Abundant Michael: Sandbox

Wed Gathering 1/30/08 - Taste of Shalom

Many folks in Sandbox (myself included) have been on a Shalom Mountain Retreat as a way to grow. If you have never experienced the process, this week's gathering will be a unique opportunity to do so.  Roger Telschow, known to many in our community from his work at CSL, has trained extensively at Shalom Mountain and has led Shalom Retreats since 1997.  He has offered to lead what he calls a "Taste of Shalom" evening for us.
The Shalom process helps participants move through energetic blocks that prevent us from living to our fullest.  Our lives are informed primarily by images, stories, and primal energies.  We really don't "think" our life.  The Shalom process therefore focuses less on "figuring out" our blocks, and draws more from body-centered wisdom.  Next Wednesday you'll be able to experience a few of these processes.  There will also be time for one or two people to work in the center of the group, much as everyone does at a full Shalom Retreat. It is powerful and moving stuff - so I hope you will join us!

This evnt will be on 1/30/08. More on Wednesday Sandbox Gatherings

Wednesday Gathering in Rockville 1/2/08 - Energizing our visions for the new year

This Wednesday Gathering will be focused on energizing our visions for the new year. It will be a lot of fun and will provide a way for us to spiritually and emotionally support each other in our goals for 2008. The last time we did this sort of thing at Halloween it was a very moving ritual in a circle by the fire. This one will be different but I plan it to be at least as moving! So bring your ideas for what you want to create in 2008 - or if you are not sure what you want to create we can always discuss over dinner to help you out. :-)

It is my experience that putting manifestations not only into words but into energy and vibration is the key to powerfully creating. I look forward to sharing some great creations on Wednesday!

Sandbox Carol Sing Wed 12/19/07

David Hollies told me that he used to do Christmas big time. He had a big
neighborhood party, a fancy tree, lots of lights, and decorations all over the
place.  Since his brain troubles started a few years ago, he has had to be much
more careful about how he spends his energy.  He had to ask himself what was his
favorite part of Christmas and how could he continue to manifest that piece.
Here is what he figured out:

"Once I posed the question, the answer was obvious.  I just love getting a bunch
of people together and singing.  So a Wednesday Dinner Gathering dedicated to
caroling has become the centerpiece of our Christmas celebration.  We bring the
piano out of mothballs, light a fire in the fireplace, pass out
songbooks, and dive in with enthusiasm."

"Often, someone brings a guitar. We also have an electric piano for anyone who
feels inspired to play that.  I, for one, have a hard time carrying a tune, so I
find it helpful to sing with others.  Musical accompaniment makes it even
easier.  So, if you're a musician, please come and play with us.  Drums, flutes,
didigeroos (however you spell it!), or whatever calls to your musical
expression.  We hope you'll join us."

WHAT:  Come join us for an evening of carol singing and good cheer.

WHERE:  Michael/Michelle's house in Rockville.

WHEN: Wednesday, December 19th from 4:00 - 10:00p.m. Singing after dinner at 8pm

REGISTRATION:  Just show up.

BRING: Your enthusiasm -- good singing voice is NOT a requirement.  We'll
provide songbooks.  Piano fingers (we'll have a piano),
guitars, other instruments, or small percussion items.

COST: $20 - We'll provide drinks and dinner.

More info on Gathering

Weeding your thoughts

In the two weeks since Beltane Spring has fully arrived! The trees are green, flower are open the nights are warmer. I have put the pot plants from my living room outside to enjoy the coming summer. And weeds are growing like crazy in my garden too! So I pull them up. And they grow again from other weed seeds that lie in the ground. Sort of like busy or anxious thoughts that can grow in my head. So I practice weeding of my thoughts - through meditation, exercise and deliberating slowing down at times during the week. One of these times is the Sandbox Wednesday gathering. A time to connect with others on a deeper level than much of every day life provides. To share preparing the space and dinner. A time to play with others, to hug, perhaps to deeply listen to what someone is saying below the surface and to be deeply listened to.

