and filtered, purified or boiled before drinking so bring something to do that. Many kitchens will have filters. Water comes from mountain springs but after a few weeks and few thousand people it may get contaminated... Treat it like Mexican tap water that needs some help before you drink it and you won't go far wrong
  • There are no showers or toilets in the woods - people will dig latrines or go in the woods and bury it. Bring some toilet paper when you are walking! Wash in mountain streams (cold!) - most days I just wash my face, armpits and groin as it is very cold jumping in a mountain stream (I have tried!). Some folks bring shower bags that heat up in the sun.
  • There is a lot of non-electronic music at rainbow - so bring what you want to play. There will be yoga too so might bring a mat (doubles as extra pad under the bed!). If you feel inclined you can give workshops or teach or play with others in any way you can dream up. It is all self-scheduled organically with a notice board near camp 411. There is also  self made mp of the site showing kitchens etc at 411.
  • One July 4th there is silent mediation all morning followed by a group circle (of 10,000 people!) and Oming then a party and kiddie parade to pray for peace on our planet. For me this is the most spiritually moving part of Rainbow.
  • About 85% of people with be doing drugs - mostly marajana and I think E. I tend to stay away from less conscious folks. And with 10,000 attendees that is still 1500 more conscious and interesting people to meet, plus some of the drug users are conscious when they are not using :-) There is no alcohol in the main area (alcohol is used at A camp on way in)
  • There will be a road block with police and forest service on way in and out. Depending on how right wing the politics in the country is at the time of gathering they may be friendly or abusive. I have never had any trouble (looking clean and friendly helps I think). The forest service has taken the view since about 1985 I think that gathering on public land for more than 75 people requires a permit. Rainbow tribe takes the view that the first amendment of the United States constitution allows for peaceful assemble on public land. However rainbow is deliberately not organized as hierarchy rather a consensus group. So there is no one "in charge" who can sign for the group officially. Some years someone signs anyway. Other years the police will remind you on way in that it is an illegal gathering - however it is a national park and anyone can enter. If they have reasonable grounds (eg broken tail light, driving mirror covered up with mala beads, open pot smoking) then they will search car and persons - best not to give them any reasonable grounds. If they don't have reasonable grounds that under the 4th ammendment they can only search car and persons with your consent - I recommend politelynot giving it. They will issue tickets for car issues, speeding or bad parking which need to be paid in a special court they set up about 15 miles outside camp in nearest town. The speed limit in some parts of the forest may be 15 miles per hour. I have never had a problems and I have always been prepared and careful too and ask angels to bless all the people involved too. :-)
  • Some police may wander the gathering in groups - some local police may be friendly, some national police (DEA etc) may appear more like a swat team. Every one at the  gathering acts as a peace office and helps keep things working well. For such a largenumber of people problems are rare and I stay aware of my cercumstances and the vibe and do magic to protect my stuff and my self.
  • I am not a late night party person and plenty of people will stay up all night drumming and dancing by various fire circles - if you are into that go for it and if not suggest ear plugs! (I tried to camp at least a hillside away from the loud noises!)
  • Figure on doing a lot of walking every day - the site is about 5 miles across
  • Be ready to smile, make eye contact and receive and give hugs to many people you meet during the day. Be ready to hear shouts of "we love you" from across the hillsides. Expect to be greeted with "Welcome Home" reminding us that Rainbow is home and home is anywhere we chose to make it. And that "Babylon" is the outside "non-real" world which is a bit crazy these days... Rainbow is comparitive sane!
  • Have fun, play, be open to new people and experiences and take care of yourself too - it is impossible to do everything or meet everyone, so let spirit be your guide and remember that everything is perfect. :-)

Foot bliss, obeying the rules and false paradises

I have loved foot massage for many years - I can't even remember when my "foot cherry" was popped it is that long ago! The feet can be a forgetten area of our body, take for granted as then support our weight for much of the day. Stuffed into shoes that may not be ideal. Now is the time to thank them with an amazing foot massage at this week's Sandbox. And learn how to give one too - which is a great skill to share with friends and lovers...

Last week I had a brief and fun visit to the US. I noticed how much fear there is at the airport and how much we American people obey the rules even when they are not healthy (eg the full body radiation scanners at the TSA) Some what different from Bolivia or Mexico, where they have rules and police but people don't take them so seriously. Now sometimes rules can be a good thing and let to more efficiency or safety. For example red lights in La Paz are taken as a suggestion to stop, not a rule. But somehow the drivers make it work. Perhaps a little chaos and freedom is good for people. And perhaps too many rules, obeying fro obeyings sake and militarist society is unhealthy for our spirits...

This week I am staying at a beach house in Mexico with 20 others on a Mayan retreat - rituals at pyramids, dancing on the beach and relaxing next to palm trees. It struck me as a vision of paradise. But then I thought how much of my reaction was from the land and how much is from seeing so many movies that declare paradise to be tropical waters, palm trees and sand? And how much is from slick marketing of carribean holidays? I do like the land here and the relaxed energy even after removing those other societial memes from view. I invite you to take a fresh look at your surroundings and see how much you see is from the land and how much is from TV and movie images of the kind of place you live in. Let me know what you think

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