Abundant Michael

What is Healing House Cusco and how can you help them?

This is a healing community called Healing House that I work with about 2 blocks from where I am living in Cusco Peru. I have taught yoga, meditation and other workshops there. It is a great place. It is actually not so far from NFNC or Sandbox I think

Short video about Healing House (I appear briefly in it) from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB0zVFihH5o

Healing House is a non-profit creative center based in Cusco, Peru—gateway to Machu Picchu and capital city of the Incas. We are a group made up of people from all over the world, who come together to learn, grow and create. To heal means to make whole. At Healing House, we help people realize their wholeness through creativity. To us, creative healing means yoga, Reiki, and meditation; it means art, movement, music and writing; it means gardening and cooking. It means inspiring people to embrace their talents and realize their potential.

Our mission is to inspire and support the creative aspirations and overall wellbeing of the people who work, study and play with us—travelers and locals alike. We encourage people to develop their gifts, and help them offer those gifts to the world. Through this, they learn to create fulfilling lives for themselves. The local Peruvian people we serve don't normally have access to the creative healing services we offer. By offering free classes, therapies and workshop space, we aim to encourage and empower local people to make positive and innovative changes for themselves, their families and their communities.


We founded the house in March 2010, and since then we have restored our space, put in a flourishing herb and vegetable garden, and implemented some amazing community service programs. We host weekly art and music workshops for local children, we help local women sell their handmade artisanal goods, and we offer free yoga, meditation and treatments to local people in need. (For more details about our programs, please see "Healing House Programs.")

WE NEED YOUR HELP: With all of the work we have been doing to help other people manifest their dreams, we now need your help. Our beautiful space in Cusco is up for sale, and the landlord needs to sell quickly. If we aren't able to buy this inspiring space, we have to move out.


More at http://healinghouse.tumblr.com/

ex-Sen. Frank Dodd (D-CT) effectively says that freedom is "dangerous"...

Just this morning, I got an email from C4L (Libertarian's Campaign For Liberty), where ex-Sen. Frank Dodd (D-CT) effectively says that freedom is "dangerous".

C4L... [Dodd: " "You can't just have a legal, free environment where there aren't any restrictions (on the Internet)."

... As 'The Hill' reported, the Obama Administration is busy circulating a five-page draft of an Executive Order, giving the President control over virtually all private communication systems in America under the guise of "national security."  Under the guise of improving broadband service, the FCC is launching an unprecedented assault on the American people, collecting all types of personal information from law-abiding citizens without their knowledge. Under this scheme, government bureaucrats will be able to gain access to our personal information - including your website history, your tweets, Facebook posts, and even the physical home address associated with your IP address.

Just imagine government bureaucrats armed with whatever they want to know about you right at their fingertips. What you read. What you watch. What you buy. What you say. Who you talk to.]] End of C4L text.

"Perpetual war for perpetual peace" from George Orwell's book "1984" comes to mind. So.... still think you live in The Land of The Free?

How neutral is "wickedpedia" or any media and how to spot the spin behind the story?

Interesting article below on how some wicked folks edits a few wikipedia articles for profit or to promote a certain agenda.  I agree taking all information sources (wikipedia, blogs, company websites, government websites, newspapers, books) with some thought of who wrote this and what did they want to gain from spreading the information is wise.

In my experience most of the articles on Wikipedia are good and when wacky edits are put in they are quickly fixed. There is usually an interesting discussion in the Talk page for the article too if you want to read about controversial "facts". In addition you can see the entire edit history of every article to see who contributed what and when. Try doing that with a newspaper or print book!

In my career on both sides of the media fence - doing press releases and articles for my company, talking with other editors and writers and running events that had advertizers and content contributers I will tell you that approximately 90% of news in quality newspapers is placed public relations. Someone had an angle or spin on the story and wanted it published. And the editor had an insatiable demand for good content and when a PR agency, company, government official, celebrity, scientist or author gives them a well written article (aka press release) they will use it. Editors work under deadlines every week and have pages of content to fill. Sure if the paper has the budget and a conscience they will do fact checking. But the spin remains baked into the article.

When I have read though a newspaper such as the New York Times or UK Independent and ask myself "Who is benefiting from having this particular article published?" the spin and press release behind it often becomes clear. Try it next time you read a newspaper. You may be surprised.


I always take Wiki with a grain of salt knowing that the editing is open to the public, people can put any rubbish up even if subject to scrutiny. However it's still useful as an initial reference if you have absolutely no knowledge of a subject or a word

Conscious relationships - how does a roadmap help?

I believing in bring more consciousness ( = awareness + choice) to all areas of my life. So being conscious in relating, whether with a partner or co-workers or friends make sense to me. While I can learn and grow from any relationship even one started by chance, I think I can get much more learning, growth, support, love and whatever other qualities and results I am looking for when I am conscious in my choices of who I relate with more, and who I chose deliberately to spend less time with or in some cases no further time at all.


