Abundant Michael: Spirit

How I began eating vegan food

I started eating only vegan food last summer - I was doing some detoxing and was on a raw food diet which is vegan. Then I went to Rainbow Gathering in Wyoming and read some pamphlets on how farms treat the animals cruelly. Even the organic and free range chickens may not be so free on a large farm. When we were driving out of the Rocky mountains on the way home, we stopped at an all night dinner and I ordered steak and eggs. The food was good quality but my stomach hurt as I ate it and I didn't sleep well all night long. I think it was a message from my body to not eat this kind of food. So I chose to become vegan that morning. It was both a health issue, a spiritual issue and a green issue for me. (Green because to produce the same amount of nutrition from meat takes 2-10 times as much resources as from plant food).

Since then I have either eaten vegan or raw food. I did slip once last year when I had a craving for chicken but adding more protein (nuts, hemp milk, beans) to my diet solved that problem. I feel healthy and I have lost about 10 lbs too.

Here is a link to the cover article in Time Magazine that makes a strong arguement for re-evaluating our food choices (and it's packaging)

http://www.time. com/time/ health/article/ 0,8599,1917458, 00.html



Shamballa Basic Healing workshop 9/12 - 9/13/09

I will be teaching a Shamballa unconditional love healing workshop on Saturday 9/12/09 and Sunday 9/13/09.


Shamballa is a healing and ascension method. It clears blocks in our heart and other charkas so that more love energy can flow. This lets you doing healing work more powerfully and to feel connected to source more easily.

The main purpose of these clearings and initiations are for your own evolutionary development. As you evolve, you make it easier for the rest of humanity to follow in your footsteps. You help the collective consciousness—and unconsciousness—of humanity to expand and grow into the consciousness of Love. As a by-product, you may call upon the Shamballa energies to help facilitate healing, both your own and that of others.


Shamballa Unconditional Love healing at Matrix Sunday 8/23/09

I will be doing a Shamballa unconditional love healing meditation at the Matrix practice group on Sunday 9/23/09. It is a free event.


Shamballa is a healing and ascension method that adds to your Matrix abilities. It clears blocks in our heart and other charkas so that more love energy can flow. This lets you doing healing work more powerfully and to feel connected to source more easily.

The main purpose of these clearings and initiations are for your own evolutionary development. As you evolve, you make it easier for the rest of humanity to follow in your footsteps. You help the collective consciousness—and unconsciousness—of humanity to expand and grow into the consciousness of Love. As a by-product, you may call upon the Shamballa energies to help facilitate healing, both your own and that of others.


Sunday,  August 23,  3:00 - 6:00 pm

Glory Lane  -  Bring snacks/drinks to share if you like
4705 Sunflower Dr.
Rockville, MD 20853

301-929-1124  or glorylane330 (at) verizon (dot) net


More info on Shamballa at http://abundantmichael.com/blog/page.cfm/Shamballa-Multidimensional-Healing-Course

Mercury retrograde and other bumps in the road for September 09

Some interesting predictions at Astrology Zone: "September won't be an easy month for anyone, of any sign. Mercury will be retrograde throughout the month, but on top of that we have a series of very difficult aspects involving Saturn, Uranus, the Sun, and new moon. Your finances will be a sore spot, so keep a close eye on those and try to avoid problems by reducing spending a little."



"The hardest part of September will extend from September 15 to 23, and the hardest day of all will be September 17. Try not to schedule any important meetings or initiations for then. September  will draw on your ability to be completely practical, objective, and unemotional, and certainly you are capable of meeting the challenge."



"We study astrology so that we can be prepared - now you know the score and you will have the edge. And one parting word - the financial nightmares you might have faced in the past, and which may show a bit of a speed bump in September, are so close to being a thing of the past."


I wanted to check the dates for Mercury retrograde - found this site with dates and background info to share

Mercury turns retrograde September 7th, 2009 at 6 Libra - 12:39 am EST
Mercury turns direct September 29th, 2009 at 21 Virgo - 9:03 am

The signs of a Mercury retrograde include communications going bonkers, people getting lost trying to get places, and technology going haywire.

