Abundant Michael

Maya Abdominal Therapy 10/26/11- Wed Gathering in Rockville

Maya Abdominal Therapy...an integrative abdominal therapy


Maya Abdominal Therapy is a holistic modality that utilizes herbal remedies, supplements, movement, breath-work, inner work and massage to aid in the healing of many male and female reproductive, digestive and urinary system challenges. The origins, common symptoms and diagnoses improved by this work, and causes of these challenges will be discussed. Relevant anatomy and physiology will also be covered; you will not be tested :-)  A typical session will be summarized, and discussion of relevant support modalities will be covered. Questions and discussion are welcome! 


By Angela Ferri, MA, LMT

Integrative Wellness: Medicinal, Pre & Perinatal Massage & Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Maya Abdominal Therapy, Therapeutic Herbalist

Dream Work, Spiritual Belly Dance Instructor, Day Retreats

Clarksburg, Maryland (240) 277 2826 angela.ferri.9 (at) gmail.com

Polarity Therapy for Vitality 10/12/11- Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday gathering we learn about Polarity therapy for increased vitality. Are you feeling down, low energy? Too much pain in your emotions and body? What would you do in your life if you felt vital all the time?

Polarity therapy is a synthesis of ancient Eastern and alternative healing ideas. Focused on the human energy field, it is designed to enhance vitality. Using touch, verbal interaction, exercise, nutrition and other methods, practitioners of polarity therapy seek to restore and balance the natural flow of energy which flows in one’s chakras and aura. Blockages in the flow of energy lead to pain and disease. Blockages may also be experienced as stuck emotions and lack of vitality. With Polarity therapy, the energetic flow is corrected and restored to its original design, so that the body will naturally regain its healthy state.


 Randy Goldberg

 Randy Goldberg is a Polarity therapist who trained with Candice Sinai of BodyWisdom. He is a former Yoga monk, a Craniosacral therapist, and a world renowned-astrologer interviewed by the Washington Post and by CNN. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups.




randy at randygoldberg.org or 202-380-6850 www.randygoldberg.org

Drifting Toward Dictatorship

 I am sorry to say that viewing USA from outside I notice these kinds of changes more than when I was living there. Might be worth considering this idea while it is still possible to do something about it - whether that is to challenge the changes or to provide a way to protect your assets and family. From what I have read a lot of people in many countries in the past did nothing during such a drift and regretted it later. That includes the many past dictatorships in Latin America and the ones in Europe too.

I hope that things get better in USA and around the world next year and it is possible that they will get much worse before they get better.





I have to admit I had to reread Perdue's remark to see if I read it correct in the first place


Sam Smith


For quite a few years, I’ve written from time to time about the end of the First American Republic. As I put it on one occasion:


“We are clearly in a post-constitutional era. Depending on what day it is, we think of its replacement variously - ranging from an adhocracy to proto-fascism. But one does not need to know the end of the story to know that we headed at a rapid pace away from the extraordinary principles of American democracy towards the dark hole of power with impunity. . . to the sort of world in which, as Rudolph Giuliani has calmly asserted, 'freedom is about authority.'"


DictatorshipSome probably thought I was exaggerating a bit, but the number who did so probably also declined with the advent of the Patriot Act, CIA renditions, mass wiretapping and so forth. Still I have to admit that even I was surprised by today’s comments by two prominent political figures openly calling for moves towards dictatorship:


 “I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that. You want people who don't worry about the next election.” - NC Governor Bev Perdue


“To solve the serious problems facing our country, we need to minimize the harm from legislative inertia by relying more on automatic policies and depoliticized commissions for certain policy decisions. In other words, radical as it sounds, we need to counter the gridlock of our political institutions by making them a bit less democratic.”. - Former Obama budget director Peter Orszag


The typical way the corporate media deals with such comments is to treat them like a rainy day, or, at worst, a thunderstorm. For example, Ezra Klein of the Wahington Post defended Orszag like this:


“’We need less democracy’ is a good headline, but if you read the piece closely, that’s not actually what Orszag is arguing. Rather, he’s arguing that we need less Congress. And that’s a bit different."