Part of consciously relating is knowing what works for you in a particular kind of relationship role. I might have certain qualities and experience I am looking for in a lover, a different list for hiring an employee, another one in the kind of companies I want to work for and a forth list for what kind of friends I want to cultivate. I could even have a list for the qualities I want in my family relationships. After all I get to chose how much and what kind of time I spend with my blood family and if I want different qualities I can send (silent) blessings for them to change, for me to accept them as they are or for me to find a "family of choice" member that fits me better. No relationship has be "stuck as that is how it is and you can't chose differently". Sure every choice I make has consequences and when I am in my power I am responsible (= I get to chose how I respond) for my choices. There might be overlap between my lists based on important value that I personally hold such as in my case honesty, freedom and playfulness and sometimes it is good to have positive relationships that are total out of the list to spice things up!


This is an interesting article below on this topic which prompted me to write the above text. I have not read the book, so I won't comment on that and I have met Dr Wendy and she is talented.


What are your thoughts on conscious relating? And bonus question: how does it work for poly and BDSM relationships and scenes?


My book, Roadmap to Success with Deepak Chopra and Ken Blanchard is available at Book Passage in Corte Madera www.BookPassage.com and on my website.  To order your signed copy, see www.MyTrueLovePath.com.  
Here's an excerpt from my chapter Roadmap to Relationship Success  Roadmap to Success Book Cover

"Dr. Wendy,

Why is it important to have a roadmap in order to have successful relationships?"



Our relationships with others are the cornerstones of our lives. They are the foundation that supports us as we grow. When we have a solid foundation, we can more easily thrive and prosper in every aspect of our lives. When our relationships are successful, they are our greatest source of pleasure and inspiration, and when they are unsuccessful, they can be our greatest source of pain and sorrow.  



Given the supreme importance of our relationships, it has always puzzled me that this part of our lives is generally left to chance. If we want to succeed in our careers, we expect to study and train for many years. If we want to learn how to play a musical instrument, or how to speak another language, we know we'll have to put in countless hours of study and practice. Yet, when it comes to relationships, especially romantic ones, most of us believe the fairytale that our true love will appear magically by chance, and then we'll live happily ever after.



Since most of us believe the myth that our relationships should just happen automatically, we also believe that there is no need for us to prepare, to learn skills or become educated about ourselves or relationships. Therefore, most people haven't learned how to develop a supportive relationship with themselves, or how to create successful relationships with others.



Unfortunately, the consequences of wandering around without a roadmap, training or education can be disastrous. Without a roadmap, we may become our own worst enemies, criticizing and sabotaging ourselves rather than supporting ourselves to be our best. Without a roadmap, we may be blinded by lust, and get involved with people who are not good matches for us. Without a roadmap, we may blame, judge and make assumptions about others, often becoming manipulative bullies or disempowered victims.



In the past decade, I've seen many singles who were frustrated and discouraged about dating, couples who bickered constantly, clients with long-term grudges and resentments towards family members, and those who felt mistreated at work and unable to communicate with bosses and co-workers. All of these relationships, whether at work or in our private lives, share common basics. They all thrive on respect, honest communication, trust and support, and they all suffer when these qualities are not present.



We start to learn about relationships before we can talk and patterns begin when we're young. When the people that we care about are supportive of our success, and trust and believe in us, we have the foundation we need to live successful lives. As children, we flourish when our relationships with our family are stable, supportive, and inspire our growth. As adults, we flourish when our romantic partnerships are stable, supportive and inspire our growth. When we have loving, supportive partners at home, we are better able to succeed in our careers and in every other area of our lives.



Most people claim that their romantic relationships are of utmost importance, yet they tend to pair up with romantic partners without gathering enough information to know if they are making good choices. Believing that relationships should just "happen," couples continue to just "happen" to get together and more often than not, they "happen" to not get along well enough to sustain a long-term commitment. Some stay unhappily together, but most separate and move on to the next partner without learning how to make a wiser, more conscious choice next time.



Can you imagine buying a car or house that you happened to stumble across and then expecting it to work well for you for many years? Of course not! We give a great deal of thought to the types of houses we want to live in and the type of cars we want to drive. In fact, most people spend much more time researching which car they should buy than consciously choosing which mate they should marry! Does that mean we care more about cars than relationships? No. It means that we've overlooked an essential component to loving successfully. We haven't realized that with the right roadmap, support and information, all our relationships could run as smoothly as any well-tuned luxury sports car. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter.  Have a wonderful autumn!  If you know anyone who may be interested in a complimentary consultation, please pass this along to them.  Thanks!  I welcome any feedback, wish you well, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!  
Much love and joy,
Dr. Wendy
Wendy Lyon, Ph.D., Psychology
Master Certified Relationship &
Life Coach
Workshop, Course and Retreat Facilitator
(415) 342-1300
DrWendy (at) MyTrueLovePath.com

