Abundant Michael: Sandbox

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Body Mod - extreme acceptance10/15/08

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at Body Mod - extreme acceptance

All of us know that we should not pre-judge others. Does this acceptance apply to to people who modify thie bodies in beyond what is normal? Extreme is relative to perception. What is normal anyway? Everyone modifies their body in one way or another to show on the outside how they feel on the inside - whether it is clothing choices, hair style, make up or jewelry.

This gathering will have two parts. First we will show the movie Modify http://www.modifythemovie.com/index2.html that documents more than 50 body mods including tattooing, piercing, branding, scarification, bodybuilding, tongue splitting, implants, trans gender and more. Interviews with the modified and the artists who created them reveal their feelings on discrimination, addiction, spiritually and legal limits regarding our right to choose what we can and can not do to our own bodies.

Second we will do a boy mod sharing where we will share what body modifications we have made or want to make.

The movie starts after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Kirtan 10/1/08

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we do Kirtan. Meditation doesn't come easy for many people. And that's where kirtan can help. Kirtan is an ancient participatory music experience from India. There is no need to mentally quieting the mind - kirtan can carry us effortlessly to a place of quiet, to stillness. The kirtan call-and-response chanting with ancient Sanskrit mantras calls upon sacred energies which serve to quiet the mind, remove obstacles, and bring us back to the center of our being.

By repeating simple mantras over and over, faster and faster, kirtan is an easy way for us to experience some freedom from the daily chatter of the mind. You may feel "buzzed" for days following such a chanting experience! So what gives us that buzz? Something about the kirtan experience goes beyond the music itself, goes to a deeper experience of vibration. We all resonate at different frequencies, and these frequencies change according to what we are doing and thinking. So when we are all doing the same thing-chanting, breathing, and moving to the same rhythms-our vibrations begin to synchronize and the resulting experience is very powerful and healing. The laws of vibration help us out here, because vibrations align themselves to stronger vibrations, so even if you're having a truly rotten day, it may be difficult to hold onto those feelings during the chanting. If you were only to sit in the room without participating, the idea is that you could still feel the shift. Something happens-the energy begins to activate the spirit that exists within us all.

(from  Kirtan with Ragani)

Not musically inclined? Don't worry. Although kirtan involves music, the underlying art of kirtan chanting is not actually about musical ability or training-it is about the heart. Everyone can participate, regardless of age or cultural background. The purpose of this music is to get us out of our heads and into our hearts. Typically, the songs can last for 20-30 minutes each with a few moments of silence in between each song so you can soak it all up. The longer songs allow for deeper experience of the effects, and with the simple, repetitive lyrics (it's a chant, after all!) we really don't have to think much about the words. If you have a drum, or other percusion instrument please bring to play along as you chant. And if you want to dance to the kirtan that is fine too!

The chants begin after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Inner Child Play 9/24/08

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we let our inner children out to play. Expect giggles, smiles and fun and games. In order to keep any inner critical parents out of the sandbox this whole gathering will be in the playful spirit of silence. Non-verbal sounds - laughter, animal noises and more are fine. Gesters and mime are good.

The last time we did this exercise I had uncontrolable fits of laughter. I went into an inner playful space of bliss - just as young children do. I know that the idea of not speaking for several hours can be scarey - but I invite you to cross that adult bridge of fear and embrace your inner child.

The silence begins when you arrive.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - People Pleasing 9/17/08

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering  How often do we please others rather than ourselves? What effect does this behavior have on our inner life? What would happen if we played for two hours at asking for what we want and saying Yes or No – honestly – to other's requests? If this is a somewhat scary prospect, it must be the perfect opportunity to come and experiment with others in a safe space!
Kick the People Pleasing Habit and you will

  • Get clearer boundaries
  • Don't be afraid to ask for what you want
  • Don't get anxious that you won't say no when you want to

Practicing saying No helps us be clearer on what we want to say Yes to and to who. Learning to hear No from someone else without having to turn it into a rejection story is refreshing too. Saying or hearing No can be hard at first, so we will loosen up first with some body movement exercises! Finally we will practice our skill in a play sandbox where you can ask for touch and decide if you want to accept touch or not from others.

Sandbox Explorations gets its name from the idea that when we take responsibility for establishing clear personal boundaries, it makes it safer for us and others to play together in a safe, authentic way. More connection, joy and intimacy result. So, if I tell you some clear basic ground rules about what it takes for me to feel safe in my own virtual sandbox, than you can safely get close to me and I can safely open to you.