9/20 - Bliss Beginner’s Tantra Intensive Sunday 4/17/10

This workshop has been rescheduled to 4/17/10


Tantra is an ancient form of Yoga and is unlike most forms of Yoga today it is non-postural yet it activates, clears and balances the Chakras (energy centers) of the body.  When these centers are balanced, you feel more alive; you look more attractive and sexy, you manifest what you desire.


Tantra originates from 6000 year old Egyptian, Indian, and Tibetan practices that teach us what our bodies are capable of: more pleasure, agelessness.


Wouldn’t you want these benefits if you found the practices quick and easy?

Learn something new and transform your life.  

9/20 - Bliss Beginner’s Tantra IntensiveBaltimore/DC area


Times: Sunday 10am-7pm

Cost: $260 (this includes Cobra breath, DVD, handouts and online egroup). Special offer-2-for the price of 1 with purchase of Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy book.           


Location: Home of Michael Smith in Rockville – address given when you register


To register call: (202) 686-7440 or for more info www.butterflyworkshops.com


Laurie HandlersLaurie Handlers is a spiritual leader and dynamic speaker.  She holds a Masters degree in Education and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Sociology.  She has taught Butterfly Tantra workshops for women, men, couples and singles since 1999.  She is an international presenter and workshop leader and has been featured in articles, on radio and TV in the United States and abroad. You can order her Shamanic Release & Latihan CD her Bliss: Beginner’s Tantra DVD or her new book Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy on her website below. You can catch pod casts of her radio show at www.tantracafe.com.


Here are some of my favorite quotes from Laurie's Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy book:

  • “If I could distill all my advice about Tantra and sex into one sentence, that sentence would be, Make love in the unknown. In answer to all your fears and doubts about sex, I’d simply say to you, bring back your beginner’s mind. Come to the bedroom with no expectation. Come with openness in your heart for whatever happens.”
  •  “In Tantra you'll feel more peaceful, more tolerant, more aware of the world that has nothing to do with doing; everything to do with being.”
  • “Intimacy with another requires first and foremost coming to peace with your own emotional and physical needs.”
  • "Through Tantra, the power of sexual energy is able to render transformation."


Wednesday Gathering in Rockville - Living with an open heart 9/2/09

This Wednesday Sandbox gathering we look at Living with an Open Heart.  What are the benefits of opening your heart and are there any downsides? Finally we will look at how can I live with an open heart independent of external circumstances. This part is especially important in the coming shifts that are manifesting on our planet. Staying in heart space can be hard when others are in fear and the news is filled with panic. However I think it is vital for our health, happiness and in some cases our very survival!


We will learn some methods for moving our consciousness into a heart space of love, including a beautiful relaxing Shamballa meditation. And practice some ways to stay in our heart when others are not.

The workshop begins after dinner at 8pm.  I invite you to join us, though as always what ever choice you make you will be honored in.

What does living with an open heart mean to you?

Here are some good thoughts on this

...  living with an open heart means fully possessing and expressing trust, faith, love and hope.  To me it does not mean wearing your heart on your sleeve, as much as it means that you are genuine in how to approach others, and give fully of yourself at any given time to any given individual...

... living with an open heart used to mean give everything that I have to others, and have nothing to sustain myself.  That has changed in a big way.  You see, if I give everything that I have, and don’t reserve any for my own needs, eventually the well goes dry.  ...

... one must be willing to give, and to also, receive.  One also must be willing to take care of the heart needs that we have ourselves, so that our souls will be forever strong to assist others when they need us. 

... you have to be ready to heal the cracks within.  I have had several cracks, and outright breaks in my heart.  I have hurt, and angered, and loved and lost....

More at:


I have some fears about living all the time with an open heart. What if 
I am hurt? What if someone rejects me? What if I get ripped off?

What fears do you have around living with an open heart?