Details on how the Financial Collapse will go down

Lots of interesting detail here on upcoming Financial Chaos

  • Morgan Stanley collapse (and loss of associated broker/401k accounts a la MFGlobal
    • related collapses of Deutsche Bank in Germany and Credit Agricole in France
    • Expect another bank in London to fall, unsure which is most vulnerable.
  • The three failures will bring about other failures, like in London, as the entire Western banking system will be brought to its knees
  • Operation Twist is out of short-term USTBills with which to offset the long-term USTBond purchases. The self-styled Twister has exhausted its fuel. To keep the game going, the secretly desperate USFed must resort to unsterilized pure hyper monetary inflation of the nasty variety.
  • Gold from Allocated Accounts in Western banks was improperly used as collateral on leveraged trades gone bad. They face margin calls that are satisfied only by relinquishment of gold bullion. The scandal over Allocated Gold accounts will eclipse the MFGlobal case, and lead to the Gold price rising over $5000 per ounce. Over 40 thousand metric tons of gold have been improperly used, much in this manner, laced throughout the banking structures.
    • The big banks are ruined and realize finally they are lined up for a slaughterhouse. Since February 29th, they have forfeited over 6000 metric tons of gold.
  • The USDollar collapse will come from a foundation of trade settlement no longer conducted in US$ terms.
    • The Petro-Dollar is set to be abandoned, as the Saudi Royal family is deposed.
  • South African miners are on strike in scattered locations, such as across Latin America. From the global mine output factor alone, the physical precious metal prices will rise, while the mining stock share prices will fall. Output risk joins jurisdiction risk and dilution risk for the mining companies. For every mining stock winner, expect 20 to 30 losers.
  • The USEconomy is suffering from three powerful effects, none obvious, but all deadly. They continue to plague the nation, to drag it down, and to assure a systemic failure.
    • 1. The housing market remains in ruins, unaffected by the sub-4% mortgage rates and revived reckless federal home loan offerings (subprime again) with minimal down payments. No more home equity ATM machines to support the national consumerism mantras.
    • 2. the entire USEconomy corporate landscape is sinking from higher costs and shrinking profits.
      • The most frightening tidbits from the field point to a 50% gasoline demand decline by volume in the last five years, and a 40% decline in California sales tax collected in just the last 12 months.
    • 3. The attack on money market funds is moving apace, in a stealth capital control concept.
      • The new rule concept is called Minimum Balance at Risk (MBR) and is direct capital control applied domestically within the United States. The MBR would be a small fraction (like 5 percent) of each shareholder's recent balances that could be redeemed but with a delay.
  •  The recent acceleration in Chinese gold accumulation, either the basis core for a gold-backed Yuan alternative to the crippled toxic USDollar, or the basis core for a new global trade settlement system to be introduced very soon.
  • The Swiss Franc pegged to the Euro currency is a disaster waiting to happen.
    • Eventually the peg will break and the Swissy will suddenly be priced 20% to 30% higher, with the Swiss banks the losers.
  • Ordinary Germans are already using Deutsche Marks again.
    • They do not wish to anger the Euro Royalty in Brussels, so it is keep quiet. When the Euro came in 13.2 billion in DMarks, worth EUR 6.75 billion (=US$8.3bn) was kept as cash - it has recently begun to re-enter the circulation
  • Gold & Silver are awakening from a deep sleep after a year-long price consolidation. While the physical story leans toward growing demand and declining supply, all bullish for the precious metals prices, the paper story continues to reek of strongarms, naked shorting, propaganda, and other devious devices. Prepare for a grand divergence between the physical and paper Gold price


Begin with a preface to a meaningful event that could change the entire US landscape, a redux of what happened four years ago.  Consider the next Wall Street financial firm failure. It is in progress. It is not avoidable. It will have numerous ramifications. It will open the door to account thefts, the burial of documents, the ransack of undesired leveraged positions, the concealment of wrecked derivatives, and a path toward the merger of surviving (selected core) firms. It will urge an extreme defensive posture. Back in 2008, both Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers fell. The former because they had too much gold exposure with anti-US$ hedges. The latter because they led in mortgage exposure. Both failures were greatly exploited. My favorite item was the reload given to JPMorgan on a quiet Saturday morning (convened at 6am no less) at the Bankruptcy court of Manhattan. The shadowy syndicate titan was handed $138 billion to handle the private accounts from the fallen banks. Instead, the funds represented a reload for JPMorgan to continue their gold suppression game. Of course, they have been defending American freedom with vigor, preserving the integrity of the US banking system, and assuring the way of life in the nation, while leeching $billions from the public trough. Since their grant, the unassailable JPM has seen fit to gobble private accounts at both MFGlobal and PFG-Best, with regulatory blessing as the courts sprinkled fascist holy water.



In the background across the globe, numerous currency storm centers have arisen under the noses of every major central bank and their elaborate connected paper factories. The sovereign bond foundation is full of cracks and rotten planks, upon which the entire global currency system rests. The only people who could have imagined such a grand mess in 2006 and 2007 were the Sound Money crowd, the advocates of gold-backed money, the opponents to debt foundational systems. But then again, we are the nutballs, without a clue, who maintain a myopic view of the world, and see a conspiracy under every rock. Rather, we are the insightful, the alert, the rational clear thinking bunch, the guardians against hidden confiscation through inflation, the intrepid defenders of life savings. We identify the corruption and thus are discredited. Gold will return to its rightful place as the core of monetary systems and trade systems, all in time. The system is imploding at a more rapid pace with each passing month.