"As a recovering People Pleaser whose 'theme song' (from A Chorus
Line:)  was "What I Did For Love" and who used to be (according to my
husband), "an emotional contortionist who would bend over backward to
please people.", I see oh so clearly my motivation for doing so. That
was an 'insurance policy' for being loved. After all, who wouldn't
love a caregiver who (in theory, at least) put other people first.

"I had great role models for that in my parents (Mom in particular) who
often put their own needs aside in service to others, so I learned
from the Masters. What I came to realize (just like on an airplane
when the flight attendant offers pre-flight instructions) was that if
I didn't put the oxygen mask on myself first, I couldn't put it on
anyone else since I was (metaphorically speaking), passed out on the
floor from oxygen deprivation. I became 'all gived out' and
experienced compassion fatigue. 

"And yes, I could be manipulative with it...being a spiritual seductress, knowing what people wanted before they (perhaps) even knew and then offering it to them." - Edie

The games begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Columbia 9/10/08 - State of Love

The September gathering at Nancy's place in Columbia
will be on 9/10/08. I had posted a piece awhile back about getting
the love you want and not settling for compromises. Basied on Gay Hendricks Loving Yourself book To that end, I'm sure there will be a lively discussion.

I also plan to teach the process for accessing a State
of being I call Divine Love that I teach in my Level 2
workshops. We are human beings, not human doers, but I
know for myself, I've done the route of going around
in circles looking in all the wrong places. When you
access this amazing state of grace, you realize that
you are your own best lover.

For more details on Nancy's events specifics here

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Erotic Art Share 9/3/08

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering  Jim Guzel  will be leading an Erotic Art Share. Bring some Erotic Art that you have created and the story behind it. It can be visual, musical or performance-based. So photography, painting, drawing, sculpture, songs, instruments, costume and dress, body art, dance of any kind, strip-tease and mime are all good.  As we did an erotic poetry and story evening in May we will only do word art as part of a visual or performance piece. Note that if you were the subject/model of a piece of art, that counts too!  I call that "The art of being you."

As well as showing our sex-positive art we will relate the story of it's creation. Because art can help heal trauma, help us grow and express our inner most selves.
Art can be very spiritual in nature - for at it's heart all art comes from our creative source. And when I create art or perform it I often get lost in the moment (and drop out of my ego mind).

    "Did you say "performance"-based......I am always excited by the
    opportunity of performing!!!  ... I have plaster casts of my breasts
    and yoni, monologues on abortion and rape and a couple of "yoni"
    poems so I am armed.  And in any case, I'd enjoy being audience too."
    - Gail Hollies

Last time Jim lead Sandbox on the Erotic Photography topic we had a big crowd and lots of fun and lots of talk on the Sandbox list afterwards.  So I don't think that you want to miss this one.

The sharing begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Female Ejaculation 5/28/08

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we will learn about Female Ejaculation from a short video and group discussion led by Thia Beach.

The video begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Contact Improv 5/21/08

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we play with contact improv. No prior experience is required! Do you want to be more playful? Would you like to think more on your feet? Would you like to get over your fear of making mistakes? This is a hands on workshop and is a lot of fun too! Contact Improv is entertaining, energetic, and exciting. Improv is always different. If you find repetitive tasks dull, this is for you! Expect your confidence to increase, virtually all players improve on assertiveness, and creativity and problem solving are increased.

We will learn the basic principles of contact improv and then create an improv dance together.

The improv begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Wednesday Gathering in Columbia 5/7/08 - State of Love

The May gathering at Nancy's place in Columbia
will be the first Wed this month,May 7th, not the 2nd
Wed. I had posted a piece awhile back about getting
the love you want and not settling for compromises. To
that end, I'm sure there will be a lively discussion.

I also plan to teach the process for accessing a State
of being I call Divine Love that I teach in my Level 2
workshops. We are human beings, not human doers, but I
know for myself, I've done the route of going around
in circles looking in all the wrong places. When you
access this amazing state of grace, you realize that
you are your own best lover.

For more details on Nancy's events specifics here

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Desert on Robin 4/2/08

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we celebrate Robin's birthday Sandbox style by doing desert on her. After dinner Robin will lay on a table and be covered with desert topings, fruit, cream and chocolate then who ever wants to can eat desert off her. A sensuous and yummy experience. (The shower is available after for Robin to clean up)

If you want to celebrate your birthday or some other special event this way just let me know and we can arrange it! You chose how much clothing to wear (suit suit or birthday suit are suggested attire and what kind of deserts you want putting on you).

The desert begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

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