Less Congress is a bit different? And what about automatic policies and depoliticized commissions? Is Klein aware of what the British went through to get a Parliament at all? Or the struggle we fought to win a Congress for ourselves? Or that a depoliticized commission is sometimes also called a “junta?” Or that the Congress was meant to be a partner with the White House and not just another presidential town hall meeting?


With the help of the media, which finds the White House so much easier to cover than 535 independent minds on the Hill, Congress has, over the past few decades, slowly faded in power, a fact now so calmly accepted that various end runs like the Simpson-Bowles commission or the bipartisan congressional committee to tell us what to do – which would have been an anathema a half century ago – are now just accepted as normal.


We are taught to believe that political evil comes by revolution and riot by tedious incremental steps. Nothing is further form the truth, as a German professor tried to explain about the Nazis:


“What happened was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to be governed by surprise, to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believe that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security. . . . The crises and reforms (real reforms too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter. . . . To live in the process is absolutely not to notice it -- please try to believe me -- unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, 'regretted.' . . . Believe me this is true. Each act, each occasion is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join you in resisting somehow. . . . Suddenly it all comes down, all at once. You see what you are, what you have done, or, more accurately, what you haven't done (for that was all that was required of most of us: that we did nothing) . . . You remember everything now, and your heart breaks. Too late. You are compromised beyond repair.”


Which is why the comments of Bev Perdue and Peter Orszag should worry us deeply?




Here are some related stories in the news


'Stingray' Phone Tracker Fuels Constitutional Clash
September 22, 2011, Wall Street Journal

For more than a year, federal authorities pursued a man they called simply "the Hacker." Only after using a little known cellphone-tracking device — a stingray — were they able to zero in on a California home and make the arrest. Stingrays are designed to locate a mobile phone even when it's not being used to make a call. The Federal Bureau of Investigation considers the devices to be so critical that it has a policy of deleting the data gathered in their use, an FBI official told The Wall Street Journal. A stingray's role in nabbing the alleged "Hacker" — Daniel David Rigmaiden — is shaping up as a possible test of the legal standards for using these devices in investigations. Stingrays are one of several new technologies used by law enforcement to track people's locations, often without a search warrant. These techniques are driving a constitutional debate about whether the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures, but which was written before the digital age, is keeping pace with the times. Mr. Rigmaiden maintains his innocence and says that using stingrays to locate devices in homes without a valid warrant "disregards the United States Constitution" and is illegal.   Note: For lots more on threats to civil liberties from reliable sources, click here.

Fear of Repression Spurs Scholars and Activists to Build Alternate Internets
September 18, 2011, Chronicle of Higher Education

Computer networks proved their organizing power during the recent uprisings in the Middle East [but] those same networks showed their weaknesses as well, such as when the Egyptian government walled off most of its citizens from the Internet in an attempt to silence protesters. That has led scholars and activists increasingly to consider the Internet's wiring as a disputed political frontier. One weekend each month, a small group of computer programmers gathers [in Washington DC] to build a homemade Internet—named Project Byzantium -— that could go online if part of the current global Internet becomes blocked by a repressive government. The leader of the effort ... says he fears that some day repressive measures could be put into place in the United States. He is not the only one with such apprehensions. Hundreds of like-minded high-tech activists and entrepreneurs in New York at an unusual conference called the Contact Summit. The summit's goal is not just to talk about the projects, but also to connect with potential financial backers, recruit programmers, and brainstorm approaches to building parallel Internets and social networks. The meeting is a sign of the growing mo

Amazon, Bolivia, Rurrenabaque small airport

I have been reading "2150 AD" by Thea Alexander this week while I was traveling around the Amazon. It is about Macro consciousness in 2150 AD (aka unity consciousness) and how we can reach this level of awareness now in 2011. One of the Macro powers is that thoughts become things, including our financial reality. I have experienced this myself when doing holographic healing on my money beliefs and seeing results in my 3D world. So this week's Wednesday gathering with Sand boxer Joel Hamaker on consciousness and cash flow is interesting to me.