The insider conversation, often called chatter when it become deafening in tone, is that Morgan Stanley faces imminent failure and ruin. Almost two weeks ago, the Jackass provided a tip to Bill Murphy of GATA to post on his popular LeMetropole Cafe that Morgan Stanley fund managers and high ranking employees were preparing for the firm's implosion. A subscriber to the Hat Trick Letter has a good friend whose father works as a fund manager and provided the story. It was not detailed, and bore no follow-up after my request. The older employees are selling all of their stock, some legacy stock from one or two decades ago. Many workers are making contingency plans for their next positions in another firm. When Lehman Brothers was killed, thousands of employees had to find new jobs, some without success. In the last week, the shock waves are being heard from internal Wall Street sources in an unequivocal manner. The implosion is in progress, like the collapse of several platforms and structural cables. The inside is caving in, and the ranking members recognize it, even talk about it openly. Much discussion swirls about a transition to antiquated software that is greatly disturbing the trading desks, causing tremendous problems at precisely the wrong time. A redux of the Knight disaster could be in progress.



Some like Rick Wiles of TruNews report that MS is heading for the sacrificial altar. Such an event would imply an expected benefit hoped for and beseeched. My view is in parallel but more of a harmful implosion that cannot be prevented, one that the Wall Street titans will face grand challenges to control, one they will not be able to exploit in the hidden corners where they operate. MS is going to the slaughterhouse, not the altar. Its implosion will result from lost control, and the reversion to antiquated systems will only hasten their demise. Wall Street will wish to exploit the failure, like stealing funds, like destroying documents, like concealing derivative positions, like receiving government slush funds for slimy patch projects, their usual Modus Operandi. In criminal parlance, they will create a black hole into which things vanish. They will attempt to add to the confusion, which might itself backfire and deliver more lethal challenges to the entire USDollar & USTreasury complex. This time, the spotlights will shine more brightly to reveal the activity in the shadows and crevices.



The part that many analysts might miss is that Morgan Stanley has perhaps over 300 thousand private stock brokerage accounts, with over 17,500 brokers. In the past two decades, MS merged with Dean Witter and Smith Barney to become the premier stock house with the most private accounts of any US-based stock brokerage firm. The Morgan Stanley failure might feature the first theft of private stock accounts. The critical jump might occur in account thefts from futures brokerage to stock brokerage, which began in November 2011 with MFGlobal, then appeared in July with Peregrine Financial Group (PFG-Best). All private accounts from MFG and PFG have been pilfered, with a blessing of the theft by the courts, seen in the Sentinel Mgmt Group ruling. The federal Appellate court's August ruling (CLICK HERE) sets precedent for future private segregated account thefts, which were once considered sacred and untouchable. No more in the United States, not in the unfolding of criminality that stretches from USGovt offices to top corporate offices, with blessings sprinkled by the courts. The jump would be a major extension of the Fascist Business Model that nobody talks about. The major financial firms can rely upon this appellate court ruling as precedent, so as to protect their legal right to re-hypothecate client funds in their high risk leveraged positions and loans. It sure would be nice to use my neighbor's house and car to firm up my casino weekends. Stay tuned to the ongoing Morgan Stanley implosion, which could force the vanishing act of 50 to  100 thousand private stock accounts. The firm is the largest stock brokerage firm in the land. The dreadful impact will be nasty and might awaken the US masses. MFGlobal and PFG-Best surely did not.


Continues at http://news.goldseek.com/GoldenJackass/1346270400.php

John Templeton's predictions of Financial Chaos and rapid change

This prediction of Financial Chaos was written by financial and spiritual pioneer John Templeton in 2005 before the housing bubble burst, before the 2008 financial crash. Publically released in 2010 many of the items in it have already happened, others may be yet to come.

  • Peak prosperity (in 2005) is now behind us
  • Extra money supply will cause inflation with will cause bank deposits and government bonds to lose real value
  • Peak debt (mortgage and other) will default/mark down in value and will be bailed out by government (eg Fannie Mae, Mortgage Back Securities $20 billion federal purchases per month)
  • Surplus capacity in air and ocean transport will lead to lower prices and shake outs of inefficient companies
  • Many universities will be replaced by electronic learning
  • Many intuitions protected from change by government, labor or entrenched bureaucracies will collapse as outside change accelerates over the next 50 years
  • Computers and other electronics will rapidly increase in skills, helping people be more efficient including the illiterate (eg iPhone Siri talking servant)
  • Increased global competition and downward pressure on company profits
  • Top earners, innovators and nations allowing freedom will prosper much more rapidly than the rest of people and countries

John M. Templeton
Lyford Cay, Nassau, Bahamas

MEMORANDUM (June 15, 2005)

Financial Chaos — probably in many nations in the next five years. The word chaos is chosen to express likelihood of reduced profit margin at the same time as acceleration in cost of living.

Increasingly often, people ask my opinion on what is likely to happen financially. I am now thinking that the dangers are more numerous and larger than ever before in my lifetime. Quite likely, in the early months of 2005, the peak of prosperity is behind us.