This week I deliberate don't offer a planned activity or mini workshop at the gathering. So that in this fallow ground beautiful flowers may bloom of their own in the space we all create.

Saying No to get what you want easier

It was great to see so many Sandboxers at Beltane! Especially to see David H wizing around in his electric chair while Gail tried on various sexy high heels. :-) We also went deep into boundaries at the Sandbox Explorations workshop at Beltane - practicing saying No, asking for what we want, how to clarify requests and ways to ask "difficult" questions about sexuality. I think that the attendees were more connected at the end of the workshop and more empowered too! I want to bring that energy to the gathering this week. At 8pm after dinner we will hold a short practice of saying No and asking for what we want. I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

Desert on me

This week 2/7 I will be celebrating my birthday at Sandbox with the traditional
"desert is on me" - you will get the chance to cover me with desert toppings and then lick them off! Last year it was a lot of playful and tasty fun. :-) In addition I am planning to put 43 candles on my body too to blow out. Of course if this activity is not for you are at choice to attend and not do the activity and enjoy great company, food and connection.

If you have a birthday you are celebrating and what to do desert is on me at Sandbox just let me know in advance so we can schedule it. Or if you have another idea for fun connecting and yummy things to do let me know that too!

Sandbox Saying No practice

The Sandbox want expression exercise last week was a lot of fun and helped folks
to express what they wanted and didn't want. It also help when some of us were in
the Sandbox (aka the dry hot tub) later in the evening to ask for a hug and to be ok
whether the person gave it or not. I think because people felt safe more cuddling
occurred that might have done before. :-)

So this Wednesday at 6:30pm we with do an exercise for those who want to strengthen their
expression of their boundaries. Practicing saying No helps us be clearer on what we want to
say Yes to and to who. Learning to hear No from someone else without having to turn it into
a rejection story is refreshing too. Saying or hearing No can be hard at first, so we will loosen
up first with some body movement exercises!

Of course if this exercise is not for you are at choice to attend and not do the exercise and enjoy
great company, food and connection.

I have noticed over the months of hosting Sandbox dinners that if we start dinner at 7:30pm
that unless someone pays attention to the time that dinner table conversation can go on until nearly 9pm. While
the conversation is often interesting that only leaves 30 minutes after 15 minutes of clean
up and before starting shutdown at 9:45pm for dancing, conversation or other
fun activities. So I am going to experiment with returning to the old Hollies dinner
start time of 7:00pm and start dinner clean up at 8pm. That will give us 90 minutes of
play time. Of course as always any late comers can still get any left over food from the kitchen. And just because the
dinner table is cleared doesnt' mean that conversation has to stop! I just want to
give more choices to people and to create more yummy connections. :-) Let me
know how you think it goes.

To touch or not to touch, that is the question in the sandbox

I was talking with a fellow Sandboxer about touch today.
They like it! Ok, that is true for most of us, most days. :-) But they weren't sure how to tell folks
what body parts  they wanted touched and want parts they wanted left alone. And worse on
some days they want to be held and on other days eye gazing is enough connection. Plus
they might want to be touched one way by person A and another way by person B and not
at all by person C. "Hmmm", I said, "this sounds exactly why we have a Sandbox!" - a safe place
where we can experiment with clearly expressing our wants and don't wants.

So this Wednesday at 7pm we with do an exercise for those who want to strengthen their
expression of their boundaries. Practicing saying what touch we want, what we don't want
and from who. And renegotiating these boundaries when we notice that our feelings have changed.
Oh my goodness what if others get angry or upset by our requests? We will work with that energy
too. All part of the growth possible in the Sandbox. Afraid of doing this kind of work? All the more
reason to show up this week!

Of course if this exercise is not for you are at choice to attend and not do the exercise and enjoy
great company, food and connection.

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