AmazonHere in Bolivia I have been traveling in the Amazon near Rurrenabaque for the past week. I went on a tour of the Pampas (aka tropical water meadows) and river seeing many crocodiles (even petting one friendly one) and capybaras (a water rat as big as a dog). Also birds and monkeys. And I trekked in the jungle. The energy here is very primal Mother Earth - I felt my root chakra being healed just being here. Back in town the internet cafe was packed yesterday with Israeli travelers calling home before Rosh Hashanah - much Israeli travel for 6-12 months around South America after their army conscription has ended - so much so that there are restaurants with signs in Hebrew here and the internet cafe had Hebrew keyboard software. I have to say that using Skype with Hebrew menus was a challenge for me!


Another thing I liked about Rurrenabaque was the small airport - no security check, no full body x-ray scanners, can keep your shoes on all the time and even carry liter bottles of water on board that you have bought in town. Partly it was because the plane was a 19 seater turbo prop. But actually even at large airports here in South America there is not the security hassle that I experience in USA or UK. I like that! And to be honest I feel just as safe flying here.


Next week I am off to Paraguay again, then to Brazil to visit the Iguazu Waterfalls and Sao Paulo. If you know someone in Brazil or have suggestions for activities there please let me know!

Polyamory As Self-Determination 10/19/11- Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday we will learn about a new and transformative perspective on polyamory that can create relationship connections in your own life to people you never thought possible.



Polyamory isn't about how many relationships are active at any moment, and not at all about sex. Rather, it's about truly knowing that we all have the right to choose whatever relationship structure works best for us (in honest communication with all other immediate stakeholders).



So polyamory is really about self-determination: the right to live your own life your own way. But so are lots of things. Women's suffrage, sit-ins at lunch counters, the right to marry who you love, much more. So polyamory isn't a separate thing, but rather an example or special case of something much larger: the right to live your own life your own way.


A good example of this is the remarkable success of the BmorePoly
(http://www.meetup.com/BmorePoly/) group. By taking this approach, BmorePoly has rapidly grown to become the largest open relationship meetup in the DC/MD/VA area, with a huge area-wide calendar of events spanning the whole sex positive spectrum, plus social activities like dinners, winery trips, a poly parents group, and parties.

Come learn how this perspective can create remarkable success in your own poly life as well, and open yourself to relationship connections in your own life to people you never thought possible.

A version of this presentation has been published by the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in their Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality (http://www.ejhs.org/volume14/NoSuch.htm).


Barry & CathyBarry and Cathy for many years presented all sorts of community events in the San Francisco bay area. Since moving to the mid-atlantic two years ago they have been offering similar activities here, including a monthly open relationship discussion group, quarterly Deepening Connections erotic touch events, workshops with national leaders, and more. They are members of the Polyamory Leadership Network, served on the final Board of Directors of the late Chesapeake Polyamory Network, have led workshops for groups and conferences, and are active with BmorePoly (http://www.meetup.com/BmorePoly/). 

They can be reached at polyjunction(at)gmail.com)

Trauma, Iquique, living with ellipses

TraumaTrauma can be hard to get over - whether it is abuse, war PTSD, rape or other the emotional scars can last a long time and affect all parts of your life. I remember being hit by a classmate when I was 8 years old just because he could, and I was afraid of people who looked like him for years. I also got teased for being effeminate at high school - which took me until I came out trans about ten years ago to deal with. Maybe these are small trauma compared to what others have and they affected me a lot, living in fear. Living in love space is much better. So this week’s Wednesday Gathering on new research on healing trauma is interesting.