In the past century, protection could be obtained by keeping your net worth in cash or government bonds. Now, the surplus capacities are so great that most currencies and bonds are likely to continue losing their purchasing power.

Mortgages and other forms of debts are over tenfold greater now than ever before 1970, which can cause manifold increases in bankruptcy auctions.

Surplus capacity, which leads to intense competition, has already shown devastating effects on companies who operate airlines and is now beginning to show in companies in ocean shipping and other activities. Also, the present surpluses of cash and liquid assets have pushed yields on bonds and mortgages almost to zero when adjusted for higher cost of living. Clearly, major corrections are likely in the next few years.

Most of the methods of universities and other schools which require residence have become hopelessly obsolete. Probably over half of the universities in the world will disappear quickly over the next thirty years.

Obsolescence is likely to have a devastating effect in a wide variety of human activities, especially in those where advancement is hindered by labor unions or other bureaucracies or by government regulations.

Increasing freedom of competition is likely to cause most established institutions to disappear with the next fifty years, especially in nations where there are limits on free competition.

Accelerating competition is likely to cause profit margins to continue to decrease and even become negative in various industries. Over tenfold more persons hopelessly indebted leads to multiplying bankruptcies not only for them but for many businesses that extend credit without collateral. Voters are likely to enact rescue subsidies, which transfer the debts to governments, such as Fannie May and Freddie Mac.

Research and discoveries and efficiency are likely to continue to accelerate. Probably, as quickly as fifty years, as much as ninety percent of education will be done by electronics.

Now, with almost one hundred independent nations on earth and rapid advancements in communication, the top one percent of people are likely to progress more rapidly than the others. Such top one percent may consist of those who are multi-millionaires and also, those who are innovators and also, those with top intellectual abilities. Comparisons show that prosperity flows toward those nations having most freedom of competition.

Especially, electronic computers are likely to become helpful in all human activities including even persons who have not yet learned to read.

Hopefully, many of you can help us to find published journals and websites and electronic search engines to help us benefit from accelerating research and discoveries.

Not yet have I found any better method to prosper during the future financial chaos, which is likely to last many years, than to keep your net worth in shares of those corporations that have proven to have the widest profit margins and the most rapidly increasing profits. Earning power is likely to continue to be valuable, especially if diversified among many nations.


How Wall St corrupts Congress and the SEC

One of the reasons our Empire is ending is corruption. Here is an example of corruption around Wall Street from an article in Rolling Stone.

The great mystery story in American politics these days is why, over the course of two presidential administrations (one from each party), there’s been no serious federal criminal investigation of Wall Street during a period of what appears to be epic corruption. People on the outside have speculated and come up with dozens of possible reasons, some plausible, some tending toward the conspiratorial – but there have been very few who've come at the issue from the inside.


We get one of those rare inside accounts inThe Payoff: Why Wall Street Always Wins, a new book by Jeff Connaughton, the former aide to Senators Ted Kaufman and Joe Biden. Jeff is well known to reporters like me; during a period when most government officials double-talked or downplayed the Wall Street corruption problem, Jeff was one of the few voices on the Hill who always talked about the subject with appropriate alarm. He shared this quality with his boss Kaufman, the Delaware Senator who took over Biden's seat and instantly became an irritating (to Wall Street) political force by announcing he wasn’t going to run for re-election. "I later learned from reporters that Wall Street was frustrated that they couldn’t find a way to harness Ted or pull in his reins," Jeff writes. "There was no obvious way to pressure Ted because he wasn’t running for re-election."


Kaufman for some time was a go-to guy in the Senate for reform activists and reporters who wanted to find out what was really going on with corruption issues. He was a leader in a number of areas, attempting to push through (often simple) fixes to issues like high-frequency trading (his advocacy here looked prescient after the "flash crash" of 2010), naked short-selling, and, perhaps most importantly, the Too-Big-To-Fail issue. What’s fascinating about Connaughton’s book is that we now get to hear a behind-the-scenes account of who exactly was knocking down simple reform ideas, how they were knocked down, and in some cases we even find out why good ideas were rejected, although some element of mystery certainly remains here.


There are some damning revelations in this book, and overall it’s not a flattering portrait of key Obama administration officials like SEC enforcement chief Robert Khuzami, Department of Justice honchos Eric Holder (who once worked at the same law firm, Covington and Burling, as Connaughton) and Lanny Breuer, and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.


Most damningly, Connaughton writes about something he calls "The Blob," a kind of catchall term describing an oozy pile of Hill insiders who are all incestuously interconnected, sometimes by financial or political ties, sometimes by marriage, sometimes by all three. And what Connaughton and Kaufman found is that taking on Wall Street even with the aim of imposing simple, logical fixes often inspired immediate hostile responses from The Blob; you’d never know where it was coming from.


In one amazing example described in the book, Kaufman decided he wanted to try to re-instate the so-called "uptick rule," which had existed for seventy years before being rescinded by the SEC in 2007. The rule prevents investors from shorting a stock until the stock had ticked up in price. "Forcing short sellers to wait for the price to tick up before they sell more shares gives a breather to a stock in decline and helps prevent bear raids," Connaughton writes.