PS interesting article and technique for opening your heart and health
benefits of doing so at

Amma in DC 7/12-13/09

The hugging saint Amma will be in DC 7/12-13/09 this year. I have been to the event last years. It is free - I think about 10,000 people come over the two days for hugs. Each person gets an individual hug. A hug
you might ask - what is all the fuss? For me it was a transformative experience of unconditional love that has lasted ever since. All lots of cool people, Indian CDs, jewerly and clothing. Vegan food is served at low prices.

More info at

Mercury retrograde

I wanted to check the dates for Mercury retrograde - found this site with dates and background info to share
Mercury turns retrograde May 7th, 2009 at 2 Gemini- 12:55 am EST
Mercury turns direct May 30th, 2009 at 22 Taurus - 9:18 pm EST

The signs of a Mercury retrograde include communications going bonkers, people getting lost trying to get places, and technology going haywire.

Happy for No Reason Summary

The book "Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out" by Marci Shimoff (www.happyfornoreason.com) offers an approach to being happy, that doesn't depend on achievements, goals, money, relationships, or anything else "out there." Most books on happiness tell you to find the things that make you happy and do more of them. Although there's nothing wrong with that, it won't bring you the kind of deep and lasting happiness most people long for — the kind you'll never lose, no matter what happens in your life. Based on cutting-edge research and knowledge from the world's leading experts in the fields of positive psychology and neurophysiology, plus interviews with 100 truly happy people, this book provides a powerful, proven 7-step program that will enable you to be happier right now — no matter where you start.

Studies show that each of us has a "happiness setpoint" — a fixed range of happiness we tend to return to throughout our life — that's approximately 50 percent genetic and 50 percent learned. In the same way you'd crank up the thermostat to get comfortable on a chilly day, you can actually raise your happiness set-point!


Here is a summary of the steps:

Chapter 3: The Foundation — Take Ownership of Your Happiness
·    Focus on the Situation
·    Look for the Lesson and the Gift
·    Make Peace with Yourself
Chapter 4: The Pillar of the Mind — Don't Believe Everything You Think
·    Question Your Thoughts
·    Go Beyond the Mind and Let Go
·    Incline Your Mind Toward Joy
Chapter 5: The Pillar of the Heart — Let Love Lead
·    Focus on Gratitude
·    Practice Forgiveness
·    Spread Lovingkindness
Chapter 6: The Pillar of the Body — Make Your Cells Happy
·    Nourish Your Body
·    Energize Your Body
·    Tune In to Your Body's Wisdom
Chapter 7: The Pillar of the Soul — Plug Yourself In to Spirit
·    Invite Connection to Your Higher Power
·    Listen to Your Inner Voice
·    Trust Life's Unfolding
Chapter 8: The Roof — Live a Life Inspired by Purpose
·    Find Your Passion
·    Follow the Inspiration of the Moment
·    Contribute to Something Greater Than Yourself
Chapter 9: The Garden — Cultivate Nourishing Relationships
·    Tend to Your Relationships
·    Surround Yourself with Support
·    See the World as Your Family

Healing and Forgiveness

I really en-joyed Chapel on Sunday with the talk on forgiveness.

I did a meditation that morning before Chapel where I talked to
different parts of my personality (like voice dialog for those of you
who do that but in my head rather than out loud). I invited my higher
self to be there and my need for approval, my shame, my guilt, my
procrastination, my avoidance, my not good enough, my chorus of
judgments and my fear all to be there. Some of these characters were
pretty dirty - they have been working hard for over 40 years! For each
one in turn I accepted, approved, loved and forgave and they did the
same for me. I felt grateful for all the hard work each of them did for
me - and I know that they only had my best intentions at heart - it is
just that now I don't need them to work in that way - they can retire -
or only be available to give me messages when I need them. So when the
talk was on forgiveness at Chapel I felt the Universe was giving me a
message on forgiving myself more often. Thank you everyone!

Then I drew a Louise Hay You Can Heal Yourself card Monday morning and
it talked about forgiveness too! Ok I get the message!

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