Chiles BeachHere in Chile I traveled to Iquique in the north coast near Peru. The land here is a desert right up to the beach - in fact I think that nearby is the driest place in the world. It is weird driving by sand and rocks with no plants and yet all that water is right next to it. I thought that might be how the Earth looked billions of years ago before plants and animals moved from the oceans to the land... or how Mars with water might have looked as the sand was red in color.


I have been practicing living my life with ellipses (...) - that means I don’t plan out months in advance but leave space (the ...) in my life story for new stuff to occur. Often chance meetings and synchronicities lead to exciting new things. I think in these times of changes and chaos leading up to 2012 this is a good way to live. Be flexible and follow your heart over your head - intuition is much better at dealing with chaotic times I feel.

New ways to Heal Trauma 9/28/11 - Wed Gathering in Rockville

This Wednesday gathering we learn about the latest research on emotion and psychological trauma and how to heal from it with Deborah Hughes MA.


Trauma healing

In his poem on Healing, D. H. Lawrence writes:  "I am not a mechanism, an assembly of various sections.  And it is not because the mechanism is working wrongly, that I am ill.  I am ill because of wounds to the soul, to the deep emotional self....." 




Each and every day we are confronted with images and stories of overwhelming emotional, physical and psychological experience.  And many of us have had encounters with that which disrupts or overwhelms our capacity to right ourselves, to resume normal living, to form new connections.


What can we do to meet these experiences, contain their impact and transform that which otherwise might leave us lost, wandering, or diverted into meaningless activity, acting out or addiction?  Our responses to trauma are not indicators of a broken mechanism but of one adapting to survive.   How do we--individually and in community--begin to reclaim agency, direction, and meaning after catastrophic encounters with what is far beyond our immediate capacity to metabolize?


Please join us for an introductory exploration of the juncture formed by weaving together some of the earliest and the most recent developments in the study of neuroscience, traumatic injury, and attachment. And then a discussion of how they are being re informed by understandings--ancient and new--of the power of relationship, of certain alternative healing modalities, of yoga, of meditation and of the stories we tell ourselves about our experience.


Deborah S. Hughes is a Librarian and Information Specialist, a storyteller, a yoga teacher with certifications that include Yoga Nidra/iRest and Trauma Sensitive Yoga, a long time student of Jungian and Archetypal psychology and a Site Coordinator for the Traumatic Stress Studies Certificate Program of the Trauma Center at JRI (the Justice Resource Institute).  And she is most deeply committed to synthesizing the work of those teachers whose lives and work keep saving her body, soul, and imagination.


You can contact her at deborahshayne(at)aim.net

Mark Dunn - disconnecting from national morphic field

Morphic FieldAfter the Mark Dunn workshop in April I did some playing with disconnecting myself from the morphic field of the USA. Felt the pattern and how my pattern was connected, then asked them to separate out. I felt them shift after a little while. I felt good about it and didn't seem so attached to news about USA. Nothing much else seemed to have changed until I returned from my Peru trip to USA. Then




•US immigration quizzed me aggressively for about 20 minutes before letting me in (I am US citizen) 


•US custom sent me through red channel for bag search


•United airlines lost my bags


•I worried that I might miss my connecting flight


Anyway throughout the process I just kept going low, worked on the pattern in front of me and was friendly and helply to the officials. It all worked out fine. (My bags were delivered a few days later). And then in line for TSA security I worked the pattern for somehow making my connecting flight even though I was about 15 minutes after takeoff time and feeling anxious. Well the flight was delayed for 45 minutes and I caught easily!


Morphic Field..After this experience in 3D I decided to do some smoothing out of my field and USA field and last time I entered the country it went as smoothly as for the other US citizens in line (still got 5 minutes of immigration quiz but at least everyone did too - and that is a topic for another day)




I am wondering if anyone else has had experience with disconnecting from a large morphic field and what happened for you?