The uptick rule is controversial on Wall Street – I’ve had some people literally scream at me that it doesn’t do anything, while others have told me that it does help prevent bear attacks of the sort that appeared to help finally topple already-mortally-wounded companies like Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers – but what’s inarguable is that Wall Street hates the rule. Hedge fund types or employees of really any company that engages in short-selling will tend to be most venomous in their opinions of the uptick rule.


Anyway, Connaughton and Kaufman were under the impression that new SEC chief Mary Schapiro would re-instate the uptick rule after taking office. When she didn’t, Kaufman wrote her a letter, asking her to take action. When that didn't do the trick, he co-sponsored (with Republican Johnny Isakson) a bill that would have required the SEC to take action.


Nothing happened, and months later, Kaufman gave a grumbling interview to Politico about the issue. One June 30, the paper’s headline read: "Ted Kaufman to SEC; Do Your Job."


The next day, the Blob bit back. Connaughton was in the basement of the Russell building when a Senate staffer whose wife worked for Shapiro shouted at him. From the book:

"Hey, Jeff, you’re in the doghouse." He meant: with his wife.

"Why?" I asked.

"That Politico piece by your boss."

I was taken aback but tried to downplay the matter. "We just want the SEC to get its work done."

"Remember," he said. "We all wear blue jerseys and play for the Blue Team. I just don’t think that helps."

When Connaughton told Kaufman over the phone what the staffer said, Kaufman exploded. "You call him back right now and tell him I said to go fuck himself in his ear," Kaufman said.


Similarly, when Kaufman tried to advocate for rules that would have prevented naked short-selling, Connaughton was warned by a lobbyist that it would be "bad for my career" if he went after the issue and that "Ted and I looked like deranged conspiracy theorists" for asking if naked short-selling had played a role in the final collapse of Lehman Brothers. Naked short-selling is another controversial practice. Essentially, when you short a stock, you're supposed to locate shares of that stock before you go out and sell it short. But what hedge funds and banks have discovered is that the rules provide "leeway" – you can go out and sell shares in a stock without actually having it, provided you have a "reasonable belief" that you can locate the shares.


This leads to the obvious possibility of companies creating false supply in a stock by selling shares they don't have. Without getting too much into the weeds here, there is an obvious solution to the problem, which essentially would be forcing companies to actually locate shares before selling them. In their attempt to change the system, Kaufman and Connaughton discovered that the Depository Trust Clearing Corporation, the massive quasi-private organization that clears most all stock trades in America, had come up with just such a fix on their own. Kaufman recruited some other senators to endorse the idea, and as late as 2009, Connaughton and Kaufman were convinced they were going to get the form. "I said to Ted, 'We’re going to change the way stocks are traded in this country.'"


But before the change could be made, Goldman, Sachs issued "data" showing that there was "no correlation" between naked short selling and price movements. When Connaughton asked an Isakson staffer what the data said, the staffer, intimidated by Goldman, replied, "The data proves we're full of shit." Connaughton looked at the data and realized instantly that it was a bunch of irrelevant gobbledygook, even firing off an angry letter to Goldman telling them the tactic was beneath even them.


But Goldman’s tactic worked. A roundtable to discuss the idea was scheduled by the SEC on September 24, 2009. Of the nine invited participants, "all but one" were for the status quo. Connaughton expected the DTCC representatives to unveil their reform idea, but they didn’t:

Afterwards, I went over to [the DTCC representatives] and asked, "What happened?" Sheepishly, and to their credit, they admitted: "We got pulled back." They meant: by their board, by the Wall Street powers-that-be.


Essentially the same thing happened in Kaufman’s biggest reform attempt, the amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill he co-sponsored with Ohio’s Sherrod Brown, which would have broken up the Too-Big-To-Fail banks. But the Brown-Kaufman amendment, which was really the meatiest thing in the original Dodd-Frank bill, the one reform that really would have made a difference if it had passed, just died in the suffocating mass of the Blob. The key Democrats one after another failed to line up behind it, and in the end it was defeated soundly, with Dick Durbin, the number two man in the Democratic leadership, giving it this epitaph: "a bridge too far."


Again, those interested in understanding the mindset of the people who should be leading the anti-corruption charge ought to read this book. It's the weird lack of concern that shines through, like Khuzami’s comment that he’s "not losing sleep" over judges reprimanding his soft-touch settlements with banks, or then Southern District of New York U.S. Attorney Ray Lohier’s comment that the thing that most concerned him – this is the period of 2008-2009, the middle of a historic crimewave on Wall Street – was "cyber crime."


On the outside we can only deduce the mindset from actions and non-actions, but Connaughton’s actually seen it, and with the book you get to see it too. It’s scary and definitely worth a read.


from http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/a-rare-look-at-why-the-government-wont-fight-wall-street-20120918

What happens when everyone is given free money

Fun story. Perhaps if "QE to Infinity" doesn't work the Fed will go with this plan

May all your dreams come true

Bill awoke to the sound of cars racing down his street. "Damn kids" he muttered before seeing that it was 5:30 AM. He knew he would have 15 more minutes to sleep before the alarm clock told him it was time to start another day.


He tried to sleep, but just pondered his financial situation for the nth time. He had about $half a million set aside for retirement, but wasn't sure if it was enough to carry him through the rest of his life. He was tired of working at the machine shop. The odor permeated his entire life - clothes, skin, everything! He really wanted a boat to go fishing. There was an affordable model at the marine shop that would let him fish the bay and surrounding rivers, but he really wanted the million dollar plus "Adventurer." He could spend weeks out on the high seas and forget about reality. He knew it would take winning the lottery or the Publisher's Clearinghouse sweepstakes to consider such a dream. He never played, so he knew that wouldn't happen.


Just as the 5:45 alarm sounded, he heard the doorbell ringing. "Who could that be at this hour?" he wondered as he made his way to the door. Another car raced by, but he was focused on the doorbell. He got to the front door and turned on the porch light. Looking through the cheap peep site in his door, he saw a handful of people in suits. They looked official, so he opened the door.


Just then, a camera flash blinded him momentarily and he heard the pop of a champagne bottle. As his eyesight regained its footing, he saw one person hand him a larger than life, foam-board check for $10,000,000 with his name in the "Pay to" location. They gave him a plastic cup filled with champagne and congratulated him on winning the Publisher's Clearinghouse FOMC Sweepstakes. As quickly as it unfolded, it ended and the crew of suits headed back to their van.


Bill didn't know what to do. He was dumbfounded. He took a sip of champagne from his plastic cup and winced. "You'd think they would buy something other than rotgut" he muttered beneath his breath. He looked at his check and realized this was the answer to his dreams. He could now quit working and live a life that he dreamed about. He was going to get that "Adventurer" boat and enjoy it as long as he could!


Just then, he was brought back to the present when he heard a car swerve in front of his place. A car was racing down the street and almost hit the group of suits from Publisher's Clearinghouse. They had another bottle of champagne and another foam-board check and were heading to the neighbor across the street.


He watched as they rang the bell and waited a minute or so. As the door opened, they flashed a camera, popped the cork, and handed his neighbor a check. In a few minutes, it was over and they were heading back to their van. Still in his bathrobe, Bill walked down to the van to ask them what was happening. As one of the suits pulled out the next oversized check, he explained that the Federal Reserve decided that everyone in America should be rich, so they contracted with Publisher's Clearinghouse to give every household in America $10,000,000. Today was the first day of the campaign and they had thousands of teams across the country giving this money away. "Isn't America great?" the suit asked Bill.


Bill heard another car racing by and looked up the block. He saw many of his neighbors standing on their doorsteps with slack jawed looks, holding the foam-board checks in one hand and the cheap plastic cups in the other. Reality hit him quickly.


He knew that these chacks would quickly lose real value once it was obvious that so much new money was being circulated. He had to act fast. He calmly walked back to the house and quickly put on his best suit of clothes. They were clean, but still smelled of weld splatter. Then, he loaded his check in the car and headed for the bank.


Drivers were behaving erratically. Everyone was speeding and driving recklessly. He decided to do the same so he wouldn't get beat to the bank. As he turned the corner to the bank, he saw a long line of folks with the foam-board checks. They were too big to fit in the ATM so folks just had to wait for the bank to open.


Bill decided that rather than wait in line, he'd go to the Marine Shop. He knew the owner sometimes came in really early and that way he could buy the "Adventurer". He was sure the owner would be delighted enough to cash the check and give him a normal sized check for the difference.


As he arrived at the Marine Shop, he saw 2 other people anxiously waiting at the door with their foam-board checks. Apparently, they had the same plan as he did. As Bill walked to the store entrance to talk to the other customers and wait, the Marine Shop owner pulled into the parking lot. As the owner got out of his car, one of the 2 screamed that he wanted to "buy the 'Adventurer' and he had cash." The other guy offered to buy it for $1.5 million. The bidding war was on and quickly ended at $10 million. The owner saw the oversized checks and knew something was different. He just smiled as he opened the doors for business.


Bill could see other cars coming into the parking lot and people rushing to the store with their oversized foam-board checks. Once inside, people were madly bidding on any boat in the inventory. He watched as a small, outboard powered, fresh water fishing boat was bid up to $10,000,000.


Then, it hit him. Everything just changed. His scrimping and saving for decades to amass $half a million was reduced to insignificant peanuts in the matter of a few moments. When he awoke, he was ahead of the game and ready to retire. Now, he was essentially on the same financial footing as everyone else.


As quickly as the dream occurred, it turned into a nightmare. He decided to take the check home and save it for an uncertain future ... because that is what he had always done.


from comment on http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/79694/trouble-printing-money

Is it necessary to be angry to take action for peace?

Interesting quote on if it is ok to be peaceful - because "only if I am angry do I want to take action for peace".

I've heard people say that they cling to their painful thoughts because they're afraid that without them they wouldn't be activists for peace. "If I feel peaceful," they say, "why would I bother taking action at all?"

My answer is "Because that's what love does." To think that we need sadness or outrage to motivate us to do what's right is insane. As if the clearer and happier you get, the less kind you become. As if when someone finds freedom, she just sits around all day with drool running down her chin.