East Coast Earthquake Appears To Be Underground Nuclear Blast In Seismology Comparison

SeismographIf you look at the seismograph (on NBC news website) from the DC earthquake it is not like one from any other  regular earthquake that builds up slowly - it starts suddenly. Just like seismograph for know underground nuclear tests...




Seismology charts are now revealing that the 5.8 magnitude tremor that rattled the entire East Coast including Washington DC was not a natural earthquake but an earthquake that resulted from an underground  nuclear detonation.

Virginia SeismographThe image above is a seismograph from Washington and Lee University http://www2.nbc17.com/news/2011/aug/23/13/59-earthquake-rocks-virginia-ar-1324668/ (similar one found on http://www2.tricities.com/mgmedia/image/0/354/168872/virginia-tech-seismograph/  website) about 85 miles southwest of the earthquake’s epicenter in Mineral.  The green lines indicates the tremor that was felt in Washington DC which caused damaged to the Washington Memorial and the Washington National Cathedral.  The black lines is a transparent overlay of a seismograph from a pdf file from Virginia Division Mineral Resources on Earthquakes.


That file describes a typical natural occurring earthquake as:
“When a fault ruptures, energy is released in the form of seismic waves. The first waves to reach the earth’s surface are primary or “P” waves (Figure 2). P waves are compressional waves that travel at a speed of about four miles per second near the surface – faster as depth increases. The next waves to reach the earth’s surface are secondary or “S” waves. S waves are shear waves that move at a speed of about 1.5 miles per second. P and S waves are body waves that travel through the earth much like sonar waves travel through water. Surface waves, which are slower than S waves, travel along the surface of the earth much like waves at the surface of the ocean. S waves and surface waves cause the most destruction at the earth’s surface.”


What is missing from the seismograph for the Washington DC area 5.8 magnitude earthquake are the primary or “P” waves.  All earthquakes that are the direct result of fault rupture have these primary or “P” waves.  Nuclear detonations do not.  Underground nuclear detonations are very violent and immediate with no forewarnings whatsoever. An underground detonation would account for the missing “P” seismic waves for the Washington DC 5.8 magnitude earthquake.  If you’ve ever witnessed a controlled demolition of a building you would no doubt describe the earth tremors as millions of people are now describing what it felt like on August 23, 2011 all along the East coast.



Book: A Lodging of Wayfaring Men

I just read "A Lodging of Wayfaring Men" - I read it in two sittings as the story was that gripping. I found it inspiring and life changing. Has anyone else here read it?

It is very interesting novel that explores ideas that are changing our world right now:


 Book•creation of private digital currency and how that makes collecting taxes impossible for governments

•The abuses of power by our governments - wire tapping, warrentless searches etc

•why people obey government rules

•How to free yourself from old conditioning

•sexual freedom

•greater empowerment and creativity for ordinary people




•how neurotransmitter residues form our subconscious conditioning, especially from trauma and fear

•how governments control their citizens and how to escape this control

•the future of creativity and commerce

It is free to download. Not sure if there is a print copy available.

One place you can get it from is:


"•The freer you get, the more clearly you will see and understand life. And, seeing more clearly means that you will perceive not only wonderful new things you can do. You will also recognize, for the first time, some veryunpleasant things that are difficult to bear.

 "•Remember that the errors of logic and psychology you rightly oppose are necessary for some people. They are the cloak that protects them from things too painful to face. Do not simply take away their cloak. If you cannot replace the cloak with something better, leave them alone until you can. Do not break the damaged person, heal them.

"•When we become truly healthy, there will be no need for embarrassment, no need for shame. We will be happy about ourselves and what we do. This will occur incrementally, as we re-value and improve ourselves, and as we eliminate mystical and false standards of morality. This will not happen instantly or without some pain. Like the bound feet of ancient Chinese women, our souls have been bound by a backwards morality. Do not think that simply removing the bindings will be enough; there will be significant adjustment involved. But a warping of the soul is not as permanent as the warping of bones. We may always remake ourselves, though the process may require significant effort."

- A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, pp. 391-392

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