My experience is the opposite.

Love is action.

- Byron Katie

My view is that now we have entered the Aquarian Age (on June 21st 2012) there is no longer any need to hang on to lower vibrations. Before it might have been useful to use that energy of anger to take action. Now I can chose to act from a vibration of peace or love.

How to re-write your story and change your reality

Recently a friend Sherry blogged about how her "pain cowboy" was riding her and how she changed her story and got rid of the pain. She mentioned Mike Dooley of TUT fame. By coincidence I was watching Mike Dooley's "2012 a Wrinkle" in Time movie last night at the Healing House movie night here in Cusco. Along with his 2012 thoughts he also went into his Thoughts Create Things ideas and how in these times we are coming into our self-Power, self-Divinity and self-Responsibility for everything we create in our lives. Stories are a great way of creating our reality and when I remember I am not only an actor in the movie of the story in my life, but also the director and the screewriter too then more is possible! I can always chose to do a re-take of the scene, or a re-write of the story! Or even edit that part of the story totally out of my life.

In the last six months I have been having a lot of success using the Christie Marie Sheldon Love or Above techniques to shift my reality and stories. I wrote about the process and my experiences in detail with it here. Basically it is a whole slew of methods to raise your vibration so that you feel happy, healthy and wealthy. Plus methods for deleting old stories and beliefs that no longer serve you. And then the law of attraction kicks in and you manifest what you desire. I have used it for body pain removal, improving eyesight, sex blocks, attracting ideal clients, having wonderful client meetings and just plain feeling grateful all day.

Disclosure: I was so impressed that I became an affiliate of her products and get a percentage of sales (doesn't cost any extra to buy) but if you would rather avoid that just Google for the product directly.


From Sherry's blog article:

A Cowboy Named Misery:

I've recently had a rather big turn around that both amuses and at some level aggravates me. The aggravations and amusement come from the fact that I often teach this and I "should know better!" To be dramatic or poetic…. I had a cowboy named `Misery' riding me hard with his spurs cutting deep into my sides. I was bruised and bleeding out my vitality from this savage ride. I finally threw him off my back and promised to stomp him if he came back!


Why did the cowboy get on? I created him with the stories I was telling myself. I've been exhausted and having more body pain in the last few months with seemingly increasing body challenges. I realized I was telling myself it was all downhill from now on. I created the story that my life would only be filled with more of what was occurring now. This increased the pain and discomfort that was usually fleeting into a self fulfilling deepening tragedy. With that story playing in my head I was trapped on this self imposed miserable ride.


It was amazing how quickly my energy and joy came back when I realized with chagrin what I had been creating for myself. Doing a sitting with Saniel Bonder and his process, Waking Down in Mutuality (WDM), recently helped shine the light onto what was happening. Saniel teaches that we have a core wound in our limitations as a finite being in a body. We are vulnerable and accepting that reality does not keep us from pain. Pain and vulnerability are part of this experience. The trick, he points out, is to not compound it. I was compounding the real pain with a story about what is happening or will happen. I dug a deeper hole to living in.


I have become a fan of WDM in their full embrace of this world and beyond. They seem to fully embrace Oneness and Non Duality while embracing duality and ego within that as a part of the play of our embodied reality. That is what I understand is the Tantric path although they do not call it that. http://www.wakingdown.org/ They brought to my attention how, at some level, I was denying the darkness and `core wound' this life presents. I can fall into the "airy fairy" new age `it's all good' philosophy that seems to deny the reality of pain and suffering that exists in this mortal life. In looking at this now, I think it was my over reaction. I was working to not be lost and over whelmed by the truth of pain and suffering that exists in my life and in the world. It helped me stop the stories of dread and disaster that would rise up in me but used the same misguided technique of telling a story to stop that process. The honesty and rawness of just being in the moment with whatever is unfolding was missed. Every moment is new. My stories have kept me from that truth. I teach breathing into the moment. Too bad I don't live there more!


I still am a bit devoted to some of my stories. I'd like to think only the happy pretty ones but I know better. I continue to peel away the dross and work to stay more and more present. I don't know what it's like to live without a story. Maybe that's what ego is all about, My Story. Oddly and delightedly WDM embraces the ego. They encourage healing and maturing the ego. So what does that mean? To me, it means catching the stories and being able to enjoy them at some level while also knowing how to let them go or have them in perspective. This is a truth I've lived with for some time before finding WDM. I may be projecting that view onto them. We shall see as I spend more time in their "mutuality". :O)


Several teachers have put it this way. When you go to a movie you know it's just light projected on a screen. It isn't real. It's a story. But my Beloved teacher Arjuna Ardagh points out, why would you pay your money and not enjoy the experience? So, can I get fully involved in My Story while still remembering it's a story I mostly made up? That's tricky and surprisingly challenging on a moment to moment basis! I also can see that these stories truly do create our lives and our experience. As Mike Dooley says; "Thoughts become things. Choose good ones!" As I get up once again from the floor where I have thrown myself, I wonder what stories I'll dance or fall with today? I'm continue to be amused and aggravated that I get thrown by the very things I teach others.

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